( SASS ) Single Access Serving System ( /SASS ) Written and Investigated by Majestic 1/12 Prepared for: http://www.datutoday.tk Submitted to: http://www.phreaksandgeeks.com ( Special thanX to " greyarea ", for finding and posting this number and Pass, allowing me access to the systems and functions of this Sass Unit! ThanX to " Lineside " For his Hz scales from his artie, also posted in the Sass Section of http://www.datutoday.tk ) Sass Unit Dialup Number: ( 602 ) 277 9994 Npa = (602) Pheonix Arizona xxx = (277) Quest Communications One or Two rings to Dialtone enter "****", you will be prompted to enter Tech ID, Enter in "****", a dialtone will proceed until you are prompted to enter the Ten digit subscriber line number... Type # and you will get the list of options as follows: Dial 5 for Dtmf Keypad Test Dial 6 for Caller ID Dial 71 for Ringback Dial 72 for Call waiting Ringback Dial 81 for Single tone: choose between 03 (304 Hz) and 32 (3204 Hz) Dial 82 for Low coil tone Sweep Dial 83 for Three tone slope (400 Hz,1004 Hz, 2804 Hz) Dial 85 for Quiet termination Dial 86 for Milliwatt tone Dial 87 for 30 Tone sweep: choose start and end tone between 03 (304 Hz) to 32 (3204 Hz). For a full tone sweep you enter * Dial 88 for Number identification sweep: 1200 HZ - 2200 HZ (for caller id) Dial 89 for Data sweep (900 Hz - 2800 Hz) Dial 80 for 10 tone slope (304 Hz - 3204 Hz) Dial # for New Subscriber Line Dialed 5 - DTMF Keypad Test, Whatever key pressed, machanical Voice told you the Numerical Number. Dialed 6 - When I tried #6 I was told Restricted .. I then unlocked my line with *82 and tried again. This time it spit out my number then repeated it. Upon dialing into a Sass Unit your ANI may be being logged, but wen you test the Caller ID option #6 if your line is blocked with a permenant caller ID Blok it will either readback as "Private" or "Restricted". Dialed 71 - <*>Ringback Please enter 10 digit ringback number. I was told by persons living in the above stated NPA that the ringback feature does work, but is NPA restricted. Dialed 72 - <*>Call Waiting Ringback Please enter 10 digit ringback number. I was told by persons living in the above stated NPA that the ringback feature does work, but is NPA restricted. Dialed 81 - Single tone Enter 2 digits, ( only ones that worked so far that I saw were the ones stated above " 03 " ( 304 Hz ) and " 32 " ( 3204 Hz). Anything else gives an error message. Dialed 82 - Low Coil Tone Sweep - When to Milliwatt then to other Test Tones... Higher tones as the Sweep Progressed lasted 12 seconds! Dialed 83 - Three Tone Slope - Lower Level Tone to a Milliwatt, then to a higher pitched tone As stated above ... In Order (400 Hz,1004 Hz, 2804 Hz) Dialed 85 - Quiet terminationJust as it said " Quiet " No noise at all! Dialed 86 - Milliwatt Tone - Instant Milliwatt for 10 seconds Dialed 87 - 30 Tone Sweep Press * to start full Sweep, or enter the same two digits as described in Promt 81. Dialed 88 - Caller ID Tone Sweep Multi Tone Sweep from Low to high end range. Number identification sweep: (1200 HZ - 2200 HZ) Dialed 89 - Data Tone Sweep, Tone Sweep from low to high end range. (900 Hz - 2800 Hz) Dialed 80 - Ten Tone Slope, (304 Hz - 3204 Hz) <*> options ( 71 & 72 ) have me wondering, if maybe you have to enter in the actual Ringback line number and it just a subscriber line number. I tried entering my number and never got a call back from the Sass Unit, or any other unit for that matter. I have tried this a few dozen times, and got the same response out of the Sas Unit. option 71 - " Ringback - Dial 10 Digit Ringback number, Entered in a Real NPA and XXX, made up last four and was prompted with " Please hangup for test ring. " I have yet to connect to a subscriber line number, as it tells me it is unable to connect. I have tried to connect to the numbers 602 277 9990 - 9999 as I thought maybe I had to use the same NPA and XXX as the Sass Unit. I was still not able to connect. Perhaps this system is like the Direct Access Test Unit systems,( DATU ) and require an admin code to setup certain features. I again hungup and redialed the Sass number and attempted to access an admin mode by using the same codes as a Datu. No response other then the 4 digit default logon code. I will continue to explore this system, and get to know it better. Perhaps I will learn more about admin feature, and such... I hope this .txt phile helps you understand the Sass a little better. Please feel free to email me @ datu_warrior@phreaker.net with more information and or questions on the Sass Unit. Please visit my Direct Access Test Unit site @ http://www.datutoday.tk for all your 1337 Remote Accessing needs... Added as of April 29 2004 ... Dialed the access number: 602 277 9994 Entered in the login **** and the Admin code of ******* and got The prompt: " Dial 10 digit subscriber line number! " I tried to press # for the feature list, but was then again prompted for the 10 digit subscriber line number! It wasn't until I entered a number in the 602 277 XXXX that I heard "ok" ... " Intercept " ... " Accessing " ... " Connected to 602 277 XXXX, Pair Gain Line ... ok Audio Monitor " 5 - 10 second delay until a double beep then the standard Datu fuction list was prompted. 2 = Audio Monitor 33 = Short Tip and Ring to Ground 37 = Short Ring to ground (Tip Open) 38 = Short Tip to ground (Ring Open) 44 = High Level Tone on Tip and Ring 47 = High Level Tone On Ring (Tip Grounded) 48 = High Level Tone on Tip (Ring Grounded) 5 = Low Level Tone 6 = Open Line 7 = Short Line (Tip to Ring Short) 9 = Permanent Signal Release # = New Subscriber Line ## = Force Disconnect * = Connect preparation function after disconnect (system programmable from 1 to 99 minutes enter number of minutes); enter number of minutes after "*" It is my conclusion that if a regular login of **** and a regular Tech ID of **** is entered, you will receive the standard test mode of the Sass Unit... Mainly Test Tones, and ANI confermation for the Tech to use when either installing a new subscriber line, or testing a curcuit at the CO. When the access number is dialed and the login of **** and Tech ID of ******* is entered you will receive the admin features, which then allows the use of the Datu ( Direct Access Test Unit ) features, as listed in the Harris Dracon Datu Manuals which can be found on the Harris Dracon Website or on my own site of: http://www.datutoday.tk! Shouts to: decoder, Ic0n, Natas, White Sword, Brisk Attivo, Royal, Twinkee the Kid, greyarea, Rijil V, Eta, Rios, The Clone, And everyone that has helped in my pursuit of Remote Access Information. L8er.... Majestic 1/12 ( The Collective )