TUCoPS :: Phreaking Technical System Info :: foreign.txt

Foreign Telecom Carriers

(COMMENT:I created this list mostly because of my own curiousity about
foreign telecommunications, but also because I discovered in my own
curiousity that there is not much information on the subject and the
need for it was in demand.  This is my first time publicly posting the
list, so any comments or criticism is appreciated.  Hope some people
find this useful or interesting:)

Foreign Telecommunications Carriers
Brisk Attivo (brisk@netins.net)
October 20th, 2003

  This list is meant to be a reference for the current
telecommunications carriers for all foreign countries.  The countries
selected for this list have been chosen because they are recognized by
the CIA World Factbook.  The telecommunications carriers selected have
been chosen because they are the most economically dominant in their
associated countries, or because they are state-owned, government-
owned, public operators of telecommunications.  Information on the
telecommunications of some countries--such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and
North Korea--is limited due to their political instability.  Most of
this information was found due to help from publications by the FCC
(Federal Communications Commission), CIA (Central Intelligence
Agency), ITU (International Telecomunications Commission), and Google.

Afghanistan - Ministry of Communications
Albania - AlbTelecom (Albanian Telecom)
Algeria - Algerie Telecom
American Samoa - American Samoa TeleCommunications Authority (Samoa
Andorra - Servei de Telecomunicacions d'Andorra (STA)
Angola - Angola Telecom
Anguilla - Cable & Wireless: Anguilla
Antartica - I Bet You Looked At This One First (IBYLATOF)
Antuiga and Barbuda - Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA)
Argentina - Telecom Argentina
Armenia - ArmenTel (Armenian Telephone Company)
Aruba - SETAR
Australia - Telstra
Austria - Telekom Austria
Azerbaijan - Aztelecom
Bahamas - Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BaTelCo)
Bahrain - Bahrain Telecommunication Company (Batelco)
Bangladesh - Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board
Barbados - Cable & Wireless: Barbados
Belarus - Beltelecom
Belgium - Belgacom
Belize - BTL (Belize Telecommunications)
Benin - Office des Postes et Télécommunications
Bermuda - Bermuda Telephone Company
Bhutan - Bhutan Telecom
Bolivia - Entel
Bosnia and Herzegovina - BH Telecom
Botswana - Botswana Telecommunications Corporation
Brazil - Telebras
British Virgin Islands - Cable & Wireless: British Virgin Islands
Brunei - Jabatan Telekom Brunei
Bulgaria - Bulgarian Telecommunications Company
Burkina Faso - Office national des Telecommunications (ONATEL)
Burma/Myanma - Myanma Posts & Telecommunications
Burundi - Office National des Télécommunications (Onatel)
Cambodia - Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Cameroon - Intelcam
Canada - Telus and Bell Canada
Cape Verde - Cabo Verde Telecom
Cayman Islands - Cable & Wireless: Cayman Islands
Central African Republic - "Societe Centrafricaine des Postes et
Telecommunications" (SOCATEL)
Chad - La Poste et les Telecommunications Du Tchad
Chile - Telefónica Chile (CTC); ENTEL privatised state provider
China - China Telecom
Columbia - Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones
Comoros - Société Nationale des Postes et Télécommunications (SNPT)
Cook Islands - Telecom Cook Islands
Costa Rica - Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE)
Cote d'Ivoire - Côte d'Ivoire Telecom (CI-Telecom)
Croatia - Hrvatski Telekom
Cuba - Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba SA (ETECSA)
Cyprus - Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CTA)
Czech Republic - Ceský Telecom (Czech Telecom)
Denmark - TeleDanmark (TLD)
Djibouti - Djibouti Telecom (STID)
Dominica - Cable & Wireless: Dominca
Dominican Republic - La Compañía Dominicana de Teléfonos (CODETEL)
East Timor - Timor Telecom
Ecuador - Emetel, Andinatel, Pacifictel
Egypt - Telecom Egypt
El Salvador - Telecom El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea - "La Sociedad Anonima de Telecomunicaciones de la
Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial" (GETESA)
Etritrea - Telecommunication Service of Eritrea (TSE)
Estonia - Estonian Telephone Company
Ethiopia - Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation (ETC)
Falkland Islands - Cable & Wireless: Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands - Faroese Telecom
Fiji - Telecom Fiji
Finland - Sonera Ltd.
France - France Telecom
French Guiana - France Telecom
French Polynesia - Office des Postes et Télécommunications (OPT)
Gabon - Gabon Telecom
Gambia - Gambia Telecommunications Company (GAMTEL)
Gaza Strip -  Ministry of Post and Telecom
Georgia - Telecom Georgia
Germany - Deutsche Telekom
Ghana - Ghana Telecom
Gibraltar - Gibraltar Telecommunications International  (GIBTEL)
Greece - Hellenic Organization of Telecommunications (OTE)
Greenland - TELE Greenland A/S
Grenada - Cable & Wireless: Grenada
Guadeloupe - France Telecom
Guam - Guam Telephone Authority (Guamtel)
Guatemala - Telecomunicaciones de Guatemala (Telgua)
Guernsey - Cable & Wireless: Guernsey
Guinea - Societé des Télécomunications de Guinée (SOTELGUI)
Guinea Bissau - Guinea Telecom
Guyana - Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T)
Haiti - Telecommunications d'Haiti S.A.M.
Holy See (Vatican City) - Telecom Italia
Honduras - Empresa Hondureña de Telecomunicaciones (HONDUTEL)
Hong Kong - Hong Kong Telecom
Hungary - Hungarian Telecommunication Co. (MATAV)
Iceland - Iceland Telecom (Landssiminn)
India - Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd (VSNL)
Indonesia - PT. Indosat
Iran - Iran Telecom (TCI)
Iraq - Ministry of Telecommunications
Ireland - Eircom
Isle of Man - Manx Telecom
Israel - Bezeq
Italy - Telecom Italia
Jamaica - Cable & Wireless: Jamaica
Japan - Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corporation (NTT)
Jersey - Jersey Telecom
Jordan - Jordan Telecom
Kazakhstan - Kazakhtelecom
Kenya - Telkom Kenya
Kiribati - Telecom Services Kiribati Limited (TSKL)
Korea (South) - Korea Telecom
Korea (North) - "Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications"; "Cen-
tral Telegraph and Telephone Bureau"
Kuwait - Ministry of Communications
Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyztelecom
Laos - Lao Telecom (LAOTEL)
Latvia - Lattelekom
Lebanon - Ministry of Telecommunications
Lesotho - Telecom Lesotho
Liberia - Liberia Telecommunications Corporation (LIBTELCO)
Libya - General Post and Telecommunication Company (GPTC)
Liechtenstein - Telecom FL
Lithuania - Lietuvos Telekomas
Luxembourg - Enterprise Des P&T
Macau - Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau (CTM)
Macedonia - Makedonski Telekomunikacii
Madagascar - Telecom Malagasy (TELMA)
Malawi - Malawi Telecommunications Limited (MTL)
Malaysia - Telekom Malaysia
Maldives - DHIRAAGU
Mali - Société des Télécommunications du Mali (SOTELMA)
Malta - Maltacom
Marshall Islands - National Telecommunications Authority (NTA)
Martinique - Outremer Telecom
Mauritania - Société Mauritanienne des Télécommunications (MAURITEL)
Mauritius - Mauritius Telecom
Mayotte - France Telecom
Mexico - Telefonos de Mexico (TelMex)
Micronesia - FSM Telecommunications
Moldova - Moldtelecom
Monaco - Monaco Telecom
Mongolia - Mongolia Telecom
Morocco - Maroc Telecom
Mozambique -  Telecomunicações de Moçambique (TDM)
Myanma - Myanma Posts & Telecommunications
Namibia - Telecom Namibia
Nauru - Nauru Telecommunications
Nepal - Nepal Telecommunications Corporation
Netherlands - KPN Telecom
Netherlands Antilles - Antelecom N.V.
New Caledonia - Office des Postes et Télécommunications (OPT)
New Zealand - Telecom New Zealand Limited
Nicaragua - ENITEL
Niger - Société Nigérienne des Télécommunications (SONITEL)
Nigeria - NITEL
Niue - Telecom Niue
Norfolk Island - Norfolk Telecom
North Korea - "Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications"; "Cen-
tral Telegraph and Telephone Bureau"
Northern Mariana Islands - Verizon Pacifica
Norway - Telenor
Oman - Oman Telecommunications Company (OmanTel)
Pakistan - Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PCTL)
Palau - Palau National Communications Corporation (PNCC) 
Palestinian Territory - PALTEL
Panama - Cable & Wireless: Panama
Papua New Guinea - Telikom PNG Limited
Paraguay - Copaco S.A.
Peru - Telefónica del Perú
Philippines - Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT)
Poland - Telekomunikacja Polska SA
Portugal - Portugal Telecom
Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico Telephone (PRT)
Qatar - Qatar Telecom (Q-TEL)
Reunion - France Telecom
Romania - Romtelecom
Russia - Rostelecom
Rwanda - RwandaTel SA
Saint Helena - Cable & Wireless: Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Cable & Wireless: St Kitts & Nevis
Saint Lucia - Cable & Wireless: St. Lucia
Saint Vincent and Grenadines - "Cable & Wireless: Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines"
San Marino - Telecom Italia
Sao Tome and Principe - Companhia Santomense de Telecomunicações (CST)
Saudi Arabia - Saudi Telecom (STC)
Senegal - SONATEL
Serbia and Montenegro - Telekom Srbija
Seychelles - Cable & Wireless: Seychelles
Singapore - SingTel
Slovakia - Slovenske Telekomunikacie
Slovenia - Telekom Slovenije
Solomon Islands - Solomon Telekom Company Ltd.
Somalia - al-Barakaat
South Africa - Telkom SA Limited
South Korea - Korea Telecom
Spain - Telefonica
Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka Telecom
Sudan - Sudan Telecom (Sudatel)
Suriname - Telesur
Svalbard - Telenor
Swaziland - Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (SPTC)
Sweden - Telia
Switzerland - Swisscom
Syria - Syrian Telecomunications Establishment (STE)
Taiwan - Chunghwa Telecom
Tajikistan - Tajiktelecom
Tanzania - Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited (TTCL)
Thailand - Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT)
Togo - Togo Telecom
Tokelau - Telecommunications Tokelau Corporation (TeleTok)
Tonga - Cable & Wireless: Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago - "Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and
Tobago" (TSTT)
Tunisia - Tunisie Telecom (TUNTEL)
Turkey - Turk Telekomunikasyon AS
Turkmenistan - Turkmentelecom
Turks and Caicos Islands: Cable & Wireless: Turks and Caicos Islands
Tuvalu - Ministry of Labor, Works and Communications
Uganda - Uganda Telecom
Ukraine - Utel
United Arab Emirates - Etisalat
United Kingdom - British Telecom
United States - SBC, Qwest, Verizon, and BellSouth (RBOCs)
Uruguay - Administración Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (ANTEL)
Uzbekistan - Uzbek Telecom
Vanautu - Telecom Vanuatu Limited (TVL)
Venezuela - Telecom Venezuela
Vietnam - Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Corporation (VNPT)
US Virgin Islands - US Virgin Islands Telephone Company (VITELCO)
Wallis and Futuna - France Telecom
West Bank - Bezeq; PALTEL
Western Sahara - Maroc Telecom
Western Samoa - Samoa Communications Ltd.
Yemen - TeleYemen
Zambia - Zambia Telecommunications Company Limited (Zamtel)
Zimbabwe - TelOne

[FCC]Federal Communications Commission. May 6, 1999. 
"List of Foreign Telecommunications Carriers that are Presumed to
Market Power in Foreign Telecommunications Markets" 

[CIA]Central Intelligence Agency. August 1, 2003. "CIA World Factbook"

[ITU]International Telecommunications Union. 2003. "ITU Carrier Codes

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