TUCoPS :: Phreaking Public Phones :: prtl201.txt

Programming the Protel CTR-201 COCOT

Programming the Protel CTR-201 COCOT
Edited by El Oscuro (C) 2000

Getting Inside (which you need to do to program the phone):

To open the case, first insert the square upper housing key into the
upper housing lock and turn counterclockwise (if you do not have the
key, then getting inside is an exercise left to the reader).  Then
insert the T-Key into the T-Key opening about 6 inches above the upper
housing lock, and turn it clockwise.  Now the upper housing should be
able to slide away from the lower housing.

Acquiring these two keys is left as an exercise to the reader.


Programming Basics:

At first this will seem more than a little tricky, so read this through 
to the end, follow the examples and try to see how they relate to the 
overall syntax.  It's really not as complicated as it first seems.  A lot
of COCOT owners can program their phones from memory, and believe me, 
they're no geniuses.

All program entries are done in the program mode, using the keypad.

To enter Program Mode, push and hold the black Program Button which is
located on the left side of the circuit board, near the top.  Then pick
up the handset.  You will hear a single beep - now release the Program

In all Program Mode functions, one beep signifies a completed entry and
three beeps indicates an error.  To re-enter an entry, press # and wait
for the three beeps.

Program entries may be entered in any order.

To initialize the phone (restoring factory settings) enter Program Mode
and key the following:

47111 *

(Where NPA NXX XXXX is the 10 digit area code and phone number of the phone)

Changing or Establishing Rates:

The commands to change and add rates are in 7 sections, as illustrated here:

  6xxx  xxxx  xxxx   xxx   xx   0008   *
  (1)   (2)   (3)    (4)   (5)  (6)   (7)

1.Call Type Rate Band
2.Initial Charge
3.Additional Charge
4.Initial Time Limit
5.Additional Time Limit
6.Keypad Activity
7.Completes the Entry


6000 0035 0010 015 05 0008 *

The above entry would make Call Type Rate Band 6000 (7-digit calls,
non-specific) $. 35 the first 15 minutes and $ .10 each additional 5
minutes. The 0008 keypad activity means open keypad during the call.

To program a call to have no time limit, set the additional charge at
0000, set the initial time limit at 255, and set the additional time
limit at 01.

To disallow keypad use during a call, set the keypad activity at 0001.
To allow keypad use during a call, set the keypad activity at 0008.

All program entries are done in the program mode, using the keypad.

Programming Area Codes:

Note that the CTR-201 is only pre-programmed with the original N0X and
N1X area codes.

To assign area codes to a Rate Band, enter the Call Type Code Band
(which is the same as the Rate Band but with a 5 for the first digit
instead of 6) followed by an area code you want to add, followed by *,
followed by any additional area codes you want to add, each one
separated by *, and then complete the command with **.

Like this:

  5xxx  NPA  *  NPA  *  etc...  **

Example Entry:

  5063 888 * 877 **

...adds toll free area codes 888 & 877 & charge the rate established
under Call Type Rate Band 6063.


                       Rate Bands and Code Bands
Call Type                                       Rate Band   Code Band
Non-specific 7-digit calls                      6000
(i.e. local calls)

Special 7-digit calls                           6001        5001
(i.e. long distance 7-digit calls)

10 digit/ 1+10digit                             6008
Home Area Code calls

10 digit/1+10 digit local calls                 6072        5072
(Area codes with 0 or 1 as center digit)

10 digit/1+10 digit local calls                 6058        5058
(Area codes without 0 or 1 as center digit)

In-State Long Distance                          6067
(Area codes with 0 or 1 as center digit)

In-State Long Distance                          6057        5057
(Area codes without 0 or 1 as center digit)

Inter-State Long Distance                       6069
(Area codes with 0 or 1 as center digit)

Inter-State Long Distance                       6056        5056
(Area codes without 0 or 1 as center digit)

Canadian Long Distance                          6065
(Area codes with 0 or 1 as center digit)

Canadian Long Distance                          6062        5062
(Area codes without 0 or 1 as center digit)

Alaska & Hawaii Area Codes                      6071

411 & 1411 (local information)                  6082

Incoming calls                                  6088

1-555-1212 calls (information)                  6101

1+NPA+555-1212 (long distance information)      6102

10-10-XXX (long-distance Carrier Access Codes)  6103

1-800 calls (toll free service)                 6104

1-888 & 1-877 calls                             6063        5063
(added toll free service)

0 calls (local operator)                        6108

00 calls (long-distance operator)               6109

0+10-digit calls (long distance alt. bill-to    6110


Restricting types of calls:

To restrict a Call Type Rate Band, just enter the Rate Band followed by *.


   6082 *

...restricts 411 type calls.


Setting up free calls!

To make a Rate Band free, enter the Call Type Rate Band followed by

  0000 0000 255 01 0008 *


   6082 0000 0000 255 01 0008 *

...makes 411 type calls free.


Programming free numbers:

To make a number free, enter 23 followed by the number exactly how it
should be dialed, followed by * to complete the entry.


   23 281 550 5592 *

...makes calls to the number 281-550-5592 free.

To delete a free number that has been programmed, enter 23 *


Programming Free Numbers on Speed Dial:

There are 12 Speed Dial slots numbered from *11 to *23.

To program them, enter 3 followed by the speed dial slot (11 thru 23)
followed by the phone number for that speed dial entry.  Then press * to
complete the entry.


   3 11 281 550 5592 *

...makes the phone dial 281-550-5592 anytime *11 is dialed.

To delete a speed dial number, press 3 & the speed dial code that is
being erased, & then the * key.


Programming for PBX Access:

To set up the phone for access through a PBX, first enter 24, followed
by the PBX access code, then press * to complete the entry.


   24 9 *

...makes the CTR-201 automatically add a 9 before calling the dialed number.


Changing the receiver volume:

To change the receiver volume, enter 27 followed by 1, 2, or 3, where 1
is low volume, 2 is medium and 3 is loud, followed with a * to complete
the entry.


   27 3 *

...sets the receiver volume level to loud.


Local 1+10-Digit Calls

If your phone is in an area with more than one local area code, and the
full 10 digits must be dialed for such local calls, rate band 6072 must
be set up with all the local area codes with a 1 or 0 as the center
digit, and rate band 6058 must be set up with the local area codes
without 1 or 0 as the center digit.


   6072 0025 0025 003 03 0008 *  5072 212 * 718 * 917 **

...makes area codes 212, 718 and 917 25 cents every 3 minutes.

   6058 0025 0025 003 03 0008 * 5058 630 * 773 * 847 **

...makes area codes 630, 773 and 847 25 cents every 3 minutes.


Separating Local and Toll 7-Digit Calls

In some area codes, 7 digit calls can either be local or long-distance,
depending on the prefix.

To set up the phone for this, first you should find out which there are
more of at your location: local or long-distance 7-digit prefixes.
Whichever is the majority should be the non-specific 7-digit Rate Band
(6000) and the minority should be the special 7-digit rate band (6001).

Setting up the prefixes in each of these rate bands works just like
setting up area codes in other rate bands.  First you set up Rate Band
6000 with the rates for the majority of prefixes (so if that means the
local ones, rate band 6000 should be set up for local 25 cent calls) and
then you set up Rate Band 6001 with the rates for the minority of
prefixes, followed by actually entering those prefixes into Code Band


   6000 0075 0075 002 02 0008 *
   6001 0025 0000 255 01 0008 *
   5001 550 * 556 * 578 **

...make prefixes 550, 556 and 578 25 cents a call and all other 7-digit
calls 75 cents every 2 minutes.


Adding 1-888 & 1-877 Toll Free Service:

Just set up rate band 6063 for free calls and then add the toll free
codes to code band 5063.

Enter 6063 0000 0000 255 01 0008 *
      5063 888 * 877 **

When 855 comes online, you will probably want to enter it thus:

      6063 0000 0000 255 01 0008 *
      5063 888 * 877 * 855 **


Separating 10-Digit & 1+10-Digit Calls

In some area codes, you dial the area code and the 7 digit phone number
for a local call, and 1 plus the area code and 7 digit phone number for
a long distance call.

To make the phone distinguish the two, enter 311 followed by the area
code you are programming as local.  Then hold down the program button
and hit # 7 times.  Then release the program button and hit * to
complete the entry.  Then set up Rate Band 6089 as the rate for the 10
digit calls for this area code.

Note: 1+10-digit calls will remain in Call Type Rate Band 6008. Straight
10-digit calls within the area code being programmed for will be
assigned to Rate Band 6089 after using this procedure.


   311 281 (pgm. button down & # key 7 times) *
   6089 0035 0000 255 01 0008 *

...makes calls dialed 281 xxx xxxx 35 cents and calls dialed 1+281 xxx xxxx
long distance.

Programming a 211 Repair Number:

To program a 211 repair number, enter:

   6080 0000 0000 255 01 000801 *
   22 (repair number)

Example: 6080 0000 0000 255 01 000801 * 22 550 5592

...makes the phone call 550 5592 anytime 211 is dialed.


Programming the Coin Box Amount Security Code:

Enter 293, followed by the four digit security code you want to use,
followed by * to complete the entry.


   293 1111 *

...sets the Coin Box Amount Security Code to 1111


Resetting the Coin Box Amount to Zero:

Make sure you are not in the Program Mode.

Pick up handset & listen for dial tone.

Dial * # 5 followed by your 4-digit Coin Box Amount Security Code.


   * # 5  1111

...resets the Coin Box Amount to Zero


Determining the Coin Box Amount

Make sure you are not in the Program Mode.

Pick up the handset & listen for dial tone.

Dial * # 4 followed by your 4-digit Coin Box Amount Security Code.


   * # 4 1111

...prompts the phone to give the Coin Box Amount

The phone will give a 5-digit voice prompt, which is the amount in
cents.  The phone says "Oh" for Zero.

Example 1: 0 1 1 2 5 means $11.25 in the coin box.
Example 2: 1 3 4 7 0 means $134.70 in the coin box.


Default settings:

911 - Free

900 & 976 Calls - Restricted

7-digit calls - 25 cents unlimited time

Long Distance within the Home Area Code - $1.00 first minute, 50 cents
each additional minute

Long Distance in state (area codes with 0 or 1 as center digit) - $1.00
first minute, 50 cents each additional minute

Long Distance in state (area codes without 0 or 1 as center digit) -
No default, must be added

Long Distance interstate (area codes with 0 or 1 as center digit) $1.50
first minute, 75 cents each additional minute

Long Distance interstate (area codes without 0 or 1 as center digit) -
No default, must be added

Canadian calls (area codes with 0 or 1 as center digit) - $2.00
first minute, $1.00 each additional minute

Canadian calls (area codes without 0 or 1 as center digit) - No default,
must be added.

Alaska & Hawaii calls - $2.00 first minute, $1.00 each additional minute.

411 & 1411 information - 50 cents unlimited time

Incoming calls - Ringer on, free unlimited time

1 555 1212 information - $1.00 unlimited time

1-800 - Free unlimited time

1-888 & 1-877 - Must be added

10-10-XXX type calls - Not enabled

0 type calls- Free unlimited time



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