THE ABC'S OF PAYPHONES PART 2. The information presented in this file is presented for entertainment purposes only. The authors of this file take no responsibility for any of its contents. Section 1:how to open a payphone An Atlantic Bell payphone is a heavily armored device. It is designed to withstand attempted theft and damage. But as we found out in part 1, we don't need to get through all the armor to phreak it. All we need to do is get to the wiring which is all located behind 3 easy to remove panels. All that holds the front panel on is 3 or 4 bolts. Just apply sulfuric acid and in ten minutes or less they will come right out. While you are waiting remove the other panels. The top panel is held on by two tight nuts. A good pair of pliers will remove them. Now the back panel is the hardest to remove. It is held together by a semi- permanent solution. On the newer AT&T credit and pay phones, an alarm goes off when the back panel is removed. The circuitry for it is located in the top panel. Look for a round box with 4 wires coming out. Cut the first and second ones. Now use sulfuric acid, wait ten minutes and lift it off. Section 2:How to steal a payphone Ever wanted to have your own payphone? It's not very hard to steal one. As a matter of fact, it is easy to rip one out of the wall, but I want to show you how to take one home intact. Anyone traveling to Toronto should stop by to see MR. C0SMOS' collection of payphones. He has them set up and working. Stealing payphones is very dangerous. Much more than phone boxing. Do not steal more than one from an area. They sometimes know immediately when it's gone, so get the hell out of there. The inside of it is heavily armored. If you are taking it for the money, you will need a full set of philips & flathead screwdrivers, sulfuric acid, a crowbar, a sledgehammer, bolt cutters, and probably more. Now you can take it home and pound on it, or you can use the easy way we showed you in part one. In part 3 we will show you how to wire it up when you get it home and alot of other stuff. This is one of MANY Great MYSTERY Notes at: The Mystery Zone (312) 231-6183