TUCoPS :: Phreaking Voice Mail :: audixhbr.txt

Audix VMBs

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		     _d_C_RawDATA -p-r-e-s-e-n-t-s-

		            /AUDIX VMBs\

			     by Hy3rid
			     May 1997 	

I am not going to explain how to hack an AUDIX vmb, any fool can do that. 
All I have done in this phile is map out the various user functions 
available to AUDIX users. If you need to know how to hack vmbs then go read
some lame vmb hacking phile.

AUDIX Main Menu [Activity Menu]

1. Record and send Voice Mail messages to other users.	

	*D. Delete
	*L. Add a mailing list you have created or public list
	*1. Review or modify the list you are creating
	*#. Approve list
	*A. Name addressing
	*R. Restart at activity menu
	*T. Transfer to an ext
	*W. Have system wait
	**N. Access names and numbers dir

2. Get Messages.

	0. Listen
	1. Respond/forward
	#. Skip to next header
	2. Rewind
	3. Play
	*#. Skip to next category
	**H. Hold in current category
	5. Replay last few seconds
	6. Fast forward a few seconds
	4. Louder
	7. Softer
	9. Faster
	8. Slower
	*D. Delete
	*R. Restart
	*W. Wait
	**N. Names and numbers dir
	*T. Transfer

3. Record or change the greeting heard by outside callers.

	0. Listen to a greeting
	1. Create, change or delete a greeting
	2. Scan all greetings
	3. Activate a greeting
	4. Administer call types

		1. Identify calls as internal and external
		2. Identify calls as busy and no answer

	#. Finish
	*R. Restart

4. Check outgoing messages.

5. Administer mailing list, personal dir, password, or account name.

	1. Administer mailing lists
		1. Create a list
		2. Scan lists
		3. Review or modify lists

	2. Administer personal dir

		1. Add entries
		2. Review all entries
		3. Review a specific entry

	4. Change passcode

	5. Record name

6. Out-dialling [sometimes disabled by admin]

7. Scan incoming messages automatically

	1. Scan headers in messages
	2. Scan headers only
	3. Scan messages only


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