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Ad sheet for "Media Dial" Explains how those 011-56-xxx-yyyy dialit service calls work

Newsgroups: alt.sex
Subject: ***FREE 011/1-900 NUMBER BUSINESS*******
Date: Tue Oct 10 18:43:51 1995

        Media Dial Communications is a Canadian based Audiotext Service Bureau
in adult entertainment, utilizing equipment based in countries such as
Guyana, Hong Kong,
Israel, Chile, and the Dominican Republic. By having equipment based
in these Countries we
are able to offer our callers a premuim rate service.  A premium rate
service is when a caller has
only pays long distance charges for the service.  This enables the IP
(Information Provider) to
accumulate a higher volume of minutes and a greater potential for
profit.  This is due to the low
cost per minute for the end user (caller).  Media Dial, being the raw
service bureau for Guyana,
is also utilizing other Service Bureaus in a joint effort to provide
our clients with the best and
most effective service in the business today.
        Media Dial will provide you with numbers (not extentions),
free of charge to generate
traffic to our available countries.  (By using our services we will
deduct a per minute usage fee).
We will supply to the client Audiotext Programs with live operators.
Various languages will be
utilized depending on the country advertised.  Media Dial will give
you ongoing support for
advertising placement free of charge unlike other advertising agencies
which will deduct
anywheres from twenty to twenty-five percent from your ad budget.
        Media Dial Communications presently has clients bringing in a
substantial amount of
minutes per month through news papers and magazines from around the
world.  Media Dial has
numerous contracts available for the beginner and for established
players in the investment
market.  In the following portfolio Media Dial, will present an
indepth overview of the Pay-Per-
Call Industry for you.  Our current and future clients should have a
better understanding what this
industry is all about. Our goal is to continually give our clients a
competitive edge in this lucrative
business.  We stand behind our IP's every step of the way, because if
your business is profitable
so is ours.  If you would like to capitalize in one of the fastest
growing investment opportunities,
please contact one of our sales representatives.
        Established in 1994, Media Dial is a leading voice response Service
Bureau.  Thanks to
extensive investment in "state of the art "  computerized
telecommunications equipment, backed
by the wide experience and expertise of the Media Dial Team, the
company is able to offer
information providers effective and original solutions for all their
Audiotext, I.V.R & Live Services

Media Dial - The Company

Media Dial Service Bureau, is a pay-per-call audiotext service
company specializing in adult
entertainment programs.  Due to its growth and success, Media Dial has
increased in staff .  On
a daily basis we ensure that we remain in the forefront of the
Pay-Per-Call Adult Entertainment
Industry in Canada.  Media Dial terminates in Israel , Guyana, and the
Dominican Republic
offering a full set-up of services (all services are at no extra
charge except for Tape Production
and Art work, if so desired).  Media Dial provides full
Chat-Line/Party Lines, Passive Tapes,
Interactive Dating - services in most languages as well as "Tailor
Made "applications.

1994 revenues for the pay-per-call industry exceeded 5.1 billion
dollars, and projected
revenues for 1995 will exceed 8.75 billion dollars!

What is a 011 International Number?

An International 011 pay-per-call number is an alternative and new
method of providing pay-per-
call adult entertainment services, superior in most cases to the 1-800
and 1-900 pay-per-call
numbers.  Media Dial has secured a commission for every minute that is
generated from these
011 pay-per-call numbers terminating in Guyana.  Therefore, whenever a
North American caller
dials our 011 numbers, they are receiving an adult entertainment
service, and the owner of this
011 number is making profit for every minute the caller stays on the

Comparison Between a 011 and a 1-800 or 1-900 Numbers

Per Minute Rate:  on a 011 number the rate to the caller is as low as
$0.87 per minute in
Canada and low as $0.74 in the U.S.  On a 1-800 or 1-900 number, the
rate to the caller is
usually NO lower than $2.50 per minute.

Accessibility:  011 numbers are accessible from all of North America.
1-800 or 1-900 numbers
are not accessible from all of North America.

No Call Blocking:  No caller can ever be blocked or refused from
dialing a 011 international
number.  1-800 or 1-900 numbers can be blocked from business and
residential lines, resulting
in less calls to your pay-per-call number.

Discretion:  Charges for a 011 number appear as an international call
on the caller's phone bill.
Charges for a 1-900 number automatically assumes the caller dialed
into a " Sex" line.

Uncollectables:  The entrepreneur is paid for every call generated on
his/her 011 number, even
if the caller refuses to pay the phone bill.  On 1-800 or 1-900
numbers, the caller can refuse to
pay for the call, the charges are then deducted from the
entrepreneur's profits if he/she is not
subscribed to a guaranteed payout plan with their service bureau.

Guaranteed Payout:  The telephone companies in each terminating
country pay Media Dial a
percentage of their revenue (per minute) depening upon established
rates for each terminating
country and the rates determined for the countries that the calls
originate from.  International
telephone companies keep 5% of total minutes and forward the remaining
portion to Media Dial.
after all minutes have been processed for a particular month, Media
Dial either reinvests each
IP's accumulated funds for that month or Media Dial pays those IP's
who so desire.  Payouts are
guaranteed and each IP only loses 5% of their total monthly minutes to
cover their share of the 5
% that the international telephone companies keep.  With 1-800 and
1-900 numbers, the
payouts are variable due to inforeseen chargebacks and uncollectables.
With 011 numbers
there are NO SURPRISES at the end of the month.

Media Dial has main objectives in mind.  Our first objective is to
provide the caller with prime
service at the lowest possible rate.  The second is to establish and
ensure a high rate of return
for our entrepreneurs.  Both these objectives will be executed by
means of assuring the following
course of action:

1.  Provide the caller with a superior adult entertainment service.

2.  Strive to keep the average hold time above 10 minutes per call.

3.  Focus on repeat business.  Give the caller a reason to call back.

4.  Give the caller the option to listen into recorded fantasies or to
connect live with
     other callers.

5.  Guarantee our entrepreneur a payout of at least $0.18 US per
minute without any chargeback

6.  Provide our entrepreneurs with different marketing techniques and
advertising assistance.

Entrepreneur's Revenue Projections

FACT:  In order to generate 7 calls per day (a very conservative
figure for a 24 hour period), you
would need a response rate of only 0.0035% from a newspaper with a
circulation of 200,000 per
day.  In other words, for every 28,571 readers, only 1 caller needs to
call your 011 number.  Do
you think your 011 number can generate at least 7 calls a day?

No Chargebacks or Uncollectables for you to worry about !

Unlike other small service bureaus or re-sellers, you won't have extra
setup fees or monthly

Media Dial's most asked Questions

Q.  What is a Service Bureau?  Are you a primary service bureau or a
reseller for another

A.  Media Dial is what we call a Service Bureau.  Media Dial has
invested large sums of money
     in hardware network equipment, numerous phone lines, operators,
and the ability to design
     and create successful applications.  By doing this, Media Dial is
able to provide you with the
     capability to share the usage of this network equipment.

Q.  What is a Pay-Per-Call Number?

A.  A Pay-Per-Call Number  is a Telco number in which the caller is
charged a set per minute
     fee.  These numbers are utilized to obtain information or
services  Pay Per Call numbers are
     currently recognized by most people with as having a 900 prefix.

Q.  How much profit can I expect to make?

A.  The potential revenues that can be generated are truly unlimited,
depending on the ad
     campaign of your 011 line.  Your 011 line can generate anywhere
from 20 - 1000 calls daily.
     As you can see there is a profit to be made.

Q.  When do I get Paid?

A.  You get paid monthly, after the end of each calendar month a
computer print out
      would be as such:  in the event you start your ad campaign on
April 1, your ad budget will
      take you all the way to the end of the month, which is April 30.
Approximately 15 days later
      you get paid for the revenues generated in the month of April,
and so on.  All advertising
      campaigns are normally for a 30 day period, but not all ad
campaigns need to start at the
      beginning of a calendar month, it may start on any day of the
month with a complete 30 day
      ad run.

Q.  Why does Medial Dial need me as the entrepreneur and why not keep
all the 011
      numbers for themselves?

A.  The answer is the same one you'd receive if you were to ask the
people who run any
      business chain.  The secret to success for any business that
wants to expand rapidly is
      franchising.  Media Dial is offering you a partnership within
our marketing franchise.  We've
      tested the 011 line to be a proven winner, now we need you to
promote & market it locally or

The way to establish ourselves as a winner in the marketplace is to
expand quickly and
dominate the market.

Q.  What profit do I receive from each per minute call?

A.  Media Dial guarantees each entrepreneur up to $0.30/minute for all
minutes generated on
     the 011 number.  These payouts are always in US currency.

Q.  How much do I need to spend on advertising?

A.  Advertising budgets vary anywhere between $500 and up per month.
Profits generated
     from your initial budget are then rolled over into the next
month's ad campaign without
     reaching further into your pocket.

Q.  Will I need any special equipment or extra phone lines in my home
or office?

A.  No.  You are not required to buy any equipment or add extra phone
lines.  We have all the
     necessary telephone lines installed to answer your calls, and you
will be networking onto our
     equipment in order for you to provide your caller with your 011

Q.  What are chargebacks?

A.  Chargebacks is the term used when a caller refuses to pay for a
call which was placed on
     any pay-per-call number, subsequently leading to a loss in
revenues.  These losses can vary
     anywhere between 10-40% or higher.  Media Dial gets paid and pays
IP's even if callers
     refuse to pay.  If they don't pay their local phone company, they
lose their phone service.

Q.  What is factoring?

A.  Media Dial offfers a factoring service at a flat rate, which
enables you to get paid prior to the
     regular pay-out.  By opting to get paid ahead of time, you may
utilize the funds in order to
     advertise your line for the following months...so that you no
longer need to dig into your
     pocket for the next month's advertising budget.

Q.  I presently have a pay-per-call number from some other service
bureau.  Can Media
     Dial help me promote it?

A.  Fortunately YES.  The reasons for this are as follows:  The Medial
Dial Marketing Department
     task is to place it's IP's in proven media buys that pull-in
calls.  The reason for this is
     because, when an IP makes money with their number, Media Dial is
making a return.
     Therefore, if we promote their numbers, we make money!  And
that's good business sense.
     Our IP's success directly affects Media Dial success.

Q.  I'm ready to promote Media Dial's proven turnkey programs, how do
I get started?

A.  First, choose the turnkey program or programs you prefer to
promote from the Media Dial's
     Pay -Per-Call Programs.  Should you require consultation
selecting a program, call us at 1-
     902-445-3684.  An office executive would be pleased to assist
you.  Then complete the
     enclosed Contract also with the assistance of your office
executive.  When you have all the
     pertinent information filled out, send it in with your one time
fee (the one time fee may be
     paid by personal certified or company cheque, money order, or
with any major credit card.
     Once we've received your contract, we will assign you your

Q.  How does the caller pay for the call?

A.  If the caller dials an 800 pay-per-call number, the call is paid
with a major credit card.  With
     any other number, whether it is a 900, 011, 809, it will be
charged to the callers phone bill by
     the telephone company.

How can you Help

Media Dial is now recruiting entrepreneurs who are interested in this
industry, but instead of just
being an information provider, they would be re-selling and
distributing our 011 Pay per Call
Turnkey programs in their area.

Not only are you able to be your own provider, but share the income of
other IP"S.

A distributor can work his/her business either full-time or part-time.
Your profits will be
determined by your efforts.

Having our business in the East, it has been difficult working with
IP's in other parts of Canada.
Solution - Have you working with them and receive the benefits!  We
have been able to already
obtain the status of the Largest Service Bureau in Eastern Canada.
With your help, hopefully by
next year we can say that we are the largest in Canada!

With our support and training, you will be able to fulfill the needs
of IP's in areas we just are not
able to reach with our marketing.

Each distributor will have their own company name and identity, but
will represent Media Dial
world wide.  You will either be working with custom programs,
marketing, or turnkey  programs.

Service Bureau Interactive Voice Response Equipment

Israel (972)                       Dominican Republic (809)           Guyana

*Rhetorex RDSP-94423                  *Dialogic D 121-TT1
*WTS and network runn-
/il. Analog Boards                    *A+ Systems                               ing A+
software over 750
*Dialogic DT1 212/IL-E1               *PC's Novell Communication
*Multicall operating softwear      network.
*PC's Novell communication        * Voice & pulse recognition.
networks.                             *Gamma fax cards
*Voice & pulse recognition.       *PCM lines.
*Gamma fax cards                  *Recording facilities
*Tadiran-Coral-3 switchboard      *Live operators
*Recording facilities
*Live operators
*VXP operating software

                                          The Internet

        The internet is the world's largest computer network and it connects
an estimated 40
million people in over 90 countries.  The Internet also allows you to
reach comercial or public
databases all over the world.  Over 6000 news or discussion groups on
a variety of topics from
accounting to zoos.  As well, other Internet features include
personalized Email, file Transfer,
Gopher, Internet Relay Chat, Telnet, World Wide Web, CyberMall and

                                  C  Y  B  E  R  P  O  R  N
                                         Online  Erotica

        Sex is everywhere.  These days you can find it in computers, books,
magazines, films,
television, music videos, etc.  You can even find it on dial-a-porn
business cards which are
slipped under windshield wipers.  Sex is one of the largest
recreational applications of computer
users.  It is a huge moneymaker.  The fast-growing World Wide Web may
fulfill its early promise
of becoming a powerful engine of economic growth in the 21st century.
If you are on the Net
you are in an environment of 30 million channels.  It's up to you
where you go.
        There are thousands of adult-oriented computer bulletin board systems
(BBS) that try to
lure customers to their volumes of X-rated material.  They account for
over 70% of the sexual
images on the internet newsgroups.  According to BBS operators, men
make up almost 99% of
the consumers of online porn.  If you have a computer and are hooked
up to an online service
you can obtain pornography in the privacy of your own home.  Rather
than buying an entire
magazine or video, you can download only the things that turn you on.
You can explore different
aspects of your sexuality without exposing yourself to communicable
diseases or public ridicule.
Playboy's electronic headquarters has been known to receive as many as
4.7 million hits in a
seven day period.

Online Services:  Commercial providers like America Online, CompuServe
and Prodigy are
generally the fastest growing forums.

Usenet:  Though just a small part of this anarchic collection, the sex
"newsgroups" found here
are home to some of the Net's raunchiest sleaze.

Online porn magazines:  Magazines like Hustler and Playboy have put up
eletronic versions on
the Web with a selection of photos and articles.

World Wide Web:  The fastest growing segment of the Internet
multimedia sties with retrievable
images and sound.  While its content tends to be relatively clean, the
point-and-click interface
and subject directories make online pornography easy to find.


                                        Ad Budget - Payout

With a $1000 ad budget you will receive the following
Payout   $0.18  live traffic
             $0.18  recorded
Ad Campaign:  10-12 daily circulation 100,000 - 500,000 ( per day )
Duration  3 weeks - 1 month
Internet daily ad placements circulation average 50 million

With a $2000 ad buget you will receive the following
Payout   $0.22  live traffic
             $0.22  recorded traffic
Ad Campaign:  20 -24 daily with a circulation of 100,000 - 500,000 (
per day )
Duration 3 weeks - 1 month
Internet daily ad placements and color pictures on our main WEB SITE

With a $3000 ad budget you will receive the following
Payout   $0.25  live traffic
         $0.25  recorded traffic
Ad campaign 30 - 35 daily with a circulation of 100,000 - 500,000 (
per day )
Duration  3 weeks - 1 month
Internet daily ad placements and color pictures on our main WEB SITE.

With a $5000 ad budget you will receive the following
Payout  $0.30  live traffic
            $0.30  recorded traffic
Ad campaign:  52 - 60 daily circulation of 100,000 - 500,000 ( per day
Internet daily ad placements and color pictures on our main WEB SITE.

                                       RATE SHEET

                          Rates for Guyana Terminations ( 592 )

Belgium..........................$0.41                  New
Canada..........................$0.18 START
Costa Rica.....................$0.20
El Salvador......................$0.40                  Saudia
France............................$0.41                 South
French Guiana.................$0.23                     Sri
Hong Kong...................... $0.28
Iceland.............................$0.41                       United
India................................$0.35                      United
States..........................$0.18 START
Italy................................ $0.35

Notes on Guyana Terminations

* All rates are inclusive of the cost of equipment rental.
* There are no set-up or recurring monthly fees.
* All rates are quoted and paid in U.S. dollars.  Payments are made 15
days from the end of the
  month in which the calls occurred.
* Monitored chat is available in English (not U.K ), German, Italian,
Scandanavian ( Norway and
  Sweden), Greek and Hebrew.
* Information providers should test access to their service from
originating countries prior to
  service launch.


Client Name
Company Name (if any)    ________________________________________

Street Address                ________________________________________
City                      ________________________________________
Postal/Zip Code   ________________________________________
Telephone # :             ________________________________________
Fax # :                   ________________________________________

The country that the number is to be advertised in:

809 Number:     1-809-_____-_____                       International Long Distance
011 Number:     011-_____-_____-______          Rates Apply Only
                                        Type of program      ____________________


Our agreement shall become effective as of the date of this letter or
the receipt of payment,
whichever is later, and shall continue in force until terminated by
either party.  You may
terminate our agreement at any time after the completion of the first
monthly schedule.  When
your assent to this agreement is shown by returning a signed copy to
us with payment for the
first month of advertising, we will commence your advertising campaign
as of the agreed date.

I have enclosed a total of $__________ to be spent by MEDIA DIAL to
advertise my _____ line
in newspapers or magazines for the next month.

MEDIA DIAL promises to utilize my budget to purchase advertising for
the lowest possible cost,
and to use its best efforts to successfully promote my program.  MEDIA
DIAL also promises to
provide verification, upon request, that all advertisements are
printed as scheduled.

When signed by both of us this letter will constitute a binding

______________________________          _________________________
CLIENT's Signature                              Date

______________________________          _________________________
MEDIA DIAL Representative                       Date



Client's Name:          __________________________________
Client's Address:       __________________________________
Client's Phone:         _________________  Client's Fax: __________________

        1.      This Agreement is entered into this ____ day of
________________, 199___, by and
between the above listed Client, a (check one)  Corporation,  
Partnership,   Individual, hereinafter
known as the "Client" and Media Dial Communications, service bureau
for Client, hereinafter known as
        2.  MDC agrees to provide the following number(s), if available, and
program service according to
the terms set forth in this Agreement.
             ( i )      Client shall have the exclusive use of:
_____-_____-_____-_____.  Recorded
             ( ii )     Program is:     Live           Recorded
_____-_____-_____-_____.   Live  Chat
             ( iii )    Client's Assured Payout
                 Live One-on-One                $______/min
                 Recorded Fantasy               $______/min
        3.  MDC shall pay to Client (in US currency) the Assured Payment
defined under this agreement 15
days after the close of each Billing Period for 011 numbers.  The
Billing Period shall be each calendar
        4.  Global variance of 5% will be deducted from total monthly minutes
for International minutes by
Guyana Telephone & Telegraph (GTT).
        5.  Client's Assured Payment shall be determined by multiplying the
Assured Payout Rate by the Net
Billable Minutes.  No Charge backs will be charged to Client.  Net
Billable Minutes shall be calculated upon
MDC's call records.
        6.  Client shall have a number revoked if that number fails to produce
a minimum of 500 minutes per
month.  This minimum applies to those clients who are doing their own
advertising.  Client must refrain from
using the word "free" when referring to the price of this service in
their advertising.  All telephone numbers
shall at all times, remain the property of MDC.  If client breaches
any term of this agreement, MDC shall
have the right and authority to revoke the Client's assigned telephone
numbers without notice.
        7.  MDC reserves the right to modify the Assured Payout rates and/or
Revenue Disbursement
schedule upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Client.
        8.   MDC is not responsible for possible communications failure or
other acts of God which may
interrupt service.

The parties signing below agree to all terms and conditions of this

Signed: _____________________________  Date:
Name and Title: _________________________________________

Signed:______________________________  Date:
Name and Title:__________________________________________

Media Dial Communications
287 Lacewood Drive, Unit 103 Suite 148
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3M 3Y7
tel :   902-445-3684
                                             fax :  902-443-2965

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