TUCoPS :: Phreaking Technical System Info :: z3-3.txt

World Numbering Zone 3 - European Countries (Part 3 of 4 - +32 to +34)

Subject:  zone.3.codes.32-34

DCCL - World Numbering Zone 3 - European Countries
1 February 1994 
Inquiries: contact cmoore@BRL.MIL or dleibold1@attmail.com

32  Belgium
        10 Wavre
        11 Hasselt
        12 Tongeren
        13 Diest
        14 Herentals, Turnhout
        15 Mechelen (Malines)
        16 Leuven, Tienen
        19 Waremme
        2  Brussels (Bruxelles)
        3  Antwerp (Antwerpen, Anvers), St Niklaas
        31 old or incorrect code for Antwerp (see 3)
        41 Liege, Fourons
        50 Brugge, Zeebrugge
        51 Roeselare
        52 Dendermonde
        53 Aalst
        54 Ninove
        55 Ronse-Renaix
        56 Kortrijk, Comines-Warneton
        57 Ieper (Ypres)
        58 Veurne
        59 Oostende
        60 Chimay
        61 Bastogne, Libramont-Chevigny
        63 Arlon
        64 La Louviere
        65 Mons (Bergen)
        67 Nivelles
        68 Ath
        69 Tournai
        71 Charleroi
        77 "Kiosk" numbers - for premium/toll services
        78 toll free
        80 Stavelot
        81 Namur (Namen)
        82 Dinant
        83 Ciney
        84 Jemelle, Marche-en-Famenne
        85 Huy
        86 Durbuy
        87 Verviers
        91 Gent (Ghent, Gand)
33  France
    [France moved to 8 digit numbers; Paris area has an area code of
     (1); the rest of France has no area code, just the 8 digit number,
     presumably beginning with the other codes listed below. Nigel Allen
     reported that France will change its numbering plan yet again to
     accommodate growth. - djcl]
    [Apparently the move to 8 digits was done Oct. 19-20 or 26-27, 1985.]
    (domestically, 05 + 6 digits "numero vert" [green number] toll-free
     services; 05 to change to 0800?)
    [At present, domestic long distance access code is 16,
     international access code is 19. In 1995, the numbering plan
     is expected to change so that domestic long distance access code
     will be 0, while international access code will be 00. The area
     codes from 1995 will be set up as follows:
        1 Ile-de-France (Metro Paris)
        2 Northeast France
        3 Southeast France
        4 Southwest France
        5 Northwest France (notice 05 above)
        6(?) mobile
        -- 1 thru 5 courtesy Erik Thomas Mueller (etm@email.teaser.com)]

        1   Paris
    [Beyond Paris metropolitan area, codes indicate the prefix or
     beginning digits of phone numbers. These may now be only
     approximate, given the present lack of "area codes".]
        *   [outside Paris]
            20  Lille
            26  Reims
            35  Le Havre, Rouen
            56  Bordeaux
            61  Toulouse
            628 Andorra (independent country)
                (changed from 078 when France changed to 8-digit numbers)
            7   Lyon
            76  Grenoble
            88  Strasbourg
            91  Marseille
            92  Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (area northeast of 93, immed. below)
            93  Nice, Cannes, "Alpes Maritimes" (Maritime Alps) area,
                (independent country of) Monaco
34  Spain (including Balearic Islands)
        [07 used for international access; 9 + STD code for domestic
        access. Total number of area code and local number digits
        should equal 8, i.e. one digit area code + 7D, or two digit
        area code + 6D]
        0  land mobile uses (local number format 81xxxxx or 86xxxxx)
        1  Madrid
        11 Guadalajara, Segovia
        18 Avila
        22 Canary Islands: Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife
        23 Salamanca
        24 Badajoz
        25 Toledo
        26 Ciudad Real
        27 Caceres
        28 Canary Islands: Arrecife, Lanzarote, Las Palmas, Puerto Del Rosario
        3  Badalona, Barcelona, Sabadell, San Feliu de Llobregat, Tarrasa
        4  Bilbao, Vizcaya
        41 La Rioja, Logrono
        42 Cantabria, Santander
        43 Guipuuzcoa, Irun, San Sebastian
        45 Alava, Vitoria
        47 Burgos
        48 Navarra, Pamplona
        5  Sevilla (Seville) (also/formerly 54?)
        51 Almeria
        52 Malaga, Marbella, Melilla, Torremolinos
        53 Jaen, Linares
        54 Sevilla (Seville) (old code?)
        55 Huelva
        56 Algeciras, Cadiz, Ceuta, Jerez de la Frontera
        57 Cordoba
        58 Granada
        6  Alcira, Alicante, Sagunto, Valencia
        64 Castellon de la Plana
        65 Alcoy
        65 (Alicante - likely a former or obsolete code)
        65 Gandia
        66 La Cuenca
        67 Albacete
        68 Aguilas, Cartagena, Lorca (Marcia), Murcia
        71 Baleares (Is.), Ibiza, Mahon, Palma de Mallorca
        72 Gerona
        73 Lerida
        74 Huesca, Teruel
        75 Soria
        76 Zaragoza
        77 Reus, Tarragona, Tortosa
        8  Asturias [7 digit numbers]
        81 La Coruna (plus Acoruna?)
        81 Santiago de Compostela
        82 Lugo
        83 Valladolid
        85 Asturias [6 digit numbers], Aviles, Gijon, Oviedo
        86 Pontevedra, Vigo
        87 Leon
        88 Orense, Palencia, Zamora

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