____________ : :___________ : __________: hark's Scannin' News ISSUE#2 Date:January 14, 1990 --------------------- Introduction: The following is a list of VMBS(mostly),carriers,dt and other shit that I found. Abbrevations: DT=Dial-tone SDT=Short Dial-Tone A5=VMB up after 5pm VMB=Voice Mail Box CR=Carrier 1-8=1-800 24=24 Hour VMB PM=Phone Mail ______________________________________________________________________________ 1-8-777-2285 CR,Video Store Inc 1-8-777-2384 VMB,IVY 1-8-777-2412 Message Systen 1-8-777-2413 VMB 1-8-777-2420 CR IBM 370 1-8-777-2400 PBX 1-8-777-2442 VMB,PM 1-8-777-2492 VMB,BIX A5 1-8-777-2572 NBC NEW UPDATE 1-8-777-2906 VMB,PM 1-8-777-2921 VMB,ASPEN,24 1-8-777-2985 VMB,PM 1-8-922-9017 VMB,ASPEN,4 dig. box 1-8-777-234-4003 VMB,Unisys 1-8-777-1861 VMB 1-8-777-1905 VMB 1-8-777-1875 VMB,PM 1-8-777-1909 VMB,3 dig. boxes 1-8-777-1955 VMB,Sendagram 1-8-777-2159 VMB 1-8-777-2210 VMB,3 digit boxes 1-8-777-2269 VMB,Aspen 1-8-777-2261 VMB,Aspen 1-8-986-XXXX Easy Link 1-8-777-1007 DT 1-8-777-1031 VMB,3 digits boxes 1-8-777-1037 VMB 1-8-777-1046 VMB,Aspen 1-8-777-1063 VMB,Phone Mail 1-8-777-1082 CR, IBM HELLO LOGON 1-8-777-1190 VMB,Phone Mail 1-8-777-1140 VMB,Syndey 1-8-777-1126 VMB 24 1-8-777-1123 VMB 1-8-777-1118 VMB A5 1-8-777-1240 VMB,Phone Mail 1-8-777-1415 VMB 24 1-8-777-1443 VMB 7+box 1-8-777-1466 VMB ASPEN 1-8-777-1494 VMB, Tiagon 1-8-777-1512 VMB,Aspen 1-8-777-1548 VMB, Message System 1-8-777-1549 Carrier 1-8-999-7759 Trilog _______________________________________________________________________________ Okay thats it for this issue, if you want to get on the Shark Scanline Underground Contact:The Shark AT: (904)-538-8358 (800)-333-3335 BOX#301,AFTER 5 (800)-777-2257 BOX#5555,Scan Registration Greets 2:Shock Wave,Kreuger,Captain Krook,Pyro Ponic,Red Baron News:Don't mess with Voice Link, they have ANI. Also My box at 1-8-825-0003 BOX #799 has been tooken over by the system manager, someone please hack my passcode on it or the system manager's box! If you have any fresh scans or news leave them at the 3rd box listed and it will be put in the next issue. Slatez, The Shark _______________________________________________________________________________