TUCoPS :: Phreaking Technical System Info :: dc_ionic.txt

Ionica Services (UK)

__________		         ____________________               ________
  <<      \________       __ !  /     __        ___  \____________/
____	       |   \ /\  |  \| /     /    \   /|   \  ___     >
    \          |   |/__\ |__/|=     |      \ / |   | /___\         _________
__   \_________|___/    \|  \| \    |       !  |___/ \____________/   >>
  \      <    		 \   !  \    \___  /            ____           _____
   \______________________________________/                 \_________/
    _________DarkCyde_____________________   Communications  __UK/USA_ 
   /				      ___ \             ____/         \_____
__/   ___<_________      /   ¡  /    /     \    ___   ____________
     /         |   \ __ /|__/| /    |       ¡  |   \ /___         \___>>____
____/	       |   |\  / |  \|=     |      / \ |   | \___/   
	   ____|___/ \/  |__/| \     \__  /   \|___/  ________>____
__<<______/       	     ¡  \____________________/             \________
            !                                 !              !
            !        !            !           !        !     !
            ! !      !   !      ! !   !   !   !    !   !   ! !
          ! ! !  !   ! ! !  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  ! !   ! ! ! ! !

		     _d_C_RawDATA -p-r-e-s-e-n-t-s-
            !                                 !              !
            !        !            !           !        !     !
            ! !      !   !      ! !   !   !   !    !   !   ! !
          ! ! !  !   ! ! !  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  ! !   ! ! ! ! !
          !                i0nica [*] services                 !

			        by Hybrid
				July 1997

The ironica phone network has been around for quite a while now. Ionica is 
a service that compets alongside bee-tee. Instead of voice and data being 
transmitted through wires, ionica uses radio links from each customers house
to a transceiver. In this file, i am not going to go into detail about how 
ionica works, because I just can't be bothered. Instead I am going to talk 
about the possibilitys of ionicas services being exploited. 

            ...Funny things I have noticed about ionica...

* On rare ocations I have droped into other peoples converstions, I can hear
  them but they can't hear me.

* On 1 ocation the phone rang, I picked up and I heard 2 people talking to 
  to each other. Again they could not hear me.

* In the early hours of the morning, usually about 3am, sometimes the phone
  seizes, and I can hear an alternating tone. This tone is usually present
  for exactly 1 hour (3am-4am) No dialtone can be retrieved. This has
  happend when I have been talking to someone, and even when I was in the
  middle of dialing a number. I have a suspision that this may be some kind 
  of test tone, considering the hours at which it happens... 

* If I hit * 4 times a tone is emitted... it will stop after a while. When
  someone trys to phone me, while the tone is present or after it has stoped
  they will hear no ring, but drop directly onto my line. Again I can hear
  them, but they can't hear me. 

* If you listen to the earpiece very carefully and gently push the hang-up 
  button, you can hear people talking for about a second or so. 

* Also I have noticed a lack of test numbers for ionica, so I decided to try
  out all of there [*] services to see if there was anything interesting

                       ...Full [*] service scan...

*00#		not available from this line
*02*37#		not available from this line
*03*37*		not available from this line }na
*21*		not available from this line
*227#		not available from this line
*231**		dial a number
*25*		na
*261#		na
*27#		same as [1471] 
*28#		you have no new calls to return
*331#		bars out going calls
*352#		na
*351*		na
*37#		sorry, ring back service cannot be used on this call
*40#		na
*411#		na
*43#		call waiting is in operation
*44*		[security code] * phone number # -you have dialed incorectly
*471*		na
*51*		na
*52#		na
*53*		na
*54#		na
*55*		na
*56*		na
*61*		na
*62*  		na
*64*		[security code] * phone number # -you have dialed incorectly
*65*		[security code] * phone number # -you have dialed incorectly
*66*		na
*67*		na
*68*		na
*72*		na
**1		na
**2		na
**3		na
**4		na
**5		na
**6		na
**7		na
**8		na
**9		na
**0		na
#21#		na
#02*37#		na
#03*37*		na
#227#		na
#234#		na
#25#		na
#261#		na
#331*		na
#341*		[security code] #
#342*		same
#343*		same
#344*		same  } call baring cancellers 
#345*		same
#346*		same
#351*		na
#37*		*anything# ringback reqeust cancelled
#411#		na
#43#		call waiting cancelled
#44*		[security code] same as before
#471*		na
#51*		na
#51#		na
#52#		na
#53#		na
#55#		na
#56*		na
#56#		na
#61#		na
#62#		na
#64* 		[security code] same as before
#65*		same as above
#66#		na
#67#		na
#68#		na
#72#		na
*#02*37#	na
*#03*37#	na
*#21#		na
*#227#		na
*#234#		na
*#25#		na
*#261#		na
*#331#		na
*#34#		tells you what call barring is in operation
*#35#		na
*#37*		dial the number of the ringback request you wish to control
*#441#		na
*#43#		call wainting is in operation
*#44*		[security code] same as before
*#51*		na
*#51#		na
*#52#		na
*#53#		na
*#55#		na
*#56#		na
*#61#		na
*#62#		na
*#64*		[security code] same as before
*#65*		same as above
*#67#		na
*#68#		na

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