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Sydney, Australia exchange locations

  Sydney Exchange Locations by Lord Hades
  Lord Hades - L_Hades@hotmail.com

  This List of Exchange Locations is an official Tel$tra list. It has most
  locations on here. However there are a few that are missing. Blame Tel$tra.
  If anyone can get numbers for these Exchanges, I would greatly apreciate it.
  Many of these Exchanges are fully Automated and have no personell looking
  after them. However the major exchanges have alot of people and Bins to

  Exchange Name     |     LRD       |     Exchange Address
  Arndell Park      |     ARDK      |     Lot 6 Kenoma PL
  Ashfield          |     ASHF      |     11 Hercules ST
  Austral                 AUST            4th and 12 AVE
  Avalon                  AVAL            15th Old Barrenjoey RD
  Balgowlah               BALG            Sydney Rd and Woodlands St
  Balmain                 BALM            Montague and Dowling ST
  Bankstown               BANK            18 Kitchener PDE
  Bankstown Airport       BAKA            Lot 4 Marion ST
  Baulkahm Hills          BAUL            Russel and Windsor RD
  Berambering Park        BMBG
  Berkshire Park          BKPK
  Berowra                 BERO            CNR Berwora Waters
  Bilpin                  BLPN            Bells line of Road
  Birralee                BIRR            CNR Mccallums and Chilcott
  Blackheath              BLKH            Wentworth ST
  Blacktown               BLAC            69 Fluscombe DR
  Blakehurst              BLAK            507 Princess Highway
  Blaxland's Ridge        BLAX
  Bondi                   BOND            16 Roscoe ST
  Botany                  BOTA            38 Tenderson RD
  Bringelly               BRGY            Lot 1 Badgery's Creek RD
  Brooklyn                BROO
  Burwoood                BURD            32 Railway PDE
  Campsie                 CAMP            395 Canterbury RD
  Canoelands              CALD
  Carlingford             CARL            413 North Rocks RD
  Carramar                CARR            6 The Horsley DRV
  Castle Hill             CAST            Old Northern RD
  Castlereagh             CRGH
  Catai                   CATI
  Chatswood               CHAT            Victoria AVE
  Chipping Norton         CHIP            23 Earnest RD
  City East               EAST            330 Liverpool ST Darlinghurst
  City South              CYSH
  Colo                    COLO
  Colo Heights            CHTS            219 Putty RD
  Como                    COMO            11 Ortona PDE
  Concord                 CONC            35 Yarralla ST
  Coogee                  COOG            56 Dolphin ST
  Cranebrook              CNBK            Lot 111 Borrowdale Way
  Cremorne                CREM            219 Military RD
  Cronulla                CRON            4 Wilbar AVE
  Dalley                  DALL
  Dee Why                 DEEW            1/7 Cumberland ST
  Drummoyne               DRUM            60 Lyons RD
  Dural                   DURA            969 Old Northern RD
  Eaglevale               EGVL            Lot 54 Cornelian AVE
  Eastwood                EWOO            101-105 Chatham  RD
  Ebenezer                EBEN            Wilberforce and Wisemans
  Edensor Park            ERPK            8 Bonnyrigg AVE
  Edgecliff               EDGE            369 Edgecliff RD
  Emu Plains              EUPS            Lot 1 Russle ST
  Engadine                ENGA            1091 Princess HWY
  Epping                  EPPI            3 Oxford ST
  Erskine Park            ESPK            Altham PL
  Fiddletown              FIDD            Hollands RD
  Five Dock               FIVE            192 Great North RD
  Freeman's Reach         FRCH            Lot 19 Creek Ridge RD
  Frenchs Forest          FREN            510 Warringah RD
  Galston                 GALS            47 Schools RD
  Glebe                   GLEB            ST Johns RD
  Glenbrook               GLBK            Glenbrook and Haynet ST
  Glenorie                GLEN            Old Northern RD and Harrison
  Granville               GRAN            Maud and Hutchinson ST
  Grosse Vale             GVLE            Grossewold RD
  Guildford               GUIL            2 Guildford RD
  Gunderman               GDMN            Wisemans Ferry RD
  Harboard                HARB            375 Oliver ST
  Haymarket               HMKT
  Hazelbrook              HZBK            16 Great Western HWY
  Holsworthy              HOLS            Labuan RD
  Homebush                HOME            68 Beresford RD
  Hornsby                 HORN            290 Pacific HWY
  Horsley Park            HORS
  Hunters Hill            HUHL            3 John ST
  Hurstville              HURS            39 Bridge ST
  Ingleburn               INGL            29 Albert ST
  Katoomba                KTBA            144 Katoomba ST
  Kelly Ville             KELL            Old Windsor RD and Windsor RD
  Kemps Creek             KEMP            Elizabeth DRV
  Kensington              KENS            113 Todman AVE
  Kent Street             KNST
  Kenthurst               KENT            Kenthurst and Volunteer RD
  Kenthurst North         KNTH            Blue Gum RD
  Killara                 KILL            637 Pacific HWY
  Kingsgrove              KING            107 Wolli ST
  Kograh                  KOGA            Belgrave ST and Post Office LN
  Kurajong                KURG            Burralow RD
  Kurajong Heights        KRJH            Douglas ST
  Kurnell                 KURN            4 Bridges ST
  Lakemba                 LAKE            Croydon RD
  Lane Cove               LANE            Lot 46 Burns Bay RD
  Lawson                  LWSN            4 Honour AVE
  Leppington              LEPP            Heath and Dickson ST
  Leura                   LERA            Leura Mall
  Lidcombe                LIDC            1 Taylor ST
  Linden                  LNDN            Great Western HWY
  Lindfield               LIND            Beaconsfield PDE
  Liverpool               LIVE            40 Terminus ST
  Llandilo                LLDO            Lot 31 Northern RD
  Lower Portland          LPTD            Lot 2 River RD
  Lundenham               LUDM            Lot 1 Northern RD
  Manly                   MANL            Lot 21 Belgrave ST
  Marayla                 MRYA
  Maroota                 MRTA
  Maroota South           MRTS            Wisemans Ferry and Sackville
  Maroubra                MARO            Loch Maree and Story ST
  Mascot                  MASC            904 Botany RD
  Matraville              MATR            1 Romani RD
  Medlow Bath             MDWB            ST Albians and Railway PDE
  Menai                   MENA            Menai RD
  Miller                  MILL            87 Cartwright AVE
  Minto                   MINT            Kent ST
  Miranda                 MIRA            576 The Kingsway
  Mona Vale               MONA            1763 Pittwater RD
  Mooney Mooney           MOON            Pacific HWY
  Mosman                  MOSM            850 Military
  MT Ku-Rin-Gai           MTKU            Lot 1 Pacific HWY
  MT Wilson               MTWN            Queen RD
  Mulgoa                  MGOA            Allan RD
  Narrabeen               NARR            7 Windsor RD
  Newtown                 NEWT            2 Mary ST
  North Parramatta        NPAR            GLadstone and Sorrell
  North Richmond          NHRD            Beaumont RD
  North Ryde              NRYD            165 Lane Cove RD
  North Sydney            NSYD            Mount and William ST
  Northbridge             NBRI            Eastern Valley Way
  Orchard Hills           ORHS            Bringelly RD
  Palm Beach              PALM            856 Barrenjoey  RD
  Parramatta              PARR            21A George ST
  Peakhurst               PEAK            41 Beaumans RD
  Pendle Hill             PENN            18 Pennant Hills RD
  Penrith                 PNTH            90 Henry ST
  Pitt Street             PITT
  Pitt Town               PITN            Off Bathurst ST
  Potts Point             POTT            Mcleay and Greenknowne
  Pymble                  PYMB            Lot 1 Bungalow RD
  Quakers Hill            QUAK            3-5 Railway RD
  Ramsgate                RAMS            28 Alice ST
  Randwick                RAND            206 Allison RD
  Redfern                 REDF            101 George ST
  Regentville             REVL            Lot 1 Lutrell ST
  Revesby                 REVE            2 Doyle RD
  Richmond                RCHD            314 Windsor RD
  Riverstone              RIVE            80 Riverstone RD
  Rockdale                ROCK            395 Princes RD
  Roodty Hill             ROOT            115 Rooty Hill RD
  Rose Bay                ROSE            64 Dover RD
  Rouse Hill              ROUS            Lot 180 Edwards RD
  Rydalmere               RYDA            431 Victoria
  Ryde                    RYDE            124 Blaxland RD
  Sackville Reach         SRCH            Sackville RD
  Sefton                  SEFT            93 Carlinford RD
  Seven Hills             SEVE            33 Brahms RD
  Shavely                 SHAL            Lot 306 Noumea ST
  Silverwater             SILV            Parramatta RD Nth Lidcombe
  South Strathfield       SSTR            481 Liverpool RD
  Springwood              SPWD            143 MacQuarie RD
  ST Albans               STAL            MacDonald River
  ST Leonards             STLE            524 Pacific HWY
  ST Marys                STMA            Queen ST
  Sutherland              SUTH            40 Auburn ST
  Sylvania                SYLV            96 Princess HWY
  Tennyson                TNYN
  Terry Hills             TERR            Mona Vale and Aumona RD
  Turnbull                TNBL            East Kurrajong RD
  Undercliffe             UNDE            Hill ST and Livingstone RD
  Vaulcluse               VAUC            4 Olphert AVE
  Wharoonga               WAHR            33 Goonambarra RD
  Warragamba              WGBA            Fourth ST
  Warrimoo                WMOO            Great Western HWY
  Waverly                 WAVE            112 Bronte RD
  Wentworth Falls         WFAL            8 Cascade ST
  West Wetherill Park     WWPK            10 Metters PL
  Wetherill Park          WETH            8 Kings RD Fairfield
  Willberforce            WFCE            22 Kings ST
  Willoughby              WILL            370 Eastern Valley RD
  Windsor                 WSOR            Lot A MacQuarie
  Winmalee                WNML            4 Singles Ridge RD
  Wisemans Ferry          WFRY

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