Phile 1.10 of 1.1*********** ** ** ** An Introduction to ** ** ** ** DIVERTERS ** ** ** *************************************** Written by Larry Phreaker alias: Larry, and Larry P. A P / H U N P R O D U C T I O N --------------------------------------- This file isn't "How to use a diverter", it's more like "how to get lots of them as fast as I can to make confrences and trace-free calls without getting nailed" I will discuss several ways to do this.. I wrote the text file in 40 column even though I have 80 so everyone vith 40 col can read it easily. And so when/if you print it out you can waste half the paper!! --------------------------------------- HOW TO FIND THEM: METHOD ONE- needed- The Yellow Pages touch tone phone Your areas ANI phone number Okay. Open the phone book to PLUMBERS. Find one that says 24 hour service or something like that. Dial the #. Let it ring. You should hear a click, then a ring. that is the call diverting. the other ring often sounds different. get the other people to hang up. now, THIS IS VITAL: DONT ANNOY THEM! They're not dumb and will catch on if you do. ask in foreigner type voice "Is Abdul there?" or something like that. they will hang up. Wait for a dial tone, then dial the ANI number. Thats the thing when you dial it it reads back your number. if it says your number, then its not a diverter. Try another plumber and take your business elsewhere but if it reads a different number, its a diverter.. It wont be the number you dialed though. Write down the number you dialed somewhere. Now you have a diverter. Other people to do this to are Doctors, Electricians, or anyone with 24-hour service in their ad. --------------------------------------- Problems with diverters: --------------------------------------- Some diverters have security features in them to keep out the big bad phreaks. For example, Radio Shack sells diverters. They hang up on you(and disconnect the call) either after five or ten minutes, depending on what the owner sets a switch to. I hate those. Also, some diverters click when used. every minute or so. If you dial ALLIANCE and it wont go though, then dial 10288 first then alliance. this will rout the call through AT&T. --------------------------------------- Why Diverters Are Superior: --------------------------------------- Often if you use a diverter thats local to you you get a great connection. Why? Your dialing off of its dial tone as if it was your own, but not getting billed of course. Diverters dont trace or have ANI like those nasty 950 companies. They reach any number that you can.. If you call a number that traces with a diverter(Gvmt/TRW/etc) it gets the DIverter number and not yours. You are safe, the Plumber/Doctor has some serious explaining to do to the feds. As well as a large phone bill that he dosent know where it all came from. Phun at its best!!! --------------------------------------- HOW TO FIND THEM------------------- you need- A PAYPHONE(unless your in Crossbar, but still WATCH OUT!) The number to the Credit Operator I reccomend using a payphone for this one since you are screwing with your local telco who dosent like you much. Ok, dial the credit op. Ask for the AT&T CREDIT OPERATOR. They should put on some lame recording. Wait till its over then wait for a dial tone. Hit 9+1+Area Code and Phone Number. This is convenient if you have no quarter. This is how it works: 1) you call credit op and ask for at&t credit op 2) Op hits button to DIAL number with recording. Op lets go of button to talk to you(IE: goes on to next person with ques.) 3) Recording Ends. It hangs up but you dont. you get a dial tone: THE CREDIT OPS DIAL TONE!!! 4) Dial 9+1+Area Code and Number. I reccomend hitting 9+ANI the first time you do this to make sure it works in your area. I have only tried it in NY Metro Area.(IE, NYC and Long Island) if ANI isnt a 3-digit number(NY Metro Area ANI: 958) but rather is a 7-digit phone number, hit 1+9+Area COde plus ANI. Depending onthe area if you dial a number in your area code you may not need to use it. Experiment! Whats rad is that if you dial the number it gives with ANI it rings. You get connected to someone dialing the` Credit Op! They think you are He/She! Then all sorts of fun and games can happen!!! --------------------------------------- How To Find Diverters: Method Three- --------------------------------------- Need- A Phone Yellow Pages good "social engineering" skills. (In other words, be a good BS atrist...) Your Local ANI number Look up "Telephone ANswering Service" in the phone book. make up a name. Tell them you are thinking about buying a call diverter. BS them that you want "referenced of people/companies that use your services call diverters" and get phone numbers. Those numbers could be and often are diverters!!! If not, look up the company up in the phone book. that should be the diverter. be sure to check it with ANI.. Somethins interestion I have found is that the numbers to some TAS(Telephone Answering Service) companies are diverters.Then youre double Lucky! Some companies refuse to give out info for "security reasons". Offer to give them your phone number if they will call you back immediately (you have to leave soon, say that) and give them the ring side of a loop. Isnt this fun?!?! (Thanks to Cris J. for this method) -------------------------------------- As you can see, diverters have many uses. Find them, use them, trade them, abuse them, post them. DIverters often never last longer than 2 and a half months since thats as long as it usually takes for them to figure out what is happening, and get a secure diverter. --------------------------------------- "This file is for educational purposes only. It is merely information and is protected by the First Amendment as Freedom of Speech." In otherwords, if the KKK can spread propaganda, then this file aint illegal. 'Nuff Said. ---- This File Written & Researched by: L a r r y P h r e a k . for P / H U N M A G Z I N E -OnLine. ==============================================================================