TUCoPS :: Phreaking Public Phones :: 909man.txt

G-Tel model 909 Desktop Payphone programming (these guys actually publish their unbelievably stupid default security code on their web site!!!!

                  Model 909 User's Manual


   * Coin operated line powered payphone.
   * Automatic answer without " push to talk " button.
   * Keypad programmable.
   * Multi coin phone: accepts nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar coins.
   * Touch-tone dialing.
   * Volume control button
   * Ringer On/Off switchable.
   * Phone emits warning tone 15 seconds prior to end of call.
   * Phone display "BUSY" on LCD screen when call is busy.
   * Phone display "SIT TONE" when you dial a vacant or invalid number.


   * Tone dialing
   * Local calls: $0.25 for 3 minutes.
   * Long distance calls: $0.75 for 1 minute.
   * Information calls (1411/411): $0.50 for unlimited time.
   * Restricted calls: operator, international, 1900, 1976, 976, and 1700.
   * Free calls: 1800, 1888, 1877, and 911.
   * Incoming calls for unlimited time.
   * Allow 0+, calling cards, and credit cards calls.
   * Pass Code: 000000


It is recommend that you read the 909 user's manual prior to
installation and programming the phone.


Simply plug the phone's line cord into a standard RJ11 outlet provided
by the phone company.


Locate the metal tabs at the rear of the phone and pull the top tab
back. This will allow the coin box to be removed. To lock the coin box
close the tab and insert a pad lock (not provided with phone) between
the two holes of the tabs.


  1. Lift handset, LCD display will show "HELLO".
  2. Dial desired phone number, the display will show the
     amount to be deposited.
  3. Deposit the amount requested.
  4. The phone will connect the call, if the call is answer
     the money will be collected automatically and you will
     be able to talk to the other party.
  5. If you get a busy tone or a no answer signal, hang up
     the handset and the money will be refund.


Note: All programming must be done in the program mode. The
first important thing you need to do is to change factory
preset pass code.

For all programming press # to save the entry, press * to cancel.

To enter the program mode:

  1. Enter # then the six digit pass code 000000, the
     display will show "FLASH" then "FREE"
  2. Enter preset pass code, *#000000, the display will
     show "P-", you are now in the program mode

To change factory pass code:

  1. Enter *96 the display will show the old pass code
  2. Enter your new 6-digit pass code
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show  "PASS"

If you forget your pass code:

  1. With the phone hang up, remove the tab underneath the
     base to reveal the dipswitches
  2. Dipswitches should be dipswitch-1 off, dipswitch-2 on,
     and dipswitch-3 on.
  3. Put dipswitch-1 on and go off hook
  4. Enter #000000 display will show "FLASH" then "FREE"
  5. Enter *#000000 display will show "P-"
  6. Put dipswitch-1 off
  7. Enter *96 and your new 6-digit pass code, enter # to
     confirm and display will show "PASS".
  8. The pass code becomes your own 6-digit number.

To use Dipswitches:

Dipswitch-1 resets pass code. It is used as above.
Dipswitch-2 sets tone or pulse dialing. For tone dialing, put it on, for
pulse dialing, put it off.
Dipswitch-3 sets ringer on or off.

To check the amount of money in the coin box:

  1. Enter *97 the display will show the cash amount
  2. Enter # to reset or enter * to exit

Example: 00075 is $0.75, 00100 is $1, and 20000 is $200

To erase old program settings:

  1. Enter *99, display will show "[99]  CLr"
  2. Enter # to confirm, display will blink "CLr ----",
     then show "PASS"

To reset factory preset:

  1. Enter *98, display will show "[98]  COPY"
  2. Enter # to confirm, display will blink "COPY ----",
     then show "PASS"

To set phone for PBX:

To set phone to work on a PBX but you will manually dial the prefix i.e.
0 or 9.

  1. Enter *13
  2. Enter 1 then your 1-digit extension
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

To set phone to work on a PBX but to automatically dial the prefix i.e.
0 or 9.

  1. Enter *13
  2. Enter 2 then your 1-digit extension
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

To set phone for regular line: (preset by factory)

  1. Enter *13
  2. Enter 00
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

Incoming calls: (preset as unlimited time)

  1. Enter *14
  2. Enter your 2-digit time limit; it can be set for 01
     minute to 98 minutes
  3. Entering 00 will restrict incoming calls; entering 99
     will allow unlimited time on incoming calls
  4. Enter # to confirm, or enter * to cancel

Example: To set incoming time limit to 5 minutes.

       1. Enter *14
       2. Enter 05
       3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

Free calls: (do not used any used by factory, refer to factory preset)

There are 20 different locations you can used to allow 20 different free
calls up to 12 digits. These locations are *40 thru *59. To allow a
particular number to be free enter any locations from *40 thru *59.
Enter that particular number, if the number is less than 12 digits enter
# after the last number. Then enter # to confirm or enter * to cancel.

       Example: To allow the number 281-550-5592 to be

  1. Enter *45
  2. Enter 2815505592#
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS", or enter
     * to cancel the entry.

Restrict calls: (do not used any used by factory, refer to factory

There are 20 different locations you can used to restrict 20 different
numbers up to 12 digits. These locations are *20 thru *39. To restrict a
particular number enter any locations from *20 thru *39. Enter that
particular number, if the number is less than 12 digits enter # after
the last number. Now enter # to confirm or enter * to cancel.

       Example: To restrict 011 calls.

  1. Enter *28
  2. Enter 011#
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS, or enter
     * to cancel the entry.

Rate bands:

*00 thru *12 allows you to create a total of 13 types of rate bands. The
rate is set by an initial charge and time limit (in seconds) followed by
an additional charge and time limit (in seconds).

                         TIME LIMIT      TIME LIMIT
*00        00            025180          025180
*01        01            075060          075060
*02        02            050999          000999
*03        03            Empty           Empty
*04        04            Empty           Empty
*05        05            Empty           Empty
*06        06            Empty           Empty
*07        07            Empty           Empty
*08        08            Empty           Empty
*09        09            Empty           Empty
*10        10            Empty           Empty
*11        11            Empty           Empty
*12        12            Empty           Empty

*00 is used by factory preset for local calls set at $.25 for the first
3 minutes and $.25 for each additional 3 minutes.

*01 is used by factory preset for long distance calls set at $.75 for
the first minute and $.75 for each additional minute.

*02 is used by factory preset for information calls (1411 & 411) set at
$.50 for unlimited time.

To create a rate band enter any empty rate band from *00 thru *12 and
set up the initial rate and time limit followed by the additional rate
and time limit.

       Example: To set up a rate band to charge for $.50 the first
3mins. and $.25 each additional 2mins.

  1. Enter *03
  2. Enter 050180 025120, the initial rate 050180 is 50 cents for 180
     seconds, the additional rate 025180 is 25 cents for 120 seconds.
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS", or enter * to cancel
     the entry.

Assign area codes or prefixes to rate bands: (do not use
any used by factory, refer to factory preset)

There are a total of 100 3-digit memory locations that may be used to
assign special area codes and/or prefixes to a particular rate band (*00
thru *12). These 3-digit memory locations are 000 thru 099. You may
first create a rate band containing charges and time limits you want
(see rate bands), and then assign an area code or area code/prefix in a
particular 3-digit memory location from 000 thru 099.. Enter # after the
last number if the area code and/or prefix is less than 7 digits. Now
enter your rate number for the particular rate band you created and
enter # to confirm.

       Example 1: To assign the area code 281 to the local
distance rate band in the memory location 056.

        (assume *01 is kept as factory preset.)

  1. Enter 056 281#01
  2. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS", or enter
     * to cancel the entry.

       Example 2: To assign the area code 1-713 and prefix
551 to charge for $.75 for the first minute and

       $.25 for each additional minute.

       First create a rate band (we choose rate band *10)

  1. Enter *10
  2. Enter 075060 025060
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

Then assign the area code and prefix to a particular 3-digit memory
location and assign it to the rate band we just create by the rate
number. (we choose 3-digit memory location 088)

  1. Enter 088 171355#10
  2. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

To allow/disallow 0-calls: (factory set to disallow)

To allow 0-calls.

  1. Enter *60
  2. Enter 1
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

To disallow 0-calls.

  1. Enter *60
  2. Enter 0
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

To enable/disable 0+ rerouting calls: (factory set to enable)

To enable 0+ rerouting calls.

  1. Enter *61
  2. Enter 1
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

To disable 0+rerouting calls.

  1. Enter *61
  2. Enter 0
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

Cut off time: (factory set as 5 second)

*62 is programmed to set a cut off time on calls using 0 or Operator for
the leading number prior to the prefix. If additional numbers are not
entered within the preset time, the connection will be broken and
deposited coins will be returned. This function is effective only under
the condition that there is not a reroute number in *63.

To change the cut off time.

  1. Enter *62
  2. Enter the 1-digit time limit in seconds
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

Example: To set the cut off time to 3 seconds.

  1. Enter *62
  2. Enter 3
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

To reroute number:

*63 is used to program a 0+reoute number that will be dialed out when
you dial 0. This number can be up to 29 digits, if the number is less
than 29 digits enter # after the last number.

The factory preset reroute number is 18002596818

       Example: If you want to set up the reroute number as 1010222.

  1. Enter *63
  2. Enter 1010222*0#, the display will show "[63] 1010222-0="
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

When customers dial 0-281-550-5592, the phone will actually dial 1010222
pause 0-281-550-5592.

"*" Is to put a pause in the reroute number.

       Example: If you want to set up the reroute number as
18884562277 pause 2815505592.

  1. Enter *63
  2. Enter 18884562277*28155055920#, display will show
     "[63] 18884562277-28155055920="
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

When customers dial 0-956-855-2345, the phone will actually dial
1888-456-2277 pause 281-550-5592-0-956-855-2345.

To set the pause time in the reroute number: (factory set at 5 seconds)

  1. Enter *64
  2. Enter the time in seconds (1-digit)
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

Example: To set the pause time to be 3 seconds.

  1. Enter *64
  2. Enter 3
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"

To clear the reroute number:

  1. Enter *63
  2. Enter #
  3. Enter # to confirm, display will show "PASS"


  1. Enter # then your pass code, the display will show
     "FLASH" then "FREE"
  2. You are now able to make a free call


Error 2:   Dial restricted number or invalid numbers.

Error 4:   Coin mechanism is full or has coin jam.

Error 6:   You don't dial number for 25 seconds after handset is lifted.

Error 7:  You don't deposit enough coins for 25 seconds.

Error 8:  The line is connected for a long time but no one answers.


*#000000                      Pass code

*00 025180025180#     Rate 00 local calls at $.25 for 3mins. and $.25
for each add. 3mins.

*01 075060075060#     Rate 01 long distance calls at $.75 for 1min. and
$.75 for each add. min.

*02 050999000999#     Rate 02 for information (411/1411) set at $.50 for
unlimited lime limit

*13 00#                                  Regular line dialing

*14 99#                                  Incoming calls set at unlimited time

 Restricted calls

*20 1900##                            Used to restrict 1900#'s

*21 1976##                            Used to restrict 1976#'s

*22 976##                              Used to restrict 976#'s

*23 1700##                            Used to restrict 1700#'s

 Free calls

*40 1800##                            Used to allow 1800 toll free calls

*41 1877##                            Used to allow 1877 toll free calls

*42 1888##                            Used to allow 1888 toll free calls

*43 911##                              Used to allow free emergency 911 calls

 *60 1                                      Used to disallow 0- calls

*61 1                                       Used to allow 0+ calls

*62 5                                       Cut off time set at 5

*63 18884562277*28155055920##    0+ Reroute number: 18884562277 and 2815505592

*64 5                                       Pause time set at 5 seconds

 000 through 099  3-Digit Memory locations

000 1#01#                 1+ Long distance calls set a rate 01

001 2#00#                 001 thru 008 are 3-digit memory locations used
to set local calls at rate 00

002 3#00#

003 4#00#

004 5#00#

005 6#00#

006 7#00#

007 8#00#

008 9#00#

009 1411#02#                        1411 calls set at rate 02

010 411#02#                          411 calls set at rate 02


Complies with part 68, FCC rules

FCC Regulation Number: 4NTHA-34299-CX-T

Ringer Equivalence: 1.2A

U.S.O.C.: RJ11C

Model Number: 909

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