TUCoPS :: Phreaking Technical System Info :: rolmpbx.txt


       <>                     -= rolm/net =-                         <>
       <>                                                            <>
       <>                          by                                <>
       <>                     celtic phrost                          <>
       <>                           &                                <>
       <>                      p.h.i.r.m.                            <>
       <>          special thanks to:  blade runner                  <>

        this file is intended to educate the reader on rolm systems.  from
    what i know, this is one of the most complete files on the cbx system up
    to date.  some information (of less importance) has been left out for
    space.  so if you have any questions please direct them to me on: metal
    shop private, the dead zone, or worlds grave elite.  even though some
    parts were edited, this is still a very large file, so it has been divided
    into three parts (sorry i don't have an ibm xt with a 20 meg ramcard).

                                part i

        rolm corporation, now fully owned by ibm, has made a number of
    significant enhancements to the long-lived cbx line.  rolm renamed their
    product and reconfigured the product line in november 1983.  the cbx ii
    includes a number of upgrades and probably will continue to
    grow, especially in the area of data communications and networking, as ibm
    and rolm begin working more closely together.  the vscbx is the small
    version of the cbx and is aimed at installations under 120 lines.

        rolm corporation was founded in 1969 to sell and manufacture
    "off-the-shelf" computers that could meet stringent military environmental
    demands.  based on the success of its mil-spec business, the company saw a
    major opportunity in the telephone industry. it developed one of the first
    computer-controlled pabx systems, known as cbxes, and quickly took the
    lead in the embryonic telephone interconnect industry.  today it ranks up
    with at&t and northern telecom in installed pabx systems, with well over
    18,000. the company has enhanced the cbx family on regular occasions, and
    today the cbx ii offers the numerous sophisticated features that buyers of
    larger systems often require.

        the cbx ii is available immediately with the rolmbus 74, while a 295
    bps version known as the rolmbus 295 is scheduled for releases in the
    fall of 1985.  the cbx ii can be configured in single-node systems for up
    to approximately 800 users, or in a system as large as 15 nodes,
    supporting up to 10,000 users.  a multinode cbx ii can be connected using
    either t1 digital circuits or fiber optic inter node links (inls).  for
    very large systems, the inter node network (inn), a junction for the 
    inter node links, extends the cbx ii to its full 15 nodes.

        ibm's telephone message management systems (tmms), became available
    in april 1985 for larger cbx ii installations to provide callers with
    information concerning users who are out of the office.  each user enters
    selected information on a terminal, and attendants access the information
    for callers.  rolm has also announced an ibm gateway for ascii terminals
    operating in an ibm 3270 environment.  the gateway provides the protocol
    conversions necessary for cbx ii access, thereby eliminating the need for
    coaxial cable, and allowing use of cbx ii management features.

        the communications and networking capabilities are in addition to the
    cbx enhancements announced in may 1983, which were highlighted by enhanced
    networking features, the addition of the acd 9000 and the onsite
    applications processor, and the introduction of the cypress workstation
    and the rolmphone 400.  all cbx ii software is fully compatible with the
    cbx software.  most systems are currently using release 7, which initiated
    the cbx data communications feature.  release 8, the newest enhancement,
    includes support for phonemail, a voice-store-and-forward system; support
    for t1/d3 high-speed data transmission facilities; an automatic facilities
    test system (afacts); access to a code call system; and a tone sender
    facility that increases the internal traffic handling of the cbx ii.

        the cbx was one of the first computer-controlled stored-program pabx
    systems, and ushered in a whole new generation of telephone switching
    equipment.  the cbx ii is also fully digital, and uses time-division
    multiplexing with pulse code modulation (pcm) in its switching
    architecture.  analog voice and data equally well, and the system's data
    capabilities have been enhanced several times since the 1981 introduction
    of the data communications features.  support is now available for such
    popular communications technologies as ibm bsc and sna/sdlc and dec vt100.

        the cbx ii provides over 200 features, a formidable array which should
    satisfy most applications quite nicely.  access to these features is
    through different types of terminals.  besides standard rotary and
    pushbutton phones, rolm has a flashbutton, with a special button that
    substitutes for the switch-hook when activating a feature; the ettsm
    100/200/300 electronic sets, which have user-programmable feature buttons
    and an led or lcd display, depending on the model; the rolmphone models
    120, 240, 400, fully digital phones that have programmable buttons and can
    transmit both voice and data workstations, a full ascii terminal with
    support for dec vt-100 and ibm 3270 communications.  two of the newer
    announcements from rolm include the cedar, a personal computer combining
    ibm pc compatibility and a multiline digital telephone with a 2-way
    speakerphone; and juniper, a multilined digital telephone with a built-in
    speakerphone which can connect to an ibm pc through a cable and adaptor

        phonemail is an integrated voice-store-forward system that permits
    users both inside and outside to leave voice messages in the cbx ii. this
    feature, like other similar products, is designed to eliminate missed
    phone calls, known as "telephone tag."  three basic versions are now
    available; from 4 to 8 to 16 access lines into the cbx ii.  up to seven
    154-megabyte winchester disks can be configures for voice storage.

        the rolm cbx ii uses time-division multiplexing with pulse code
    modulation (pcm).  the systems have wired 4-wire internal switching, and
    voice is digitized at the cbx ii using standard pcm sampling techniques.
    all traffic is digital within the system.

        the vscbx accommodates 24 to 120 lines; the cbx ii can accommodate up  
      to 10,000 lines.  the vscbx provides 14 ccs per line and a maximum of 150
    simultaneous conversations.  because the cbx ii is available in such a
    wide range of sizes, traffic handling will normally range between 6 and 10
    ccs per line.

marketing stance

        rolm cbx was one of the pioneering third-generation stored-program
    controlled pabx systems.  rolm has continued to update and enhance their
    decade-old product, and the cbx ii remains one of the most powerful
    pabxes. some of the leading competition to the cbx ii includes the att-ism
    dimension system 85, northern telecom focus, and seimens saturn.  looming
    on the horizon are the fourth generation systems such as the pnx from ztel
    and the rose from cxc.  these systems are built around a high speed local
    area network linking multiple processors.  telephone service is only a
    part of the overall capabilities being touted by the manufacturers.  in
    spite of all the competition, rolm continues to make significant
    enhancements to its cbx ii product line, and it continues to be a major
    factor in the market place.

--end of file.
[] check for part ii []
which will include: switching devices used, full isdn capabilities, and more.
[   (c) january 2, 1986 - celtic phrost  &  p.h.i.r.m.  information systems  ]

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