"959 Exchange of Mystery Scan Results" compiled by: TestSet Johnny brought to you by: Blue Fuzzy TelePhonics "Charting the fringe telecommunicational realm since 1985" http://www.internettrash.com/users/bft featuring: ...TelCo Test Numbers... ...Strange Recordings... ...Unlisted Oddities... ...and lots of other telephonic-esoterica that you can dial from the comfort of your own keypad... (additions and/or corrections welcomed, E-Mail: testset@iname.com) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last update: 09/21/99 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ............................................................................. ::Abbreviations:: These are the rather cryptic abbreviations & terms I've been using in my own notes for many years now. Feel free to learn them, use them, & love them. ACB - All Circuits Busy (recording) AM - Answering Machine ANAC - Automatic Number Announcement Circuit ATMS - Automated Trunk Maintenance/Measurement System (how she works is beyond me) CBC - Cannot Be Completed (recording) CFT - Checked For Trouble (recording) CS - Customer Service/Support DGT - Didn't Go Through (recording) DHC - Due to Heavy Calling (recording) DIS - DISconnected (recording) HBC - Has Been Changed (recording) LD - Long Distance (like I needed to tell you) MBX - MailBoX NIS - Not In Service (recording) NIV - Number InValid (recording) NPA - Numbering Plan Area (area code to everybody else) OGM - Out Going Message PA - Person Answered PBX - Private Branch eXchange REC - RECording RO - Ring Out (just keeps ringing) VMS - Voice Mail/Message System YCA - cannot be reached from Your Calling Area (recording) ::Glossary:: dialtone - usually indicates a PBX or LD service reflector - number that delays & resends received audio, ie: echo (exactly why, I don't know) reorder - fast busy signal ring busy - number that's always busy suped - toll call tone - so called "milliwatt tone" or "loop tone" (various durations) unsuped - free call (most intercept recordings are unsuped) ............................................................................. ::Notes from TestSet Johnny:: A solid overview of the 959 "test" exchange is covered quite well in the classic text file: "The AT&T 959 Exchange", which can be found in the Telephony Text Files section of my WebPage. In my experience (albeit limited) most 959 numbers are the same or similar in various NPA's, but there are occasional differences. I was originally going to just compile all of the data below into a "general" 959 listing, but thought better of it at the last moment. About the only real thing you need to keep in mind with these is that you must dial into a 959 exchange via AT&T. Anybody out there who has scanned any 959 exchanges and would care to share the results, please feel free to contact me (see above or below for address). Speaking of which; thanks goes to MMX for the recent info. ::Notes from MMX:: By the way - I found another use for non working 959 numbers. When you dial an invalid 959 number (as in - one that doesn't work), it'll give you it's tandem ID number. For example - the White Plains, NY AT&T Domestic and International 4E (an immensely large building with no windows, a full time security guard and a dumpster inside a double fence with barbed wire) will say 1-0-4-T after every recording that only made it to that point. So - for all future scanning, if it doesn't say 1-0-4-T, you know that it's getting beyond your local toll office or being handed over to another network. ............................................................................. ::Numbers:: (xxx)959-1000 gives Tone except for: (215)959-1000 (307)959-1000 (360)959-1000 (610)959-1000 (814)959-1000 (201)959 1550-1559 ATMS 1580-1589 Reflectors 1590-1599 ATMS (212)959 0010 CBC 0096 CBC 1000 Tone 1001 Tone 1111 CBC 1500 Tone 1510 RO 1515 RO 1525 Tone 1530 DGT 1535 DGT 1540 ATMS 1550 ATMS 1560 CBC 1570 CBC 1580 Reflector 1590 ATMS 2000 CBC 2222 CBC 2500 CBC 2600 CBC 3000 CBC 3333 CBC 4000 CBC 4444 CBC 5555 DGT 5600 DGT 5667 DGT 5700 DGT 6000 CBC 6199 CBC 6666 CBC 7211 CBC 7777 CBC 7800 CBC 8277 CBC 8378 CBC 8888 CBC 9000 CBC (213)959 1000 Tone 1100 Silence (219)959 1000 Tone (no repeat) 1510 RO 1515 DGT 1525 Tone (repeats) 1580 Reflector 5463 DGT 6000 CBC 6300 CBC 8378 CBC (312)959 1000 Tone (no repeat) 1100 Tone (constant) 1200 CBC 1300 CBC 1400 CBC 1500 Tone (no repeat) 1550 ATMS 1600 CBC 8378 CBC (402)959 0000 CBC 0045 CBC 0099 CBC 0100 CBC 0200 CBC 0300 CBC 0350 CBC 0400 CBC 0500 CBC 0600 CBC 0700 CBC 0800 CBC 0900 CBC 0999 CBC 100x Tone 1010 RO 1011 RO 1077 CBC 1078 CBC 1079 CBC 1100 Silence 1180 CBC 1200 CBC 1230 CBC 1299 CBC 1300 CBC 1350 CBC 1400 CBC 150x Tone 1510 RO 1511 RO 1512 RO 1513 RO 1514 DGT (used to be "rings then silence") 1515 DGT 1516 RO 1517 RO 1518 RO 1519 RO 1520 Tone (repeats) 1525 Tone (repeats) 1530 DGT 1540 DGT 1544 DGT 155x ATMS 1560 CBC 1570 CBC 158x Reflector 159x ATMS 1600 CBC 1650 CBC 1700 CBC 1800 CBC 1900 CBC 1950 CBC 1983 CBC 2000 ACB 2050 CBC 2500 CBC 2998 CBC 3000 CBC 3311 CBC 3500 CBC 4000 CBC 4411 CBC 4499 CBC 4500 CBC 4688 CBC 4922 CBC 5000 DGT 5381 DGT 5463 DGT 5500 DGT 6000 CBC 7000 CBC 7710 CBC 7765 CBC 777x Ring Busy 7780 CBC 7790 CBC 8000 CBC 8123 CBC 8378 CBC 8500 CBC 8770 CBC 8899 CBC 8950 CBC 9000 CBC 9079 CBC 9100 CBC 9200 CBC 9500 CBC 9700 RO 9711 CBC 9750 CBC 9999 CBC (702)959 0079 CBC 0400 CBC 0550 CBC 1000 Tone 1100 Silence 1121 CBC 1499 CBC 150x Tone 1580 Reflector 1947 CBC 1983 CBC 2000 CBC 2001 CBC 2944 CBC 3000 CBC 3210 CBC 4455 CBC 5000 DGT 5381 DGT 6655 CBC 7000 CBC 8378 CBC 9595 CBC [ testset@iname.com ] [ http://www.internettrash.com/users/bft ]