BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) REVISION CONTROL SHEET Issue 7, Revision 13 of the COSMOS User Guide: Line User Transactions (BR 753-303-600) contains supplemental material needed to support COSMOS software version 17.2.9. REMOVE FOLLOWING PAGES INSERT THE FOLLOWING PAGES Volume A through L Notice of Doc. Update Notice of Doc Update Notice of Disclaimer: iii Notice of Disclaimer: iii Page Index: v-viii Page Index: v-viii FOR: 1-4 FOR: 1-6 FWM: 1-4 FWM: 1-6 Volume M through Z Notice of Doc. Update Notice of Doc. Update Notice of Disclaimer: iii Notice of Disclaimer: iii Page Index: v-ix Page Index: v-ix RCP: 1-4 RCP: 1-6 RCR: 1-8 RCR: 1-10 TOC: 1-2 TOC: 1-2 TOI: 1-2 TOI: 1-2 TOO: 1-2 TOO: 1-2 TOS: 1-2 TOS: 1-2 TRC: 1-4 TRC: 1-4 BELLCORE Bell Communications Research BELLCORE DOCUMENTATION PRODUCTION AND CONTROL NOTICE OF DOCUMENTATION UPDATE Product Name: COSMOS Type of Update ( ) Initial Release of New Document (x) Maintenance Release to Existing Document Documentation Title: COSMOS Userguide: Line User Transactions Volume A-L Documentation Identification: BR 753-303-600 Issue/Revision: Issue 7/Revision 13 Date of Issue/Revision: Feb 1990/Feb 1996 First/Current Compatible System Release/Version: Release 17.2.9 Date Required at Destination: February 29, 1996 Reason For Update/Comments - Associated MRs: BS 95213-01 BS 95213-03 ________________________________ ________________________________ Supervisor Originator Initials/Date Initials/Date _____________________________ _____________ Project Approval Date Bellcore Bell Communications Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bellcore Practice BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 Release 17.2.9 COSMOS Userguide: Line User Transactions Volume A through L BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ii BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This document is issued by Bellcore to inform Bellcore Client Companies (BCCs) of Bellcore's Practice on the COSMOS system. Neither this document nor any of its contents should be disclosed to persons other than employees of those companies. To disclose the contents to others may seriously jeopardize Bellcore's ability to perform this type of work for its owners in the future. The information provided is directed solely to professionals who have the appropriate degree of experience to understand and interpret its contents in accordance with generally accepted engineering or other professional standards and applicable regulations. While the information contained herein has been prepared from sources deemed to be reliable, Bellcore reserves the right to revise the information without notice, but has no obligation to do so. Unless the recipient has been expressly granted a license by Bellcore under separate applicable written agreement with Bellcore, no license, expressed or implied, is granted under any patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights. BELLCORE MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY THAT THE INFORMATION IS TECHNICALLY ACCURATE OR SUFFICIENT OR CONFORMS TO ANY STATUTE, GOVERNMENTAL RULE OR REGULATION, AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. BELLCORE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE BEYOND THE AMOUNT OF ANY SUM RECEIVED IN PAYMENT BY BELLCORE FOR THE INFORMATION WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM AND IN NO EVENT SHALL BELLCORE BE LIABLE FOR LOST PROFITS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ANY AND ALL USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON SUCH INFORMATION, INCLUDING ANY SELECTION OF PRODUCTS OR VENDORS, IS SOLELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND YOU ASSUME ALL RISKS AND LIABILITIES, IF ANY, WITH RESPECT THERETO. This document does not represent any commitment by Bellcore or by any BCC to purchase any product described herein. Each BCC may have requirements or specifications different from those described herein. Bellcore does not recommend products and nothing contained herein is intended as a recommendation of any product to anyone. If further information regarding technical content is required, please contact: FACS Customer Service Center Bellcore PYA IP-214 6 Corporate Place Piscataway, NJ 08854-4157 1-800-232-3227 For information regarding distribution of this document please contact your regional documentation coordinator. iii BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) Contents Page Issue / Revision Number Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page Index v 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 - - 7/11 7/12 7/13 vi 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 - - 7/11 7/12 7/13 vii 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 - - 7/11 7/12 7/13 viii 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 - - 7/11 7/12 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page Index Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. When changes are made in this document, only those pages affected will be reissued. 2. This page index will be reissued and brought up to date each time any page of the document is reissued or a new page is added. 3. The issue number assigned to a changed or new page will be the same issue number as that of the page index. 4. Pages that are not changed will retain their existing issue number. 5. The last issue number of the page index is recognized as the latest issue number of the document as a whole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Supporting Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue 6 of this document provided material in support of COSMOS software version 14.5. This list below identifies subsequent issue/revisions containing supplemental material and the applicable COSMOS version they support. Iss. 7 = 14.8 Iss. 7/Rev. 1 = 15.0 Iss. 7/Rev. 2 = 15.4 Iss. 7/Rev. 3 = 16.0.0 Iss. 7/Rev. 4 = 16.0.5 (M2) Iss. 7/Rev. 5 = 16.0.7 (M3) Iss. 7/Rev. 6 = 17.0 (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Rev. 7 = 17.2 (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Rev. 8 = 17.2.5 (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Revisions 9 and 10 of this volume were not updated for Releases 17.2.7 and Iss. 7/Rev. 11 = (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Rev. 12 = 17.2.8 (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Rev. 13 = 17.2.9 v BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INDEX PAGE NO ISSUE / REVISION NUMBER RANGE 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section 1 1-10 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 Section 2 1 6 - - - 7/3 - 7/5 Section 3 1-8 6 - - - 7/3 Section 4 1-26 6 - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 Section 4 27-28 6 - - - 7/3 - 7/5 7/6 - - - - 7/11 Section 4 29-31 6 - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 Section 5 1-11 6 7 ACE 1-4 6 7/1 - 7/3 - - 7/6 ACP 1-3 - - - - 7/3 AFM 1-4 - - - - - - - 7/6 AIT 1-8 6 - - 7/2 ARG 1 6 AUD 1-2 6 - - 7/2 - - - 7/6 BAI 1-2 6 BYF 1-2 6 BYP 1-2 6 - 7/1 CAY 1-3 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 - 7/6 7/7 CCA 1-10 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - 7/5 7/6 - - - - 7/11 CCT 1-3 6 - 7/1 CDA 1-8 6 7 - 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 CDD 1-2 6 - - - 7/3 CDR 1-4 6 7 - - 7/3 - - - 7/7 CFA 1-8 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 - 7/6 CFP 1-2 6 - - - - - - 7/6 CFU 1-4 6 - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 CIE-CD 1-2 6 CIE-CH 1-6 6 CIE-FT 1-4 6 CIE-NC 1-9 6 CIE-R 1-2 6 CLI 1-3 6 CPA 1-2 - - - 7/2 - - - 7/6 CPI 1-4 6 - 7/1 7/2 - - - 7/6 - - - - - 7/12 CPM 1-3 6 - - 7/2 CTC 1-3 6 CTE 1-13 6 - 7/1 7/2 CTF 1 6 - 7/1 7/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX PAGE NO ISSUE / REVISION NUMBER RANGE 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTL 1-4 6 CTM 1-4 6 - - - 7/3 CTP 1-6 6 CTR 1-4 6 CTS 1-8 6 - 7/1 7/2 CTW 1-3 6 - 7/1 CUI 1-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7/11 CUP 1-2 6 7 - - 7/3 CXC 1 6 CXM 1-7 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 CXT 1-2 6 - - - - - - 7/6 DAI 1-2 - - 7/1 DAY 1-2 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 7/7 DBL 1-11 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 DCN 1-4 6 - 7/1 DDS 1-5 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 - - 7/6 DFS 1 - - - - 7/3 DIR 1-4 6 - - - 7/3 - - - 7/7 DPN 1-3 6 - 7/1 DPR 1-11 6 7 7/1 7/2 DQR 1-2 6 - 7/1 DQS 1-4 6 - 7/1 7/2 DRE 1-3 6 DRW 1-2 6 DTE 1 6 EDZ 1-4 6 - 7/1 - - - 7/5 7/6 - - - - - 7/12 ELA 1-4 6 - - - - - - 7/6 ESP 1-2 6 - - - - - - - 7/7 FAI 1-2 - - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 FCE 1-2 - - - 7/2 7/3 FDY 1-2 6 FLR 1-4 6 7 7/1 - 7/3 FOR 1-4 6 - - - 7/3 - - - 7/7 7/8 - - - - 7/13 FOS 1-4 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 - - - - 7/8 FTA 1-7 6 - - 7/2 FTC 1-2 6 7 FTE 1-5 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 FTL 1-7 6 - 7/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX PAGE NO ISSUE / REVISION NUMBER RANGE 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FTR 1-4 6 7 FTW 1-2 6 7 FWM 1-4 6 - - 7/2 7/3 - 7/5 - - 7/8 - - - - 7/13 GCM 1-10 - - - - - - - 7/6 GET 1 - 7 - - - - - - 7/7 GFR 1-14 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 - - 7/6 GLA 1-6 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 - - 7/6 - - - - - 7/12 HBS 1-3 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - - 7/7 HGR 1-2 6 HIS 1-2 6 - - - - 7/4 IJR 1-3 6 - - - 7/3 - - - - - - - - 7/12 IMU 1-3 6 - - - - - - 7/6 INQ 1-4 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 ISF 1-3 6 - - 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 ISH 1-4 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 ITE 1-2 - - - - - - - 7/6 JAM 1-5 6 - - - 7/3 7/4 KPR 1-2 6 KSM 1-2 6 - - 7/2 LAI 1-2 6 LBP 1-4 6 - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 LCD 1-2 6 - 7/1 LCP 1-3 6 - - 7/2 LDN 1-2 - - 7/1 7/2 7/3 LDP 1-2 - - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 LEE 1-3 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 LEW 1-2 6 LFC 1-3 6 - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 LFR 1-2 6 - 7/1 LGN 1-2 6 - - - 7/3 - - - 7/7 LIN 1-4 6 - 7/1 LOE 1-10 6 - - 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 LSE 1-5 6 - - 7/2 7/3 LSW 1-2 6 LTN 1-4 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - 7/5 7/6 - - - - - 7/12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) TRANSACTION CODE: FOR Frame Order Report GENERAL REMARKS FOR prints frame output for service orders and work orders having a specified frame due date, range of frame due dates, or specified order number. Required input is a frame due date or an order number on an H-line. Additionally, output may be requested by range of frame due dates, order type, order category, and service segment. Orders may be listed that do not have the specified characteristics by entering an exclamation point (!) after the input data (i.e., H FDD ID/OT NC!). Inputs of 'SG !' and 'OC !' print orders with a blank segment group and/or blank order category, respectively. Reprints are requested with "REP Y". Reprints may be further limited by entering the frame time (FT) option. The frame time is the hour the frame output was originally printed. Time is entered in hours (24 hour time). For example, if original FOR was executed at 2:15, and FT 14 was entered, any FORs printed between 2:00 and 2:59 will be reprinted. A range can also be entered. "OP SUM" in combination with any other input counts the number of frame outputs that match the specifications. Output may be routed to a remote terminal by specifying the TTY (OD TTX...X), frame location (FR FYY) and/ or NNX (NNX XXX). Only the frame output containing the specific frame location or NNX will be printed at the designated terminal. Withdrwal messages, CDD messages, etc., will not be sent to a remote terminal, because they do not contain a frame LOIS on the circuit ID line. If the circuit ID was a TN and the same NNX was entered, this message is transmitted. All output is printed at the main terminal. FOR also generates frame output for service observing loops. This will be output in a list format. Multiple H-lines are permitted. A period (.) signifies end of input. FOR-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) SUMMARY OF INPUT 1. Print Frame Output by Order. H ORD XXX...X 2. Print Frame Output by Single Frame Due Date. H FDD MM-DD-YY/OT ZZZ/SG M/REP Y/FT HH;HH/OP SUM/OD TTX...X/ FR FYY/NNX XXX 3. Print Frame Output by Frame Due Date Range. H FDD MM-DD-YY;MM-DD-77/OT XX/OC ZZZ/SG M/REP Y/FT HH; HH/OP SUM/ OD TTX...X/FR FYY/NNX XXX BELLCORE CONFIDENTIAL - RESTRICTION ACCESS FOR-2 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: FOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print service and H FDD MM-DD-YY If today's date is input, all work orders by frame orders up to the date input will due date. be printed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print service and H FDD MM-DD-YY;MM-DD-YY If today's date is part of a work orders by a range, all orders up to the range of frame due date input will be printed. dates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print a specific H ORD XXX...X A notice is printed, if this is order. reprint. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specify an order H FDD/OT XXX Valid input for XXX: type. NC=New connect CD=Complete Disconnect CH=Change LST=Line and Station Transfer LET=Line Equipment Transfer F=From T=To ACT=Assignment Change Ticket MCT=Maintenance Change Ticket SVL=Service Observing Loop R=Remarks CT=Cable Throw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List all orders H FDD/OT XXX! Input for XXX, same as above. except for the specified type. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specify an order H FDD/OC ZZZ Valid input for ZZZ: category. 3 alpha, numeric, or alphanumberic characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List all orders H FDD/OC ZZZ! Input for ZZZ, same as above. except for the specified order category. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List all orders H FDD/OC ! with a blank order category. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR-3 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: FOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specify a service H FDD/SG M Valid input for M: segment. R=Residential B=Business C=Coin S=Special 0 to 9=Locally defined Other letters can also be locally defined. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List all orders H FDD/SG M! Input for M, same as above. except for the specified service segment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List all orders H FDD/SG! with a blank service segment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specify a reprint H FDD/REP Y This input will only print of orders already orders for the specific FDD or printed. FDD range entered, even if today's date is incuded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specify reprints H FDD/REP Y/FT HH Same as above. by due time or a A maximum of five frame times, due time range. H FDD/REP Y/FT HH;HH time ranges, or a combination is allowed. Time is the hour that the frame output was originally printed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR-4 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: FOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct output to a H FDD/OD TTX...X/FR FYY At least one FR or NNX must be remote terminal. /NNX XXX specified. A maximum of five FRs and/or NNXs can be specified. X...X represents the terminal ID, following /dev/ on UTS (/dev/tty on UNYSIS). If that portion of the ID contains a slash (/), substitute an exclamation point (!) for the slash. (For example, if the UTS terminal ID is /dev/pts/3, enter od ttpts!3) OD TTX...X cannot be the main terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Count the number H FDD/OP SUM/<any option> of frame outputs that match the input specifications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR-5 BR 753-300-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) TRANSACTION CODE: FWM Frame Work Management GENERAL REMARKS FWM prints the work packages for a specific work location according to the input. FWM also prints individual frame and service orders. An input of a single FDD (frame due date) will give data for all FDDs less than or equal to the input FDD. A range of FDDs will process all FDDs within that range. To process one FDD only, enter the same FDD as the beginning and end of the range (e.g., FDD 7-12-90;7-12-90). The input for FWM follows: A. Work Packages Required input is an H-line with one of the following: frame due date(s) and work location (1 through 8, or ALL), or a work package number and a work location (1 through 8, or ALL). One to three work locations may be specified. Work location "ALL" is used to print all work packages for the date or range of dates specified. One to three work package numbers may be specified. Optional H-line input is reprint (REP Y) and, when the work package number is not specified, one to three work package types (WPTs). B. Other Orders Different types of orders may be derived by entering the appropriate OC (order category). Required input is an H-line with a frame due date and desired OC code. A reprint option, or a reprint option with an FT (frame time) may also be specified. C. Frame Orders This option prints individual orders, MCTs, multicircuit orders, plus all attached ACTs. Required input is the order number, or order number and circuit identifier, if you want only a single circuit from the order. D. Other Options To direct output to a remote terminal, specify "OD TTX...X" after entering the input you prefer. FWM also generates frame output for service observing loops. This will be output in a list format. A period (.) following H-line, signifies end of input. FWM-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) SUMMARY OF INPUT 1. Print All Work Packages for the Specified Work Location(s). H WL XXX/FDD MM-DD-YY;MM-DD-YY/WPT ZZZ/REP Y H WPN YYYY/WL XXX/REP Y 2. Print Orders in a Specific Order Category. H OC XXX/FDD MM-DD-YY;MM-DD-YY/REP Y/FT RR;RR 3. Print Specific Frame Orders. H ORD XXX...X/fac ID 4. Direct Your Output to a Remote Terminal. H (any input above)/OD TTX...X FWM-2 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: FWM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print work packages H FDD MM-DD-YY/WL XXX A maximum of three work for specified work locations may be specified location(s) and or separated by slashes. date(s). H FDD MM-DD-YY;MM-DD-YY Valid input for XXX: /WL XXX 1 to 8, or ALL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print work packages H FDD MM-DD-YY/WPT ZZZ/ Input for WL is the same as for the work WL XXX above. location(s), work package type(s), or Valid input for ZZZ: and the date(s) 1 to 3 alphanumerics specified. H FDD ID;ID/WPT ZZZ/WL XXX A maximum of three work package types may be specified, separated by slashes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print work packages H WPN YYYY/WL XXX Valid input for YYYY: by work location(s). 1 to 9999. Valid input for XXX: 1 to 8, or ALL A maximum of three work package numbers and/or work locations may be specified, separated by slashes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List unprinted ACTs H FDD ID/OC ACT for the specified ID;ID date(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print administrative H FDD ID/OC ADM messages related to ID;ID frame orders for specified date(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List unprinted MCTs H FDD ID/OC MCT Only use the input "OC for specified ID;ID MCT" if there are no date(s). entries in the work package table for packaging of MCTs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FWM-3 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: FWM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List unprinted orders H FDD ID/OC XXX Valid input for XXX: with a nonpackagable ID;ID a nonpackaged priority code priority code for the from the wire center's work specified date(s). package table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List unprinted ACTs, H FDD ID/OC NPK MCTs, orders with a ID;ID nopackagable priority code and print administrative messages related to frame orders for the specified date(s). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reprint the desired OC H FDD ID/OC XXX/FT RR/REP Y FT (frame time) is in for the specified frame RR;RR military hours. time(s). or Valid input for RR: 1 to 24. Valid input for XXX: H FDD ID;ID/OC XXX/FT RR/REP Y ADM - Administrative RR;RR ACT - Assignment Change ticket MCT - Maintenance Change ticket or a nonpackaged priority code or NPK - all of the above An OC is required input, when specifying an FT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Request a reprint of H <any input above>/REP Y desired input. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print a specific H ORD XXX...X service order. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print one circuit of H ORD XXX...X/fac ID Legal facility a multiline order. identifiers are TN, CP, or OE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FWM-4 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: FWM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print the desired H <any input>/OD TTX...X X...X represents the terminal ID, following /dev/ on UTS (/dev/tty on UNYSIS). If that portion of the ID contains a slash (/), substitute an exclamation point (!) for the slash. (For example, if the UTS terminal ID is /dev/pts/3, enter od ttpts!3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FWM-5 BELLCORE Bell Communications Research BELLCORE DOCUMENTATION PRODUCTION AND CONTROL NOTICE OF DOCUMENTATION UPDATE Product Name: COSMOS Type of Update ( ) Initial Release of New Document (x) Maintenance Release to Existing Document Documentation Title: COSMOS Userguide: Line User Transactions Volume M-Z Documentation Identification: BR 753-303-600 Issue/Revision: Issue 7/Revision 13 Date of Issue/Revision: Feb 1990/Feb 1996 First/Current Compatible System Release/Version: Release 17.2.9 Date Required at Destination: February 29, 1996 Reason For Update/Comments - Associated MRs: BS 95213-01 BS 95213-03 ________________________________ ________________________________ Supervisor Originator Initials/Date Initials/Date _____________________________ _____________ Project Approval Date Bellcore Bell Communications Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bellcore Practice BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 Release 17.2.9 COSMOS Userguide: Line User Transactions Volume M through Z This document and the confidential information it contains shall be distributed, routed or made available solely to authorized persons having a need to know within Bellcore, except with written permission of Bellcore. BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) Copies of this document may be obtained by contacting your Company Documentation Coordinator, who will provide the necessary procedures to follow in submitting your order. ii BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER This document is issued by Bellcore to inform Bellcore Client Companies (BCCs) of Bellcore's Practice on the COSMOS system. Neither this document nor any of its contents should be disclosed to persons other than employees of those companies. To disclose the contents to others may seriously jeopardize Bellcore's ability to perform this type of work for its owners in the future. The information provided is directed solely to professionals who have the appropriate degree of experience to understand and interpret its contents in accordance with generally accepted engineering or other professional standards and applicable regulations. While the information contained herein has been prepared from sources deemed to be reliable, Bellcore reserves the right to revise the information without notice, but has no obligation to do so. Unless the recipient has been expressly granted a license by Bellcore under separate applicable written agreement with Bellcore, no license, expressed or implied, is granted under any patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights. Use of the information is at the recipient's discretion and shall not be deemed an inducement by Bellcore to infringe any existing or later-issued patent, copyrights, or other intellectual property right. BELLCORE MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY THAT THE INFORMATION IS TECHNICALLY ACCURATE OR SUFFICIENT OR CONFORMS TO ANY STATUTE, GOVERNMENTAL RULE OR REGULATION, AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. BELLCORE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE BEYOND THE AMOUNT OF ANY SUM RECEIVED IN PAYMENT BY BELLCORE FOR THE INFORMATION WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM AND IN NO EVENT SHALL BELLCORE BE LIABLE FOR LOST PROFITS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ANY AND ALL USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON SUCH INFORMATION, INCLUDING ANY SELECTION OF PRODUCTS OR VENDORS, IS SOLELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND YOU ASSUME ALL RISKS AND LIABILITIES, IF ANY, WITH RESPECT THERETO. This document does not represent any commitment by Bellcore or by any BCC to purchase any product described herein. Each BCC may have requirements or specifications different from those described herein. Bellcore does not recommend products and nothing contained herein is intended as a recommendation of any product to anyone. If further information regarding technical content is required, please contact: FACS Customer Service Center Bellcore PYA IP-214 6 Corporate Place Piscataway, NJ 08854-4157 1-800-232-3227 For information regarding distribution of this document please contact your regional documentation coordinator. iii BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) Contents Page Issue / Revision Number Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page Index v 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 vi 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 vii 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 viii 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 ix - - - - 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page Index Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. When changes are made in this document, only those pages affected will be reissued. 2. This page index will be reissued and brought up to date each time any page of the document is reissued or a new page is added. 3. The issue number assigned to a changed or new page will be the same issue number as that of the page index. 4. Pages that are not changed will retain their existing issue number. 5. The last issue number of the page index is recognized as the latest issue number of the document as a whole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Supporting Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue 6 of this document provided material in support of COSMOS software version 14.5. This list below identifies subsequent issue/revisions containing supplemental material and the applicable COSMOS version they support. Iss. 7 = 14.8 Iss. 7/Rev. 1 = 15.0 Iss. 7/Rev. 2 = 15.4 Iss. 7/Rev. 3 = 16.0.0 Iss. 7/Rev. 4 = 16.0.5 (M2) Iss. 7/Rev. 5 = 16.0.7 (M3) Iss. 7/Rev. 6 = 17.0 (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Rev. 7 = 17.2 (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Rev. 8 = 17.2.5 (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Revisions 9 and 10 of this volume were not updated for Releases 17.2.7 and Iss. 7/Rev. 11 = (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Rev. 12 = 17.2.8 (UNIX-based systems) Iss. 7/Rev. 13 = 17.2.9 v BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Page Issue / Revision Number Range 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAL 1 6 MAP 1-7 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 - - - 7/7 MAQ 1-2 6 - 7/1 - - - - - - 7/8 MAY 1-3 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 - 7/6 7/7 MCE 1-8 6 7 7/1 - 7/3 - - 7/6 MCH 1-3 6 - - - - - - - - 7/8 MCL 1 6 MCR 1-8 6 7 7/1 - 7/3 - - 7/6 MCW 1-2 6 7 MDC 1-8 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 - 7/6 MDR 1-2 - - - - - - - 7/6 MEC 1-12 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 - - - - 7/11 MGR 1-3 - - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 MMC 1-19 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 MOC 1-2 6 MOE 1-5 6 7 MOF 1-8 6 7 - - - - - - 7/7 MOW 1-2 6 MPK 1-2 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - - - 7/8 MSK 1-2 6 MTD 1-2 - - - - 7/3 MTG 1-3 - - 7/1 - 7/3 MTR 1 6 NAI 1-3 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 - 7/5 7/6 - - - - - 7/12 NOL 1-7 6 NSD 1-2 6 - 7/1 - - - - - - - - - - 7/12 OIJ 1-5 6 OPN 1-2 6 - - - - - - - - 7/8 OPU 1-3 6 PAI 1-2 - - 7/1 - - - - 7/6 PAK 1-3 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - - - 7/8 PEP 1-2 6 - - - 7/3 - 7/5 PFR 1-14 6 - 7/1 7/2 PRP 1-2 6 - - - 7/3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Page Issue / Revision Number Range 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QEX 1 6 QUE 1-2 6 RAL 1 6 RAP 1-2 6 RAS 1-2 6 - - - - - - 7/6 RBS 1-2 6 RCP 1-4 6 - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 7/13 RCR 1-8 6 - - 7/2 7/3 - - - 7/7 7/13 RCS 1-3 6 - - - 7/3 - - - 7/7 7/8 RDO 1-2 - - - 7/2 7/3 - - - - 7/8 RED 1-4 6 - - 7/2 - - - - 7/7 REL 1-2 6 REX 1-2 6 - - - - - - - - 7/8 RJR 1-2 6 - - - 7/3 RMP 1-6 6 - - - - - - 7/6 RNA 1-3 6 - 7/1 - - - - 7/6 ROE 1-8 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 ROI 1-2 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 ROM 1-4 - - - 7/2 ROW 1-2 6 - 7/1 - - - - 7/6 RPM 1-7 - - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 RTH 1-7 6 - 7/1 - - - - 7/6 RTS 1-6 6 RUP 1-2 6 - - 7/2 SAI 1-3 6 - - - - 7/4 SCA 1-4 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - - - - 7/9 SCF 1-3 6 - - 7/2 SCI 1-2 6 SCM 1-3 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 7/7 SCP 1-2 6 - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 SCR 1-2 6 SEL 1-2 6 - - - - - - 7/6 SET 1-3 6 SGH 1-2 6 SHF 1 - - - 7/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Page Issue / Revision Number Range 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIR 1-6 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 - - 7/6 SLC 1-5 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 SNL 1-2 - - - 7/2 SOC 1-2 6 SOE-CD 1-5 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 - - 7/6 SOE-CH 1-12 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - 7/5 7/6 7/7 SOE-FT 1-3 6 7 7/1 - 7/3 - 7/5 7/6 SOE-NC 1-16 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - 7/5 7/6 SOE-R 1-2 6 SOF 1-7 6 - - 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 7/7 SOH 1-2 6 SOI 1-2 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 SOL 1-9 6 - - 7/2 SOM 1-2 6 - - - 7/3 SOW 1-2 6 - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 STE 1-2 - - - - - - - 7/6 STN 1-2 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 - - - - - - - - 7/12 SVL 1-3 6 - - - 7/3 - - 7/6 TAI 1-2 6 - - 7/2 TAT 1 6 TED 1-6 6 - 7/1 TET 1-3 6 - 7/1 TFC 1-3 6 TIG 1-5 6 - - - 7/3 - 7/5 7/6 TLC 1-3 6 - - - - - - - 7/7 TNS 1-2 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 - 7/6 TOC 1-2 6 - - 7/2 - - - - - - - - - - 7/13 TOE-BT 1-2 6 TOE-CD 1-2 6 TOE-CH 1-7 6 TOE-NC 1-6 6 - - - - - - - 7/7 TOF 1-10 6 - - - 7/3 - - - 7/7 TOI 1-2 6 - - - 7/3 - - - - - - - - - 7/13 TOL 1-4 6 TOO 1-2 6 - - - - - - - - 7/8 - - - - 7/13 TOS 1-2 - - - - 7/3 - - - - - - - - - 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Page Issue / Revision Number Range 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOW 1-2 6 TPU 1-2 6 TRC 1-4 6 - - 7/2 - - - 7/6 - - - - - - 7/13 TRI 1-3 6 - - 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 TRW 1-2 6 - 7/1 - - - - 7/6 TSC 1-2 - - - - 7/3 TSL 1-11 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - 7/6 TSN 1-4 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 - - - - - 7/12 TSW 1-2 6 - - - - - - 7/6 TTY 1 6 TXM 1-7 6 - 7/1 - 7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 - 7/8 UDP 1-5 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - - 7/7 UES 1-5 6 7 7/1 7/2 7/3 - - - 7/7 7/8 7/9 UFO 1-3 6 - - 7/2 - - - - - 7/8 UMT 1-5 - - - - - - - 7/6 UPC 1-5 6 - 7/1 7/2 7/3 - 7/5 7/6 UPS 1-2 6 - 7/1 - - 7/4 - 7/6 USL 1-2 6 - 7/1 - - - - 7/6 UTA 1-2 - - 7/1 7/2 UTC 1-3 6 7 7/1 7/2 - - - 7/6 WCC 1-2 6 7 WCT 1-4 6 WFL 1-2 6 - 7/1 WOI 1-2 6 - - 7/2 7/3 WOL 1-3 6 - 7/1 - - - - 7/6 WPT 1-13 6 - 7/1 7/2 - - - 7/6 - 7/8 WSL 1-4 6 - - - - - - - - 7/8 7/9 WUL 1-2 6 - - - - - - 7/6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) TRANSACTION CODE: RCP Recent Change Packager GENERAL REMARKS Transaction RCP generates ESS, ETS, RSS, DMS-10, and DMS-100 recent change messages for pendning service and work orders. Eligible orders are those meeting H-line criteria. The messages are stored in the data base in recent change packages. These messages can then be printed using transaction RCR. An H-line input includes a maximum of ten orders types (OT), an order status (STAT), a frame due date (FDD) or a frame due date range, the assigner's initials (AI), a due time (DT), an order category (OC), and a segment code (SG). Input can be entered on multiple H-lines. This input cannot process orders that have already had their recent change messages generated. Remark and reservation-type orders are ignored. If no "FDD" input is specified, orders with today's due date and earlier are processed. If a single frame due date is specified and is less than or equal to today's date, all orders having today's due date and earlier are processed. If a single frame due date is specified that is greater than today's due date, only orders having that FDD are processed. When a frame due date range is specified and contains today's date, all earlier orders up to the latest date specified are printed. Recent change messages can be printed for specific orders with H-line input or the order number(s) and, optionally, the output device (OD). This input serves two purposes: 1. It prints messages for orders that have already been processed by RCP. 2. If it is the first run of RCP for an order, it generates recent change message(s), stores them in the data base, and then prints the message. Recent change messages can be printed in punctuated or unpunctuated form. If the output device (OD) is specified, punctuation is appended to the messages when printed. If "OD" is not specified, punctuation is not appended to the messages, when printed. The output device can be specified as either OD TT, OD TTX...X, OD TTX...X+, OD MMS, or OD MTX. An input of "OD TT" sends the message output to the current terminal. An input of "OD TTX...X" send output to the specified terminal. An input of "OD TTX...X+" sends unpunctuated-message output to the current terminal and punctuated-message output to the specified terminal. An input of "OD MMS" sends the message output, including additional MARCH information, to the current terminal. And by inputting "OD MTX", output is sent to a magnetic tape. By using ORD input, messages can be requested any number of times. A period (.) on a separate line ends input and begins processing. A "Q" entered on a separate line terminates the transaction before processing. RCP-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) Upon processing the eligible orders, RCP prints a summary of the number of orders in each package that had messages generated and prints the number of change notices created. SUMMARY OF INPUTS 1. Generates Recent Change Messages for All Orders with a Frame Due Date of Today or Earlier. H OP ALL 2. Generates Recent Change Messages that Meet Input Specifications. H OT XXX/STAT X/FDD MM-DD-YY;MM-DD-YY/AI XXXX/DT XXXXX/OC XXX/SG X 3. Print Unpunctuated Recent Change Messages for a Specific Order or Orders. H ORD XXX..X/ORD XXX..X/... 4. Print Punctuated Recent Change Messages for a Specific Order or Orders, Specifying an Output Device. H ORD XXX..X/.../OD TT TTX...X TTX...X+ MTX MMS RCP-2 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: RCP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate recent change H OP ALL messages for orders with a frame due date of today or ealier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate recent change H OT XXX Valid input for XXX: messages by order type NC,CD,CH,T,F,LET,LST,MCT MCR,CT,RS,SS,DS, and RD. A maximum of ten OTs may be entered. Exception: Order type CT must be entered separately to generate CT messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate recent change H STAT X Valid input for X: messages by order M = Frame completed status. A = Plant completed P = Pending ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate recent change H FDD MM-DD-YY If the FDD is greater than messages by frame due today's date, RCP processes date. orders for that date. If the FDD is less than or equal to today's date, RCP processes orders having today's date and earlier. If an FDD is not specified, RCP processes orders having today's due date and earlier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate recent change H FDD MM-DD-YY; If the FDD range contains messages by a frame MM-DD-YY today's date, RCP process all due date range. earlier orders up to the latest date specified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate recent change H SG X Valid input for X is messages by segment 0 to 9 or the following: code R = Resident B = Business C = Coin D = Data Input can consist of other locally-defined letters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCP-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: RCP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate recent change H OC XXX Valid input for XXX: messages by order 1 to 3 alphanumerics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate recent change H AI XXXX Valid input for XXXX: messages by an 1 to 4 alphanumerics. assigner's initials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate recent change H DT XXXXX Valid input for XXXXX: messages by due time 1 to 5 alphanumerics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print unpunctuated H ORD XXX...X A maximum of ten orders can be recent change messages entered. for previously processed or new order Messages requested by order number can be requested and printed any number of times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a previously H ORD XXX..X/OD TT A maximum of ten orders can be processed or new order, entered. punctuate recent change messages and send output to the current terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a previously H ORD XXX..X/OD TTX...X A maximum of ten orders can be process or new order, entered. punctuate recent change messages and X...X represents the terminal send output to a ID, following /dev/ on UTS specified terminal. (/dev/tty on UNISYS). If that portion of the ID contains a slash (/), substitute an exclamation point (!) for the slash. (For example, if the UTS terminal ID is /dev/pts/3, enter od ttpts!3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a previously H ORD XXX..X/OD TTX...X+ Same as above. processed or new order, send punctuated messages to a specified terminal and unpunctuated messages to the current terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCP-4 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: RCP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a previously H ORD XXX..X/OD MTX A maximum of ten orders can be processed or new entered. order, punctuate recent change Valid input for X: messages and send 0 to 9. output to a magnetic tape. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a previously H ORD XXX..X/ORD MMS A maximum of ten orders can be processed or new entered. order, punctuate recent change messages and send output, including additional MARCH information, to the current terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCP-5 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) TRANSACTION CODE: RCR Recent Change Report GENERAL REMARKS Transaction RCR prints recent change messages that have been generated for pending service and work orders. Messages for orders that meet H-line criteria are printed with appropriate message punctuation and are output to an appropriate device. The output is in suitable format for direct entry into an ESS service order teletype. The printing of recent change messages can be requested by entity, frame due date and package type, or border number. If the type is RSS, the RSS number (RNO) must be specified. Recent change package types are as follows: o IN = inward orders. o OUT = outward orders. o CHG = change orders. o SS = suspends. o RS = restores. o TF = associated Ts and Fs due the same day. o HOT = orders shown as OC HOT (i.e., MCTs). o FDT = orders input with a specific due time (DT). o COOR = orders requiring coordination. This includes orders input with "RW C" and orders automatically marked for coordination due to the presence of a plus (+) in recent change templates. o LET = line equipment transfers. o CT = cable throws involving an OE change. o AGE = TN aging (generated by RNA). o SOB-IN and SOB-OUT = service observing (generated by SVL). o MAN = messages generated by MGR. o DT = dial transfer withdrawal and changes. o FT = frame transfer OE changes. Input of "RPT ALL" prints seven package types: IN, OUT, CHG, SS, RS, TF, and HOT. Input of "ALL" (without the RPT prefix) prints all package types except for SOB-IN, SOB-OUT, MAN, FT, AGE, AND DT. RCR-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) When entering a single frame due date that is less than or equal to today's date, RCR prints recent change messages for all orders whose frame due date is less than or equal to today's date. If the frame due date entered is greater than today's date, RCR prints only messages for orders having that specific frame due date. When a frame due date range is entered and the first date of the range is less than or equal to today's date, recent change messages are printed for all orders having a frame due date that is less than or equal to the second frame due date of the range specified. If the first frame due date of the range is greater than today's date, only messages within that range are printed. FDD is not required input when RPT is SOB, MAN, AGE, FT or DT. Optional inputs are OD (output devices), DLAY (delay requests), LC (line count), and OP (with NEW, COPY, or ALL). The default value for OP is "OP NEW". Recent change messages can be printed with punctuation appended by specifying the output device. An input of "OD TT" sends punctuated messages to the current terminal. An input of "OD TTX...X" sends punctuated messages to the specified terminal. An input of "OD TTX...X+" sends unpunctuated messages to the current terminal and punctuated messages to the remote terminal specified. An input of "OD MMS" sends punctuated messages, including additional MARCH information, to the current terminal. With "OD MTX", punctuated messages are sent to a magetic tape. Input of "DLAY" delays a request for 1 ESS and 1A ESS messages. An input of "LC" limits the number of messages output per RCR run. OP NEW prints all messages meeting the H-line input criteria that have not been printed yet and updates the print tag. OP COPY prints all messages that meet H-line criteria and were printed in the OP NEW run of RCR. OP ALL prints all messages that meet the H-line input criteria, whether previously printed or not. A period (.) on a separate line ends input and begins processing. A "Q" entered on a separate line terminates the transaction before processing. If requested by order number, messages can be printed, regardless of whether they have been printed already. After messages have been printed, RCR prints all change notices that have accumulated. RCR prints only change notices when an input of "RPT UPDT" is entered on the H-line. RPT UPDT can be used with the OP (NEW, COPY, ALL) option. Dial transfer messages can be printed any number of times. After each printing, the dial transfer messages may be optionally purged. RCR-3 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) SUMMARY OF INPUTS 1. Print Messages by Entity, Frame Due Date, and Package Type. H TYP XXXXX/EN Y/RPT X..X/XXX/FDD MM-DD-YY;MM-DD-YY ALL OP XXXX/OD TT/DLAY/LC XXXX TTX...X TTX...X+ MTX MMS 2. Print Messages When the Entity Type is RSS. H TYP RSS/EN Y/RNO XX/RPT X..X/.../FDD MM-DD-YY ALL (any additional inputs) 3. Print Messages by Order Number. H ORD XX...XX/.../OD TT/DLAY TTX...X TTX...X+ MTX MMS 4. Print Change Notices Only. H RPT UPDT/OP XXXX 5. Print Dial Transfer or Frame Transfer Messages, Excluding Entity Type RSS. H TYP XXXXX/EN Y/RPT DT/OP XXXX/OD TT/DLAY/LC XXXX FT TTX...X TTX...X+ MTX MMS RCR-3 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) 6. Print Dial Transfer or Frame Transfer Messages When the Entity Type is RSS. H TYP RSS/EN Y/RNO XX/RPT DT/OP XXXX/OD TT/DLAY/LC XXXX FT TTX...X TTX...X+ MTX MMS 7. Print Service Observing Messages. H TYP XXXXX/EN Y/RPT SOB-IN/OP XXXX/OD TT/DLAY/LC XXXX OUT 8. Print Messages Stored in a TED File. H TYP XXXXX/EN Y/FILE XXXXXXXX TT/DLAY/LC XXXX TTX...X TTX...X+ MTX MMS or H TYP RSS/EN Y/RNO XX/FILE/OD/DLAY/LC RCR-4 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: RCR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages H TYP XXXXX/EN Y/ Valid input for TYP is any for an ESS or FDD MM-DD-YY/RPT X..X three- to five-alphanumeric, digital switching user-defined switch type that machine. appears in the ES table (e.g., 1ES for a 1 ESS switch). The exceptions are the following standard types: 5XB and RSS. If a TYP has been entered, an entity number (EN) must also be specified. Valid input for EN is one alpha or numeric character (i.e., 0 to 9, or A to Z). Valid input for Y: 0 to 9, or A to Z. A maximum of ten RPT may be entered, separated by commas (e.g., RPT IN, OUT, CHG). There are four exceptions to this format: ALL, AGE, SOB-IN, and SOB-OUT cannot be entered in conjunction with any other RPT value. Valid X..X input: IN, OUT, CHG, SS, RS, TF, FT, FDT, DT, CT, LET, COOR, AGE, HOT, MAN, SOB-IN, and SOB-OUT. FDD is not required input, when the RPT is SOB, MAN, AGE, FT, or DT. RPT ALL prints messages for the package types IN, OUT, CHG, SS, RS, TF, and HOT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCR-5 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: RCR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages for an H TYP/EN/FDD ID;ID/ALL ALL prints all package ESS or digital types except SOB-IN, switching machine for SOB-OUT, AGE, MAN, all package types. FT, and DT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages for an H TYP RSS/EN Y/RNO XX/ A maximum of ten RPT RSS switching machine. FDD MM-DD-YY/RPT X..X may be entered. Valid input for X..X: Same as above. Valid input for EN Y: 0 to 9, or A to Z. Valid input for XX: 01 to 63. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages for an H TYP 5XB/EN Y/FDD ID/RPT X..X A maximum of ten RPT ETS switching machine. may be entered. Valid input for X..X: Same as above. Valid input for Y: 0 to 9, or A to Z. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages, H TYP/EN/RPT/FDD ID;ID specifying an FDD range. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages that H TYP/EN/FDD/RPT/OP NEW have not been printed yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages that H TYP/EN/FDD/RPT/OP COPY were printed in the last OP NEW run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages for H TYP/EN/FDD/RPT X..X-CTX Valid input for X..X: Centrex orders. IN, CHG, OUT, TF. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages for H TYP/EN/FDD/FPT X..X-MLHG Valid input for X..X: multiline hunt group Same as above. orders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages for H TYP/EN/FDD/RPT X..X-ALL Valid input for X..X: multiline hunt group, Same as above. Centrex, and POTS orders. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCR-6 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: RCR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages, H ORD XX...XX/... A maximum of 20 orders specifying an order may be entered. number. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print change notices H RPT UPDT This input cannot be in only. combination with the prefix OD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print change notices H RPT UPDT/OP NEW Same as above. that have not been printed yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print change notices H RPT UPDT/OP COPY Same as above. that were printed in the last OP NEW run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print all change H RPT UPDT/OP ALL Same as above. notices, whether previously printed or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print dial transfer H TYP XXXXX/EN Y/RPT DT Valid input for TYP is any frame transfer FT three- to five-alphanumeric update messages, user-defined switch type excluding entity that appears in the ES type RSS. table (e.g., 1ES for a 1 ESS switch). If a TYP has been entered, an entity number (EN) must also be specified. Valid input for EN is one alpha or numeric character (i.e., 0 to 9, or A to Z. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print dial transfer H TYP RSS/EN Y/RNO XX/RPT DT Valid input for Y: frame transfer FT 0 to 9, or A to Z. messages, when the entity type is RSS. Valid input for XX: 01 to 63. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print messages stored H TYP/EN/FILE XX..X Valid input for XX..X: in a TED file. up to eight alphanumerics. RNO is required for TYP RSS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punctuate and send H (required input)/OD TT The prefix OD is not valid output messages to with an input of RPT UPDT. current terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCR-7 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: RCR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punctuate and send H (required input)/OD MMS Same as above. output messages, including additional MARCH information, to the current terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punctuate and send H (req. input)/OD TTX..X X...X represents the output messages to a terminal ID, following specified terminal. /dev/ on UTS (/dev/tty on UNYSIS). If that portion of the ID contains a slash (/), substitute an exclamation point (!) for the slash. (For example, if the UTS terminal ID is /dev/pts/3, enter od ttpts!3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send unpunctuated H (req. input)/OD TTX...X+ Same as above. messages to the current terminal and punctuated messages to the remote terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punctuate and send H (required input)/OD MTX Valid input for X: output messages to a 0 to 9. magnetic tape. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delay request on 1 ESS H (required input)/DLAY and 1A ESS messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List service observing H TYP XXXXX/EN Y/ Valid input for TYP is messages on file. RPT SOB-IN any three to five SOB-OUT alphanumeric, user-defined, switch type that appears in the ES table (e.g., 1ES for a 1A ESS switch). The exceptions are the following standard types: 5XB and RSS. If a TYP has been entered an entity number (EN) must also be specified. Valid input for EN is one alpha or numeric character (i.e., 0 to 9, or A to Z) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCR-8 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: RCR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print service H TYP/EN/RPT SOB-IN/OD TT Same as above. observing messages SOB-OUT at the current terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate a copy of H (see box above)/OP COPY Same as above. service observing messages printed at the current terminal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit the number of H (required input)/LC XXXX Valid input for XXXX: messages printed by up to four numerics. RCR. The prefix LC cannot be used with the ORD prefix or an input of RPT UPDT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCR-9 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) TRANSACTION CODE: TOC Transfer Order Completion GENERAL REMARKS TOC completes a transfer circuit, established by TOE. TOC verifies that TRC or TMART/TAGTMART/FILETAGT has printed the circuit and that the Frame Running List and Dead Jumper List have been printed, as well. If a transfer circuit has an outstanding service or work order against it, it won't be completed. Required input is an H-line, specifying the circuit identifier. To complete a range of circuits, specify the range. If you want to suppress the requirement that the Dead Jumper List be pulled, also enter "DJ N" or "DJ NO". To suppress the requirement that recent change has been printed, enter "RC N". You can also specify the message format. If not specified, only the error messages for every dial-transfer circuit in the range will print. You can also specify the message format. If not specified, only the error messages for every dial-transfer circuit in the range will print. A period (.) and linefeed signify the end of input. A "Q" on a separate line, followed by a linefeed, terminates the transaction without processing. SUMMARY OF INPUTS H fac ID;ID/DJ N or NO/MF ALL ERR H fac ID;ID/DJ N or NO/RC N TOC-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: TOC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FACS INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete a singe CP H fac ID transfer circuit OE TN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete a range CP H fac ID;ID of transfer OE circuits. TN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete CP H fac ID/DJ N circuit(s) OE NO without pulling TN dead-jumper list. H fac ID;ID/DJ N NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete a range CP fac ID;ID/MF XXX Valid input for XXX: of circuits, OE ALL=Message is printed specifying the TN for every circuit message format. in the range. ERR=Message is printed only for circuits not completed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete CP H fac ID/RC N circuit(s) OE H fac ID;ID/RC N without requiring TN that recent change has been printed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOC-2 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) TRANSACTION CODE: TOI Dial Transfer Order Inquiry GENERAL REMARKS TOI prints the current status of all facilities and frame terminations for circuits involved in dial transfers. TOI supplies the following information on each circuit: order type, frame running list, dead jumper list and an indication of whether TRC/TMART/TAGTMART/FILETAGT and TOL have been run on the transfer circuit. Information on facilities in the background circuit is also reported. In addition, LOIS information for facilities terminating on the frame is supplied. Required input is an H-line specifying a single facility ID (TN, OE, CP, GP, TP, TER) or a facility range (fac ID;ID). An H-line may contain more than one facility ID or range. Multiple H-lines can be entered. The data base does not contain the correct tie pair endpoint information until an order is completed. If a reused tie pair has a disconnected facility as an endpoint, TOI determines and reports what the new tie-pair endpoint is upon order completion. TOI processes an area transfer and reports on the circuits in both TO and FROM wire centers, when an AT file exists and a CP is used as the facility ID. Both NC (New Connect) and CD (Complete Disconnect) circuits that are involved in the area transfer are printed. The user does not have to execute from the FROM wire center. A period (.) on a separate line followed by a linefeed ends H-line input and begins processing. A "Q" on a separate line followed by a linefeed terminates the transaction without processing the input. SUMMARY OF INPUTS H fac ID;ID/fac ID..., etc., H fac ID/..., etc. . . . etc. TOI-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: TOI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION LEGAL INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS FACS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inquire on a dial TN H fac ID Valid input for fac: transfer circuit OE TN, OE, CP, GP, TP, or for a single CP TER facility. GP TP TER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inquire on a dial TN H fac ID;ID Same as above. transfer circuit OE for a facility CP range. GP TP TER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOI-2 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) TRANSACTION CODE: TOO Transfer Order Omissions GENERAL REMARKS TOO identifies all circuits that would fail on a TOC (Transfer Order Completion) for the following reasons: o No TRC (Transfer Order Recent Change report) has been run. o No TOF (Transfer Order Frame listings report) has been pulled. o No TOF dead jumper list has been pulled. o There is an outstanding service or work order circuit that is not in a pending dial transfer. TOC verifies that the circuit has been printed by TRC, TMART (Transfer Master Record Tape), FILETAGT, or TAGTMART and that the frame running list and the dead jumper list have been printed. Required input is an H-line specifying a circuit identifier (a CP, OE, or TN). Or, you can enter a range of these facilities to have TOO evaluate several circuits. If desired, you can also enter "DJ N" or "DJ NO" to suppress the requirement that the dead jumper list be pulled. In addition, you can suppress the printing of recent change messages by entering "RC N" or "RC NO". TOO also has a message format (MF) option. If this input is not specified, TOO defaults to "MF ERR", which prints only those circuits that have been completed on the run. Optionally, you can specify "MF ALL" to list all circuits in error and circuits that can be completed. A period (.) and a linefeed signifies the end of input. A "Q" on a separate line will terminate the transaction without processing. SUMMARY OF INPUT 1. Print the Circuits that would fail on a TOC and Suppress Printing the Dead Jumper List. H fac ID;ID/DJ N/MF ALL ERR 2. Print the Circuits that would fail on a TOC and Suppress Printing the Recent Change Messages. H fac ID;ID/RC N/MF ALL ERR TOO-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: TOO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FACS INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print the circuit CP H fac ID information for a OE single facility TN that failed a TOC run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print the circuits CP H fac ID;ID of all facilities OE in a specified TN range that failed a TOC run. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print the circuits CP H fac ID/DJ N If "DJ" is not specified, TOO for the facilities OE NO defaults to "DJ Y (or YES)" that failed a TOC TN and the dead jumper list will run and suppress be pulled (printed). the dead jumper list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print the circuits CP H fac ID/RC N If "RC" is not specified, TOO for the facilities OE NO defaults to "RC Y (or YES)" that failed a TOC TN or and recent change messages run and suppress will be printed. printing the recent H fac ID;ID/RC N change messages. NO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print a range of CP H fac ID;ID/MF XXX Valid input for XXX: transfer order OE ALL=Print a message for every circuits using TN circuit in the range. the message format. ERR=Print a message only for circuits that did not complete the transfer. If an "MF" is not specified, TOO defaults to "MF ERR." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOO-2 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) TRANSACTION CODE: TOS Transfer Order Summary GENERAL REMARKS TOS provides a count and summary of the number of circuits within a specified range, which are involved in a transfer order. Circuits involved are those established by transaction TOE as any of the following order types (OT): o Background Transfer (BT) o Change Transfer Order (CH) o Complete Disconnect Transfer Order (CD) o New Connect Transfer Order (NC) Counts are provided for each of these order types and a summary for the total number of circuits includes the following information: o the number of circuits included in the "Frame Running List"; [This list is generated via transaction TOF with the "MF NEW" input option.] o the number of circuits included in the "Dead Jumper List"; [This list is generated via transaction TOF with the "MF DJ" option.] o the number of circuits included in the "Switch Translations" category; [This data is generated by transaction TMART/TAGTMART/FILETAGT, TODA, and TRC.] Required input is an H-line containing a facility ID range or a facility prefix followed by an asterisk (*). The asterisk indicates that the entire facility file should be summarized. Legal prefixes are TN, OE, CP or TP. A period (.) entered on a separate line indicates end of input. To terminate the transaction before processing, enter a "Q" on a separate line followed by a linefeed. SUMMARY OF INPUTS H fac ID;ID H fac ID * TOS-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: TOS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION LEGAL INPUT CONDITIONS FACS FORMATS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Count/summarize TN H fac ID;ID Legal facility the number of OE prefixes are TN, OE, cicuits within a CP CP or TP. specified facility TP range, which are involved in a transfer order. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Count/summarize TN H fac ID * Same as above for an entire OE facility file the CP number of circuits TP that are involved in a transfer order. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOS-2 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) TRANSACTION CODE: TRC Transfer Order Recent Change Report GENERAL REMARKS TRC generates recent change messages for transfer orders. Required input is an H-line specifying the circuits that will be processed and the message format (MF). An individual circuit or a range may be specified. The required message format input is the followin: o RC Message Format - MF YYYY NEW generates NEW MESSAGES (for the appropriate entity). OUT generates OUT MESSAGES (for the appropriate entity). CHG generates CHG MESSAGES (for the appropriate entity). SUSP generates CHG MESSAGES for suspending service. Additionally, the following may be specified: o Print Option - OP XXXX NEW prints all new circuits since TRC was last run. COPY reprints the circuits previously printed on last OP NEW run. ALL prints all messages. This is the default value. WKG prints messages for all working circuits. CRF prints TN change or referral notices. o Suppress requests for filter input - FILT N Filters to be included or excluded are class of service (CS), party circuit (PTY), and USOC (US). o Delay request for 1 ESS and 1A ESS messages - DLAY. o Output device - OD MTX or OD TTN...N Defaults to the terminal, if not specified. o Line count - LC XXXXX Limits the number of circuits to be printed. After a period is entered, TRC prompts for filter information if "FILT N" has not been specified on the H-line. TRC-1 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) SUMMARY OF INPUTS H fac ID;ID/MF YYYY/OP XXXX/FILT N/DLAY/OD TT/LC XXXXX TTN...N TTN...N+ MTX MTX+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: TRC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION FACS INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate RC CP H fac ID/MF YYYY GP input is expressed as message for GP fac ID;ID GP X-YYYY. specified circuit OE or range of TN X=Entity number circuits. Y=Group Number Valid input for YYYY: NEW = inward circuits OUT = outward circuits CHG = changed circuits SUSP = suspended circuits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate messages CP H fac ID/MF ID/OP XXXX Valid input for XXXX: and specify print GP NEW = New messages option. OE COPY = Reprints TN ALL = New and reprints WKG = Messages for working circuits CRF = TN change of referral notices. If OP is not specified, the default value is "OP ALL". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate messages CP H fac ID/MF ID/FILT N and suppress the GP filter request. OE TN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRC-2 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: TRC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION LEGAL INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS FACS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generates messages CP H fac ID/MF YYYY/DLAY with delay input GP on RC messages for OE 1 ESS and 1A ESS TN switch types. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generates messages CP H fac ID/MF YYYY/OD TT If an OD is not and add punctuation GP specified, punctuation directly at the TTY OE is not appended to running TRC. TN messages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate messages CP H fac ID/MF YYYY/OD TTN...N Valid input for X: and add punctuation GP 0 to 9 to the output OE device (other than TN N...N represents the TTY, running the terminal ID, following TRC). /dev/ on UTS (/dev/tty on UNYSIS). If the portion of the ID contains a slash (/), substitute an exclamation point (!) for the slash. (For example, if the UTS terminal ID is /dev/pts/3, enter od ttpts!3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate messages CP H fac ID/MF YYYY/OD TTN...N+ Same as above. and add punctuation GP MTX+ to the output OE device. Output TN messages also go to the TTY, running the TRC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate messages CP H fac ID;ID/MF YYYY/LC X..X Valid input for X..X: and specify a GP 1 to 10000. maximum number of OE circuits to be TN If an LC is not printed. specified, the output will be all qualifying circuits within the range. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . TRC-3 BR 753-303-600 Issue 7, September 1984 REVISION 13, February 1996 (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: TRC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION INPUT FORMATS CONDITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generate change referral H UFIL filename/CRF/MF YYY Valid input for YYY: messages to change the NEW, OUT, or CHG. route index for specific telephone numbers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION CODE: TRC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION/PROMPT CONDITION/DECISION INPUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER EXCLUDED FILTERS Specify the filters to be excluded filter data (ONE PER LINE-END INPUT WITH A ".") Valid filter prefixes: US, CS, and/or PTY. A maximum of ten USs or CSs may be specified, separated by commas (i.e., XXX,XXX,XXX...) ----------------------------------------------------- Terminates the input. .(period) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER INCLUDED FILTERS Specify the filters to be included. filter data (ONE PER LINE-END INPUT Conditions are the same as above. WITH A ".") ----------------------------------------------------- Terminates the input. .(period) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRC-4