TUCoPS :: Phreaking Numbers :: shrkvmb1.dox

Shark VMB list Issue #1, DTS, VMBS, Carriers

 __________: hark's            Scannin' News ISSUE#1
 Date:January 4, 1990          ---------------------
 Introduction: The following is a list of VMBS(mostly),carriers,dt and other
 shit that I found.
 Abbrevations:  DT=Dial-tone          SDT=Short Dial-Tone
                A5=VMB up after 5pm   VMB=Voice Mail Box
                CR=Carrier            1-8=1-800
                24=24 Hour VMB
1-8-333-2337 VMB                1-8-333-2340 VMB
1-8-333-2350 VMB,A5,4 DIG.      1-8-333-2356 DT,PBX
1-8-333-2360 CR(1200),Harris    1-8-333-2363 VMB
1-8-333-2376 VMB,GE,24          1-8-333-2378 CR(1200)
1-8-333-2399 DT,PBX             1-8-333-2333 VMB,Phone Mail
1-8-333-2337 VMB,24,RCS         1-8-333-2312 DT
1-8-333-3203 VMB                1-8-333-3249 CR(1200)
1-8-333-3258 VMB,Phone Mail     1-8-333-3271 CR
1-8-333-3298 VMB,Sendagram      1-8-333-3286 VMB
1-8-333-3336 VMB                1-8-333-3381 VMB
1-8-333-3390 VMB,FORD,RECV,24   1-8-333-3395 VMB,FORD,SEND,24
1-8-333-3397 VMB,TIAGON,24      1-8-333-3412 VMB
1-8-333-3420 CR,DATAPOINT       1-8-333-3425 DT,5 Dig. Codes
1-8-333-3460 VMB,A5             1-8-333-3469 VMB,A5,3 Dig. Boxes
1-8-333-3479 VMB                1-8-333-3481 CR(300)
1-8-333-3489 CR,ATX             1-8-333-3530 CR(1200),Please Sign on.
1-8-333-3538 VMB,24,Sendagram   1-8-333-3542 VMB,A5
1-8-333-3570 VMB                1-8-333-3578 CR(1200),System House Inc.
1-8-333-3593 DT                 1-8-333-3606 VMB,24
1-8-333-3624 VMB,Phone Mail     1-8-333-3625 VMB,Phone Mail
1-8-333-3635 CR(1200)           1-8-333-3642 DT
1-8-333-3652 VMB,24,Async       1-8-333-3662 CR(300 Baud)
1-8-333-3699 VMB,FOX            1-8-333-3719 CR
1-8-888-1236 DT                 1-8-888-1239 CR
1-8-888-2762 CR,UNIX            1-8-888-2581 DT
1-8-888-9681 Syndey,2 dig.      1-8-888-9475 VMB,Sendagram
1-8-333-4362 VMB,GTE,A5         1-8-333-4401 VMB,Ford
1-8-333-4426 VMB,A5             1-8-999-9403 VMB
1-8-999-1637 CR                 1-8-999-4109 VMB, 4 dig. boxes
1-8-999-2608 VMB,Aspen          1-8-999-8939 VMB,Sendagram
1-8-999-9650 VMB,Aspen 4 dig.   1-8-999-5682 VMB,Trilog
1-8-999-6966 VMB,Sendagram      1-8-999-4183 VMB,24
1-8-777-2498 VMB,Meridean Mail  1-8-777-2499 VMB,Meridean Mail
Alright dudes, thats it for this issue, if your into scanning shit,hacking
vmbs,ect.. Contact The Shark at 1-8-627-7945 BOX #1455 or
                                1-8-825-0003 BOX #799
Leave a VMB where I can call u for access to:The Shark Scanline Underground.
NEW NEWS:There is a system up for all the latest Scanning,Phreaking info,at
-->1-8-333-2687, you have to hack your own box to get on, once you do send
a message to box 801-The Shark,you can't have a greeting or anything, but
you'll be on a distribution list of other people. Also, if you scanned any
stuff out leave it at my 1st # listed above.  Slatez,
                                                    The Shark

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