TUCoPS :: Phreaking Technical System Info :: ea.txt

Equal Access Over-rides

-=:(Originaly Displayed on P-80 Systems):=-

BY: <S><C><A><N><*><M><A><N>

Equal Access Overide Codes

If you are aware of any more please leave them in mail to the SYS.OPER


10001# =REP. TELCOM
10059# =LDX
10222# =MCI*
10288# =AT&T*
10322# =SHARECOM
10330# =TELSHARE
10333# =U.S. TEL (DIAL U.S.)
10666# =LEXITEL
10777# =SPRINT(GTE)*
110888# =SKYLINE(SBS)*


Equal Access

Equal Access was originally thought to be the end of Phreaking in the Post Divestiture age. This has not come to pass. Equal Access has not only not put the big squeeze on phone phreaks but has actually helped them.

Allow me to elaborate. It was originally thought that after divestiture and the advent of EA (in your area) that the local long distance call service dialups would be closed! Hence no free long distance other than through extenders (PBX's with remote access). This in fact is not true (at least for the moment). As long as there remains a mechanical switcher of any type within approx 25 miles if the metro area of the city (long distance limit) then the dialups MUST! remain open to provide non ESS customers with the ability to use alternate long distance vendors!

Equal Access has also provided the phreak community with the ability to make free calls from payphones. What i mean by free is that by using the Equal Access codes listed above you may simply walk up to any payphone (within the Equal Access coverage area) and dial the overide code to the desired vendor (MCI,SPRINT,etc.) without the insertion of .10 or .25 cents for the initial call. What this does is eliminate the call to the local dialup!

When you dial the overide code 10222# for example, this will give you the MCI dialtone if and only if MCI serves your area. This rule applies to the larger services (MCI,GTE)  There are some 250 long distance call vendors, i have listed above the most commonly used, and the above codes will work as long as that company provides service in your area. Did you notice the # number sign at the end of the overide code? That is a neccesary digit amd must be dialed.

Equal access provides each customer within its service area the opportunity to use any company they desire to carry their long distance calls (known as the PRIMARY VENDOR). Let us suppose that you have chosen MCI as your primary vendor. When you pick up the phone to make a legitimate long distace call you simply dial the way you always have 1-A/C-XXXX, and the call will be billed normally just as AT&T used to do. Equal access also provides you the opportunity to chose a SECONDARY VENDOR. To make a legitimate call through a secondary vendor you would dial 10222-A/C-XXXX the call will then be billed through the secondary vendor (10222=MCI). Did you notice there was no # sign at the end of the legitimate method? This will always be true for legitimate! calls.

Many of the Smaller long distance vendors only serve the continental U.S.. However the MAJOR vendors will provide service to Alaska, Hawaii, and Canada. Also on April first 1984 GTE Sprint opened long distance service to the United Kingdom (Scottland,Northern Irealand,Wales,and England). MCI also serves a few international areas (I have been told they serve Australia but i have not verified that at this writing. (5/1/85) Any new information on this subject should be forworded to P-80 Systems sys.oper at (304-744-2253). The dialing format for International calling from home would be DIALUP-CODE-011-CC-CC-NUMB, and from a payphone under Equal Access 10XXX#-CODE-011-CC-CC-NUMB. Basically you just use the standard AT&T dialing format after the authorization code is entered (1st CC=Country Code/2nd CC=City Code).

I do not recommend the use of Equal Access overide methods for phreaking from home unless absolutly neccesary,as the call instead of going straight into the call vendor,it will be routed Through the local BOC (Bell Operating Compnay) and TSPS (Traffic Services Position System). In which case it would be possible to program the system to monitor your line. This may or may not be a problem as it is not standard practice (yet) and still as with the DNR (Dialed Number Recorder) you must first draw attention to your self. So just to be on the safe side when home i would continue to use the local dialup from home and the overide codes from payphones for as long as there remains a local dialup avail (several yrs at a min).

The seven Bell companies are converting about 1 CO (Central Office) a month to Equal Access accross the country, and will be awhile before everyone has it, especially the rural areas.

To find out what companies are serving your area go to a payphone and dial all of the overide codes above (if you are under EA only) and that should tell you. If you think that there are more companies in your area that are not on this list simply call your local business off of the phone company and ask them what vendors serve your area, and they will be quite co-operative. If you dont have Equal Access call and ask them when you will get it, as by Sept. of 1986 each BOC must have at least one office capable of handleing Equal Access which may or may not be the office serving your area.

For those of you familiar with the 950 exchange you will notice the similarity between there access number and the EA overide code for example 950-1022 will get you an MCI dialtone as well as 10222# will. It is my opinion that Equal access is a modified version of the 950 NPA exchange. Many of the Bell tech manuals written in the two yrs before the first actual Equal Access system went in to effect in Charleston,WV. described the equal access codes with 10xx rather than 10xxx. This has occured due to the overwhelming number of new long distance call services that have opened up. They did not expect that much competition would develope that quickly, as it did they simply added a digit so do not be decieved by any tech manuals on Equal Access written between 1982 and 1984.




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