THE SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE RUSSIAN TELEPHONE SYSTEM The telephone system in Russia experienced rather big changes since 1991, when the Soviet Union disappeared as the state. Practically all the telecommunication systems in the Soviet Union were the state property. Due to the state monopoly and an absence of competition, the service was far from ideal. Most of the people in cities had to wait for a phone line installation for years. In rural areas it was much harder and often impossible because of the state telco didn't wish to install their equipment in low-populated places with a low profit. It was a kind of a luxury to have a phone in a private rural house. Mobile phones was a privilege of the Communist Party bosses and was inaccessible for an ordinary customer. In spite of all those things, practically all urban and rural houses was equipped by the original telco-based wire broadcasting system. It was intended for receiving from 1 to 3 radio channels with a simple cheap receiver, and the 1st channel was able to receive with the cheap est device (so-named "radio-point") containing only a speaker, a transformer and a volume control, without need of any additional power source. The reason why the telco gave the much attention for the broadcasting service was the civil defense. The wire system is able to function at the hard conditions such as air radio interferences and a power failure at the customer's location. Now the things are quite different. The former state monopoly has been divided by regional telecoms, most of them are joint-stock companies. In most cities we have a bunch of independent companies which provide a phone service, the Internet access and other data transfer services. The companies created at the base of the former state monopoly (so-named "the traditional operators") serve most of the clients who use only the phone and don't need other services like fast access to the Internet. The companies found after the monopoly dividing ("the business operators") serve most of business and other clients who need the fast high-quality digital communication. The traditional operators have a lot of old equipment, such as Step by Step and Crossbar exchanges, in-band signaling long-distance trunks, wire broadcasting systems and so on. Now they are installing new equipment mostly in rural areas where there has never been any service. That's why some villages have the more advanced digital equipment than huge cities. For example, there are a few old Step by Step exchanges in Moscow. The business operators have only the modern equipment. But they work only in cities and they neglect low-populated areas. For instance, my small town is located in 36 km (20 miles) from huge St.Peterburg city. Here is perfect voice telephone service provided by the traditional telco "Lensvyaz". But the access to the Internet is available only by dialup connection. DSL or other fast access is unavailable. As for cellular phones, now we have two nationwide mobile operators, "Megafon" and "MTS" ("MobileTeleSystems"), and a bunch of small regional operators. The most widespread mobile standard is GSM, also some of operators use the old standards NMT-450 and AMPS. The newest CDMA standard is being started too. Due to the hard competition, the cellular fees dramatically fell during lasted a few years. The cellular phone was the attribute of rich businessmen or "Big Bosses" in late and middle 1990's. Practically any average urban citizen is able to use it now. Since the times when the cellular phones was expensive, people have many long range cordless phones. Particularly a large quantity of them is at the Eastern and Northern parts of the country. The roofs of buildings in Magadan or Tumen cities are the great illustration, they have been covered by the radio telephone antennas. Most of those phones have been smuggled from Taiwan or China. They work on unapproved frequencies and their using is very unsafe. My neighbour had one which worked directly on the FM radio band. When I tuned my Boom Box I was able to hear all his conversations! The great thing being made now is the installation of new modern public payphones. Most of them operate with smart cards and allow to call any local, national or international number. Most of old payphones were able to make only the local calls. Another interesting thing is a phreaking. As I wrote, some of traditional operators still have old in-band signaling trunks in use, besides of digital PCM systems, fiber optic cables and microwave antennas. That's why the die-hard phreak has all chances to find a channel for the blue boxing. For instance, about 10 percents of the channels which connect my town to the rest of the world, are breakable. Because of the equipment selects the channels randomly, one of 10 attempts to box can be successful. Anyway the blue-boxing is quite rare kind of the phreaking in Russia. There is more easy and "dirty" method, named Gray Boxing. It is based on the substitution of the forged (artificial generated) AON (automatic number identifier) signal instead of original equipment's signal. The bill will be charged to the phone number generated by phreak's device. The police often arrests immigrants from Vietnam or China for this kind of fraud. They organize underground offices where another immigrants can make international calls for less fee than legal. This kind of criminal business is very profitable because the equipment for fraud is cheap and easy to obtain. The struggle with this is a hard task for telcos. They have to change all the old equipment if they want to get rid from phreaks fully.