THE CANONICAL LIST OF TOUCH-TONE PHONE SONGS Version 1.2 Last Updated: 6/24/93 Maintained by Keith Maddock (pchaos!keithm@pail.rain.com) Posted at least once a month or on demand See contribution guidelines at the end of the file The numbers in parentheses preceding each one lined song corresponds to the contributor from the listing at the end of the file. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Key to symbology: Commas (,) pauses Hyphens (-) held notes -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-###-=-Mary Had A Little Lamb-=-###-=- (2) 3212333,222,133,212333322321 or 3212333,222,133,3212333322321 or (3) 3212333,222,399,3212333322321 -=-###-=-Jingle Bells-=-###-=- (4) 333,333,39123,666-663333322329,333,333,39123,666-6633,399621 or (3) 333,333,39123,666,6633,3332232,9,333,333,39123,666,66333399621 -=-###-=-Frere Jacques-=-###-=- (4) 1231,1231,369,369,9*9631,9*9631,111,111 or (6) 4564,4564,69#,69#,#*#964,#*#964,414,414 -=-###-=-Olympic Fanfare-=-###-=- (4) 3-9-91231,2222-32112312,3-9-91231,2222-32112321 -=-###-=-The Butterfly Song-=-###-=- (4) 963,23621,3693236236932362,963,23621 -=-###-=-Happy Birthday-=-###-=- (5) 112,163,112,196,110,8521,008,121 -=-###-=-Generic Arabian tune-=-###-=- (1) 453 54 4569564 459 9#95458 8987 453 54 -=-###-=-Way Down Upon the Swanee River-=-###-=- (7) 321321045,6842,321321945,654224 -=-###-=-Auld Lang Syne-=-###-=- (7) 8444684891439# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Contributers (1) rdippold@qualcomm.com (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold) (2) recycler@maple.circa.ufl.edu (3) rt@boi.hp.com (Robert Tadlock) (4) antang@phakt.usc.edu (Tony) (5) tina@utkvx.bitnet (Tina R. Jones) (6) pchaos!keithm@pail.rain.com (Keith Maddock) (7) dan@fch.wimsey.bc.ca (Daniel Fandrich) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Contribution Guidelines Send only new entries or variations on the songs above. Use commas for pauses, hyphens for holds. If you need to use new characters for instructions, please explain them. Send to : pchaos!keithm@pail.rain.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------------------------------- Keith "Bob" Maddock --><-- pchaos!keithm@pail.rain.com \ / \ / ---><--- "Of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean ---><--- / \ I'm wrong. I'm mad but not ill" --><-- RAW / \