TUCoPS :: Phreaking Public Phones :: adeladpf.txt

Payphone Numbers in Adelaide, Australia

                - Adelaide payphone numbers - area code 08 -
                     - Written By Rhen and Dataphobia -

Cabinet number suffix codes              Note:

Green phone               M7             All phonecard phones (S2,P2,P1)
Gold phone                C1,C2,C4       answer automatically with a tone
Credit card phone         B2,M8          after 5 or 6 rings.
Blue phone                L6,L7
Phonecard and coin phone  P2,P1,P7
Phonecard only phone      S1,S2
Grey phone                M2
Red phone                 L5
TTY payphone              T2

#.  location                                        number      cabinet #
                                 City Numbers  

Adelaide Railway Station Main Concourse 1          231 8315     212 512P2
Adelaide Railway Station Main Concourse 2          231 8314     212 511P2
Adelaide Railway Station Main Concourse 3          231 8328     212 513P2
Adelaide Railway Station Main Concourse 4          231 8329     212 514P2
Adelaide Railway Station 1                         211 7321     212 385P2
Adelaide Railway Station 2                         212 3032     212 313P2
Adelaide Railway Station 3                         211 7309     212 386P2
Adelaide Railway Station 4                         212 6698     212 353P2
Adelaide Railway Station 5                         212 3187     212 319P2
Rundle Mall / James Pl                             211 8009     212 408P2
Rundle Mall / Gawler Pl                            212 1298     212 301B2
Rundle Mall / Gawler Pl                            212 1054     212 300P2
Rundle Mall / Gawler Pl                            410 5329     212 404P2
Rundle Mall / Gawler Pl                            231 1371     212 346S2
Rundle Mall / Harris Scarfe                        232 2809     223 361S2
Rundle Mall / Harris Scarfe                        232 1542     223 362P2
Rundle Mall / Pultney St                           232 3179     232 360P2
Myer Centre Terrace level west                     410 1785     212 446P1
Myer Centre Terrace level west                     410 1874     212 447P1
Myer Centre level 1 east                           410 1751     212 457P1
Myer Centre level 3 east                           410 1829     212 452P1
Myer Centre level 4 east                           410 1628     212 455P1
Myer Centre level 5 east                           410 1832     212 456P1
Myer Ground Floor - Enquiry Desk                   410 0773     212 458P1
Myer level 1                                       410 0925     212 461C1
Myer level 2                                       410 0076     212 462C1
Myer level 3                                       410 0093     212 463C1
Myer level 4                                       410 0305     212 464C1
Myer level 5                                       410 1294     212 467C1
Myer level 6                                       410 1734     212 459C1
Commonwealth Cntr.55 Currie East Wing 1            231 1942     231 131C4
Commonwealth Cntr.55 Currie East Wing 2            231 1843     231 128C4
Commonwealth Cntr.55 Currie West Wing 3            231 1872     231 129C4
Commonwealth Cntr.55 Currie West Wing 4            231 1879     231 138C4
Casino Foyer Booth Phones 1                        211 8032     211 995C4
Casino Foyer Booth Phones 2                        211 8708     211 992C4
Casino Foyer Booth Phones 3                        211 8817     211 994C4
Casino Foyer Booth Phones 4                        211 8943     211 993C4
King William St / Festival Centre                  212 3898     212 321P2
King William St / Pirie St                         212 3290     211 309P2
GPO - north foyer                                  211 8721     212 390P2
GPO - north foyer                                  212 1321     212 372B2
GPO - phone room                                   212 3941     212 377B2
GPO - phone room                                   211 8632     212 396T2
Hyatt Regency lobby                                212 5543     212 137C4
Hyatt Regency lobby                                212 5659     212 128C4
Terrace Intercontinental 2                         231 3917     231 168C4
Terrace Intercontinental 3                         231 3961     231 169C4
John Martins ground floor                          223 3146     223 392P1
Currie St / Elizabeth St                           212 3328     212 378S2
Flinders St / Victoria Sq                          212 3182     212 308P2
Victoria Sq arcade                                 212 3587     212 337P2
Gilbert St / Russell St                            212 1032     212 340P2
Angas St Police station                            212 3750     212 310P2
Playhouse Theatre                                  212 1239     212 944C4
Telecom House - reception                          231 6658     212 478C2
Greater Union 5 cinemas                            231 1185     231 040C4
Franklin St / Bus Station                          231 1199     231 402M7
Franklin St / Bus Station                          231 1203     231 403M7
Franklin St Bus Station (inside)                   231 1198     231 902L7
Target Centerpoint CITY                            232 6283     223 380P1
Millers Arcade                                     212 6721     212 334B2
Rundle arcade west Gawler Place                    410 1897     212 471P1
Rundle Arcade east Stephens Place                  410 1905     212 470P1
Gilbert St / Winifred St                           410 1596     212 329P2
Gilbert St north side / russell st                 212 1032     212 340P2
Gillies St / west Hallet St                        223 5343     223 326P2
Adelaide Uni / Upper refectory                     232 4280            P2

                                 North Adelaide

O'Connell St Burger Bar                            267 4410     267 314P2
O'Connell St / Nth of Gover St                     267 3054     267 320P2
Childers St / Nth Adelaide Wst of Oconnell St      267 4910     267 307P2
Childers St / Jeffcott St                          267 4301     267 302P2
Jefcott St Nth Montefiore Hill N.Adelaide          267 5309     267 316P2
North Adelaide Post Office 2                       267 5365            P2
North Adelaide Post Office 3                       267 3365     267 301P1
North Adelaide Post Office                         267 4878     267 317P2
North Adelaide 7 Day Supermarket                   267 1064     267 905C4
North Adelaide Village 1                           267 4103     267 323P1
North Adelaide Village 2                           267 4405     267 322P1
Hotel Adelaide                                     267 2987     267 917C4
Ward st. North Adelaide West of O'connell          267 3096     267 306P2
O'connell St.North Ad. East side sth of Tynte      239 1760     267 338P2
North Adelaide Aquatic Centre (Foyer)              269 6965     269 910C4
North Adelaide Aquatic Centre (Inside)             269 7244     269 911C4
La Piazza North Adelaide                           267 5836     239 232L6
Archer st North Adelaide Wst Marg.St.              267 4958     267 305P2
Jerningham st North Adelaide                       267 4859     267 313P2
North Adelaide Road Pantry                         239 1796     239 238L6
Outside Adelaide Zoo (Frome Road)                  267 5965     267 311P2

                               Suburban numbers

Nile St Glenelg                                    376 0673     294 341S2
The Grand Hotel Glenelg                            295 6957     295 976C4
Winchester St St.Peters                            363 0550     362 331P2
Stephen Tce St.Peters                              363 0795     362 339P2
Bedford Ave Devon Pk                               340 2984     340 340P2
Taminga Ave Regency Park                           347 2981     268 269P2
Kateena Ave Regency Park                           347 2762     268 304P2
Torrens Rd / Drayton St Bowden                     340 2973     340 327P2
Marion Westfield - east mall                       377 0357     296 404P1
Keswick interstate railway terminal                211 8278     212 432P2
Keswick interstate railway terminal                211 8283     212 433P2
Fenden Rd Salisbury                                258 2632     258 319P2
Burbridge Rd Brooklyn Park                         234 3456     234 302P2
Park St. Woodville                                 268 5965     268 318M7
Henley Beach Rd. /Thebarton Theatre                352 2309            P2
Grandview Drive Panorama                           276 8165     277 392M7
Regency TAFE                                       346 2593     340 366P2
Regency TAFE                                       346 2405     340 365P2
Regency TAFE outside                               346 2601     340 367P2
Goodwood road / Lilly st Goodwood                  272 3098     272 303M2
Hawker st / Gibson st Brompton                     340 2975     340 329P2
Gibson st / Seventh st Brompton                    340 2991     340 345P2
Hawker st / Drayton st Brompton                    340 2990     340 344P2
Second St / Hocking St Brompton                    340 2976     340 331P2
Cheif St / Third Ave Brompton                      340 2978     340 333P2
Blanford / Rosetta West Croydon                    340 2970     340 324P2
Henry St / Elizabeth St Croydon                    340 2951     340 301P2
Henry St / Elizabeth St Croydon                    340 2952     340 302S2
Westlakes Mall                                     356 0109     356 373M7
Westlakes Mall                                     242 1154      49 375P2
Railway Tce / High St Dry Creek                    260 2501            P2
Sussex Tce / Egmont St Westbourne Park             272 2898     272 358M7
Eaton St and Leicester Ave Kilburn                 269 4889     269 368M7
Leader Ave Kilburn                                 269 4032     269 311M7
Regro and Millers St                               269 2947     269 330P2
Arndale shopping centre                            268 9367            P2
Arndale Adj. John Martins                          347 4289     268 448P1
Outside North Park south of Regency Rd Prospect 1  269 4601     269 365P2
Outside North Park south of Regency Rd Prospect 2  269 3454     269 370P2
Prospect Rd. North of Brentnall st / Movieland     269 3965     269 358P2
Prospect Food Plus                                 342 0002     269 309C1
Sizzler Prospect                                   344 9309     344 926C4
Prospect Road Pantry                               344 1183     344 233L6

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