TUCoPS :: Phreaking Voice Mail :: 9x_altel.txt

Hacking AllTel VMBs

STATION ID - 7091/6.411

9x Datakit Network

This is a 9x system, restricted to authorized persons and for
official 9x business only. Anyone using this system, network or data
is subject to being monitored at any time for system administration and
for identifying unauthorized users or system misuse. Anyone using this
system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that any
evidence of criminal activity revealed through such monitoring may be
provided to law enforcement for prosecution.

Ok. This is everything you need to know in hacking Alltel Mobile's
VoiceMail.  The default password on all their boxes is 9999.  
Here are the dox, word for word.  Enjoy!

by Leper_m
Accessing your mailbox
Changing your security code
Recording your name
Recording a personal greeting
Playing a message
Recovering deleted messages
Playback mode options

All of the Basic Features plus...
Setting up your greeting schedule
Replying to a message
Redirecting a message
Recording and sending a message
Creating a broadcast list
Personal greeting schedule

At a glance

VOICEMAIL SET UP                    Press
To change your security code        8 2 3

To record your name response        2 3 3 

To record your personal greeting    2 2 3

To edit a greeting in your schedule 2 2 7

To activate your greeting schedule  2 2 8

To change your playback mode        8 8 3


To play a message                   1

To save and play the next message   2

To reply to a message               3

To redirect a message               7

To create and send a message        3

Accessing your VoiceMail

1.  Access your VoiceMail
    From a cellular phone press
    # 9 9 Send.
    From a landline phone dial your
    cellular phone number, which will
    automatically transfer to your voice
    mail and press # when greeting begins.

2.  Enter your security code.

Creating/Changing your security code

1.  Access your VoiceMail.

2.  Press 8 for Personal Options.

3.  Press 2 3 to change your security code.

        * Note: Your security code can contain 1 to 7 digits.

Recording your name

1.  Access your VoiceMail.

2.  Press 2 for your Greeting Menu.

3.  Press 3 3 to record your name.

4.  Record your name, finish by pressing #.

    Press 3 1 to play your name.
    Press 3 3 to erase and re-record your name.

Recording a personal greeting

1.  Access your VoiceMail

2.  Press 2 for Greeting Menu.

3.  Press 2 1 to play your greeting.

4.  Press 2 3 to record your greeting, 
    record your greeting, finish by pressing #.

Playing a message

1.  Access your VoiceMail.

2.  Press 1 to play your messages.

3.  Message will play.
    Press 1 to keep this message
    as new and play the next.
    Press 2 to save and play the 
    next message.
    Press 3 to reply to a message.
    Press 4 4 to replay a message.
    Press 5 to erase a message.
    Press 7 to redirect the message.

Press 8 8 3 from the main 
menu to choose a playback mode.*
Continue to press 8 3 until the 
desired playback mode is selected.

        * Note: The system has three playback modes:
        normal, automatic, and simplified.

Recovering deleted messages

To recover a message that has been deleted: **
Press * 1 to go to the main menu,
Press * 4 to recover all deleted messages.

         ** Note: Deleted messages can only be recovered
         before you exit the mailbox.

Replying to a message

From the Play Menu:

1.  Press 3 during or after a message.

2.  Record your reply finish by pressing #.

3.  Press 3 to continue recording a voice message.
    Press 5 to erase a message.

    Press 7 to select a special delivery option.

4.  Press 9 to address the message.

    If sent from a subscriber's mailbox,
    the reply with be automatic.  If not, enter

    the mailbox number.

Redirecting a message

From the Play Menu:

1.  Press 7 during or after a message.

2.  Press 3 to continue recording a 
    voice message.

    Press 5 to erase a voice comment.

    Press 7 to select a special delivery

    Press 8 to play the original message.

3.  Press 9 to address the redirected message.

    a. mailbox number
    b. broadcast list number.

Recording and sending a message

1.  Access your VoiceMail.

2.  Press 3 to record a message.

3.  Record your message finish by

    pressing #.

      Press 3 to continue recording a
      voice message.

        Press 4 4 to review the

          recorded message.

        Press 5 to erase a message.

        Press 7 to select a special

        delivery option.

          Press 1 to mark a message urgent.

          Press 2 to mark a message confidential.

          Press 3 to select notification of non-delivery.

          Press 4 for future delivery.

          Press 5 to delete special delivery tags.

4.  Press 9 to address a message.

    mailbox number

    broadcast list
    0 + last name - 0 + first name

Creating or editing a broadcast list

1.  Access your VoiceMail.

2.  Press 6 to access your broadcast list.

3.  Press 3 to create or edit a broadcast list.

4.  Enter a one- or two-digit broadcast

    list number.  If new list, select any one-

    or two- digit number.  If editing, enter

    the one- or two- digit number assigned.

5.  Enter all of the destinations.

    Press # after each destination entry.

    (destinations can be mailbox
    number or broadcast list numbers.)

6.  Press 7 3 to record a name for

    your broadcast list.

7.  Press # when finished.

Setting up your greeting schedule.

1.  Press 2 from main menu.

2.  Press 2 6 to select your active greeting.

3.  Enter the greeting number you want active.

4.  Press 2 7 to edit a greeting.

5.  Enter the greeting number to be edited.

     Press 1 to play the current greeting.

     Press 3 to record a greeting.

     Press 5 to erase the greeting.

     Press 7 to change the time

     interval for this greeting.

     Press 8 to review the time interval

     for greeting.

6.  Press 2 8 to activate/deactivate

    your greeting schedule.

Message waiting notification

1.  Press 8 for Personal Options menu.

2.  Press 6 for Notification Options.

3.  Press 1 to play notification telephone number.


         Press 6 to enable/disable

         message notification.


To rewind by 6 seconds                   4

To rewind to the beginning of a message  4 4

To fast forward by 6 seconds             6

To fast forward to the end               6 6

of the message

To replay the date and time stamp        8 8

To stop and function                     #

To return to the main menu               * 1


Good luck hacking.

-- Leper Messiah

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