TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: phun_num.txt

Phun with Numbers

// Phun with Numbers
// by Twirlz
// http://www.oldskoolphreak.com

800-200-0037 - Caliber Press automated customer service system
800-200-0068 - Call Interactive's talent demo line
800-200-0077 - code 1234 (very cool error msg)
800-411-0060 - three tones over and over
800-411-0085 - asks for $4.00
800-555-0112 - dial tone
800-555-0160 - dial tone
800-555-0236 - cool error msg
800-555-0300 - This is a "group" line (pr0n). One of these was in an RFA
	       episode, where it was "suggested" that you could have fun
	       with the people your beige boxing off of with a collect
	       call back. Don't worry, you won't be charged for the pr0n
	       (not like you don't get charged enough already!!! :)
800-555-1167 - Global Dial Tone
800-555-1171 - continuous tone
800-555-1384 - 711
800-555-1386 - modem?
800-555-1392 - modem?
800-555-1472 - very cool
800-555-9991 - something about a program

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