[SOF] =========== Scan sector =========== [Prin na proxwrhsoume sth grafh autou tou arthrou prepei na epishmanthei oti ta dedomena pou anaferontai edw anaferontai mono gia ekpaideutikous h ereunhtikous skopous kai gia opoiadhpote lanthasmenh xrhsh tous den euthunetai to periodiko.] Liga logia gia ta legomena scans. Ta scans h pio sugkekrimena oi scan numbers einai arithmoi thlefwnwn pou kalountai xwris xrewsh. H apokthsh tous epitugxanetai me thn ereuna kai... thn upomonh pou xarakthrizei ton opoio ereunhth! Skopos ths apokthshs tetoiwn arithmwn einai kuriws h euresh autwn pou antistoixoun se kapoio modem(Dia-apodiamorfwths sta sxolika biblia) kai ereuna gia problhmata asfaleias ston upologisth pou antistoixei sto modem. H ereuna auth ginetai pantote kalopista kai me skopo th beltiwsh twn dunatothtwn enos susthmatos. Mprosta apo tous a rithmous pou anaferontai parakatw prohgeitai o arithmos[80011]. Se kathe teuxos tha parathetontai 100 tetoioi arithmoi (xrhsimoi kai axrhstoi) *&------------------------------------------------------&* 10000 No answer 10001 MODEM (PPP handshake at once) 10002 No answer 10003 Pites Pan 10004 MODEM (@ Userid: / Password?) 10005 Coockies Servenaki (?!?!?!?) 10006 Den leitourgoun afti ti stigmi 10007 Not available from Thessaloniki 10008 MODEM (PPP handshake at once MSDial-Up) 10009 Den leitourgoun afti ti stigmi 10010 Vivliopolio Vitzileos 10011 Not available from Thessaloniki 10012 GRAPES HELLAS (UUNET RESELER) 10013 BUSH 10014 No answer 10015 Not available from Thessaloniki 10016 MODEM (Router thpe ppp and hou have a ppp) 10017 Den leitourgoun afti ti stigmi 10018 Not available from Thessaloniki 10019 MODEM (CONNECT 57600 and stahs there MSDial-Up) 10020 No answer 10021 BUSH 10022 MODEM (CONNECT 57600 and stahs there MSDial-Up) 10023 No answer 10024 MODEM (CONNECT 57600 and stahs there MSDial-Up) 10025 No Subscriber 10026 Companh (Unkown) 10027 No answer 10028 WELLA HELLAS 10029 No answer 10030 Den leitourgoun afti ti stigmi 10031 No answer 10032 No answer 10033 BIOKARPET 10034 No Subscriber 10035 No answer 10036 No Subscriber 10037 No Subscriber 10038 No Subscriber 10039 No Subscriber 10040 Parakalei. 10041 No Subscriber 10042 No Subscriber 10043 No Subscriber 10044 Shell OILS 10045 Den leitourgoun afti ti stigmi 10046 No Subscriber 10047 No Subscriber 10048 No Subscriber 10049 No Subscriber 10050 MODEM (Must be PCAnhWhere) 10051 den eiparxei 10052 den eiparxei 10053 den eiparxei 10054 den eiparxei 10055 MODEM (CONNECT 57600 and stahs there) 10056 den eiparxei 10057 den eiparxei 10058 den eiparxei 10059 den eiparxei 10060 MODEM (Must be PCAnhWhere) 10061 No Subscriber 10062 No Subscriber 10063 No Subscriber 10064 No Subscriber 10065 MODEM (PPP HANDSHAKE) 10066 No Subscriber 10067 No Subscriber 10068 No Subscriber 10069 No Subscriber 10070 No answer 10071 No Subscriber 10072 No Subscriber 10073 No Subscriber 10074 No Subscriber 10075 Diagostini hellas. 10076 No Subscriber 10077 No Subscriber 10078 No Subscriber 10079 No Subscriber 10080 No answer 10081 No Subscriber 10082 No Subscriber 10083 No Subscriber 10084 No Subscriber 10085 No Subscriber 10086 No Subscriber 10087 No Subscriber 10088 No answer 10089 No Subscriber 10090 Den einai dinati i prosvasi apo tin perioxi mou :( 10091 No Subscriber 10092 No Subscriber 10093 No Subscriber 10094 No Subscriber 10095 No Subscriber 10096 No Subscriber 10097 No Subscriber 10098 No Subscriber 10099 No Subscriber 10100 No answer *&------------------------------------------------------&* [EOF]