[The World of Cryton: *ELITE*] [=] Everything you really never wanted to know about Coin Services & more! [=] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By: The Wizard leader of The *ELITE* phreaker's club from The World of Cryton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three basic types of coin services are available: semi-postpay, prepay, and local repay toll postpay. A] Semipostpay Coin Service. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1) When the telephone receiver is removed from the payphone, dail tone is returned to the caller. After the telephone user completed dialing and the connection to the called line is established, the telephone user listens to determine when the call is answered. Upon answer, the transmitter in the pay phone is disabled and coversation is inhibited. The phone user must then depoit a coin to enable the transmitter, thereby permitting conversation. Once a coin has been deposited, it cannot be returned. 2) On calles from semipostpay coin lines to the operator, a special paystation identification tone is given to the operator on answer. (This tone is controled by class-of-service assignment.) If supervision is not given, conversation is allowed on calles to the operator as well as other lines with a free terminating class of service. 3) Semipostpay coin service requires no special DCO system equipment, and operator rering capability is permitted. B] Prepay Coin Service. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1) Prepay coin sevice provides coin collect, coin return, and rering capability (GREEN BOX). The DCO system does not require special prepay trunks or trunk groups. 2) On local calls, coins are automatically collected on completeted calls and returned on incompleted calls. On toll calls, the operator has *FULL* control of coin collect, coin return, and rering functions. Any coin not returned by the operator will be collected on disconect. 3) Two basic methods are used for operator control of paystations in the DCO system: inband signaling and multiwink signaling. For inband signaling, coin collect, refund, and rering functions are controlled by MF signals applied to the voice path. For multiwink signaling, coin collect and refund signals are controlled by a series of up to five supervisory winks (momentary on-hook signals). (See following chart for inband and multiwink signaling arrangments.) 4) A + or - 130volt power supply is required for prepay station operation to provide coin collect and coin refund voltages. In addition, certain types of paystation instruments also require a +48volt supply. TYPE INBAND SIGNALING MULTIWINK SIGNALING ======== ================== ===================== Coin first -Rotary dial, except W.E.1C.....W.E.1C -Rotary dial W.E.1C.............Other than W.E.1C -DTMF Dial Tone first -Rotary dial, except W.E.1C.....W.E.1C -Rotary dial W.E.1C.............Other than W.E.1C -DTMF C] Local Prepay/Toll Postpay Service =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= 1) Prepay line circuits and circuit unit assemblies are required for coin collect and refund on local calls. Local prepay service requires a coin deposit before dialing can proceed. On local calls, coins are automatically collected when the called party answeres. On toll calls, the initial deposit is returned before the operator answers. 2) Answer provides reverse battery supervision, which locks the coin mechanism of the payphone in the collect position. Deposits made on operator instruction are not refundable. Coin Service, Prepay Coin on DSU-Remote (DSUR). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Prepay coin service for the DSUR is accomplished in the same fashion as in the DCO system. A maximum of prepay paystations are allowed per DSUR. (See the apove chart for inband and multiwink signaling arrangements.) More lessons later, \ -===THE=WIZARD=]>>>)} / (*)- The *ELITE* Phreaker's Club -(*)