From ic0n@pla440.zzn.com Fri Jul 06 13:23:13 2001 Newsgroups: alt.2600,alt.phreaking,alt.2600.phreakz Subject: VoiceMail HAcking Phile From: ic0n@pla440.zzn.com (ic0n) Date: 6 Jul 2001 13:23:13 -0700 http://iconja.cjb.net http://www.313370.2ya.com ***Hacking Voice Mail Boxes*** By: ic0n For: 31337 Phreaking e-mail: ic0n@pla440.zzn.com 6/12/01 Intro: Have you ever wanted to hack your very own voice mail box ¿? Well with this file may your dreams come true. now let's get into the shit Alright if you don't know what all the diffrent voice mail systems sould like Here's a few examples: Skytel vmb: 800-520-5458 Octel/Aspen: 800-487-6245 Meridian: 800-422-6245 Audix: 877-999-6245 Message Center: 800-317-6245 Phone Mail: 800-520-9666 Here's the defult code to vms Audix: Box number Aspen/Octel: Box Number,0000-1111-2222-ect-,1234 Meridian: Box Number Phone Mail: Box Number,1234,9999 Message Center: None (no password) Skytel: last 4 of box number,9999,1234 Partner Mail vs: 1234,9999 Here's A few ways on how to get voice mail systems: Scanning (best way) From Another Phreak (Okay) Off The Internet (lamor) Now if you scan yourself you will have very good chances to get some voice mail boxes. Getting a VMS from a fellow phreak is alright unless they gave it out to everyone and there mom and if you get them off the net chances are they will be not in service or something else that is no where near a vms (what the hell am i talking about oh well) and you would also be a 31337 14m0r. Alright now you got yourself a voice mail system by now or at lease should. Logging In to voice mail boxes Audix: *8 Aspen/Octel: # Meridian: *81 Message Center: * Phone Mail # (i may be wrong) Findig A valid box: Start with 100 and 999 if it has 3 digit boxes If it's 4 digit boxes try 1000 and 9999 if both of them don't work try 200,300,400,ect,ect, or 2000,3000,4000,ect,ect if you still have no luck on finding a box there's two things you can do quit and me a lamor or be a tru phreak and scan the whole system. Okay, let's say you found a valid box. Let's say it's box 2600 and 2610 is not a valid box number, but box 2630 is Your going to want to do some basic scanning to find a range of boxes. Scan 2610 and below (make sure you note everything) then scan 2610 and up and 2630 and up this should give you an idea on how the boxes are mapped out on Voice Mail Systems. Finding A Vacant Box: Once you have found some valid boxes, start scanning for vacant boxes. A vacant Box is a box that where created by the system aministrator for future use, or boxes that have been abandoned when an employee was fired,transferred,ect. Call the system After Hours and enter in some of the valid box numbers you wrote down earlier when scanning You Should Be Listening For a greeting that sound like: A: Box "xxx" please leave a message B: Box xxx C: Leave A message After the tone "Beep" IF you come acrossed a greeting recorded by a human assume the box is "in use" Never ever take over a box that is in use by an employee. Some More Defult Codes: 123,321 1234,4321 box number plus 1 example 26001 1 plus box number 12600 I'm in now what: 1st See if there are any messages (if there are, listen to them. If the newest message is a month or older i would say it's safe to take) Also some system aministrator will send messages to every box on that system 2nd Change The Passcode And if you want the outgoing greeting Once you've successfully hacked a box, become familiar with it's features. Some Voice Mail Systems have features like make distribution list,message notification and other 31337 features More info On Vms: The purpose of this section is to briefly touch on some of the voicemail systems you are likely to encounter. I will provide general background on each system, as well as default passwords if they are available. Alltel - This is a voicemail system for cellular telephone users only. From your cellular phone, dial #99 and "SEND". Enter your security code, and you are in. All vacant boxes will have a default password of 9999. Alltel voicemail has several desirable features including the ability to change your security code, record a personal greeting, create a "greeting schedule", and forward messages to other users. A.S.P.E.N. - Most people will agree that A.S.P.E.N. (Automated Speech Network) is one of the best voicemail systems. To find a vacant box, scan some common three digit numbers until you hear an automated voice say "You entered XXX. Please leave a message at the tone...BEEP". Hit # and enter the box number when prompted. A friendly female voice will discuss some of the better features of the system and ask for your "temporary password". The password is usually four digits. It is probably one of those on my default list. Features to look out for include the ability to control message playback speed, message forwarding, and "envelopes", extended absence greetings, the awesome ability to create and moderate "guest boxes" for friends, and distribution lists. Audex Voice Power - From the onset, Audex systems are difficult to identify. When calling a suspect number, hit *7. It should respond with "Welcome to Audex Voice Power, please enter extension and # sign". Box numbers are three or four digits and usually start with a 2. The password will be the same as the box number. You are required to hit # after entering the extension number, and the password. Features include easy message recording and forwarding, as well as out call for message receipt notification. Centagram - Most Centagram systems are direct dial. This means that each customer has his/her own 800 number where you can leave messages without having to go through extensions. You can only hack these systems if you have the valid number of at least one legitimate user. Once you have a valid box, scan other numbers in sequence. Most, if not all, Centagram systems will group the boxes together in "blocks". Upon calling a vacant box, you should hear a generic greeting. Before you are told to leave a message, hit #. You will be prompted for a password. The password will usually be the last four digits of the box's telephone number. If this does not work, try some of the defaults mentioned above. Centagram systems are very user friendly, and the nice lady will guide you through a list of options upon entering the box. Cindi - Cindi systems are pretty easy to get into, and they tend to have some nice features. Upon calling the system and pressing #, you should hear "Please enter the person's name using your touch tone keypad, last name followed by first. To enter a Q or Z push 1..." The disconnection message should sound something like "Thank You, Good day". Mailboxes are usually grouped together in blocks and will be either 3 or 4 digits. To log in you'll have to call the vacant box and hit "0" when the message starts playing. The default password for Cindi systems is also "0". Features include message recording and forwarding, playback volume adjustment, call placements, distribution lists, certified messages, and the ability to create guest accounts for friends. Meridian - These systems are the easiest to identify. Upon calling the number you should hear a female voice say "Meridian Mail.... Mailbox?" The box numbers are usually four digits and are grouped together in a logical fashion. The default password is the same as the box number. Meridians have some nice features, including the ability to dial out (some systems). Other features include message forwarding, and "envelopes", distribution lists, personal greetings inside the mailbox, and the ability to log out. Message Center - The Message Center is the easiest direct dial system to hack. Once again, you must find a valid box in the prefix you are scanning. After you have successfully located a box, hit * twice to access the main Message Center Board. It should say something to the effect of "Welcome to the Message Center. Please enter a mailbox number or wait". Enter box numbers in the same prefix and listen for a generic message. Once you've located a vacant box, hit * once to log in! It's really that easy. Although features are lacking, it is always nice to have a direct dial box. Octel - Not much is known about these systems. Upon calling the system and hitting the # key, you'll be prompted for a mailbox number. Enter the number followed by # and you'll get the password prompt. Feel free to try some of the defaults from my list above. Remember, all commands made outside the box must be followed by #. Once inside, you'll be walked through the basic setup. Some Octel systems will require you to change your pass code immediately. Desirable features include the ability to control message playback speed and volume, message notification, future delivery option, "private" delivery option, faxing feature, and distribution lists. One Connect - Perhaps the most useful voicemail system currently on the market. Most One Connect systems are direct dial. Virgin boxes will give you set up instructions when called. Press * for the password prompt, and key in the default code 1234. Once inside, you can listen to messages, retrieve faxed messages, set up message verification, call long distance numbers using the PBX, configure instant paging, and even set up a toll free loop where callers can reach you. RSVP - These systems suck! They can only hold 23 boxes. Upon calling, hit * for the directory of boxes. If you hit # first, you'll be given a list of options. As soon as you select any option, you'll be prompted for a mailbox number. The mailbox numbers are almost always two digits. The password will be the same as the box number. Skytel - One of the more difficult systems. Skytel voicemail is a bitch because you are required to enter the password first, followed by the box number. Many new voice mail systems are adopting this method since it makes hacking next to impossible. The best way to hack Skytel is to get a PIN number of a user and call customer support claiming to be the dissatisfied customer. Call 1-800-SKYUSER (1-800-759-8737) for Customer Support. Sperry Link - An all around nice system that can be a bitch to hack. Call it up and you'll hear "This is a Sperry Link voice station. Please enter your user ID". Just try some common numbers in sequence. Most IDs are five digits. If you hear "This is an XXX answering service" you have found a valid box. Hit *# to get the log in prompt. At this point you'll just have to guess the password. Try some of the defaults from my list. The passwords are usually four digits. In addition there are many other systems not listed here. You'll encounter these unnamed systems too. Some of them are nice others are not. Conclusion I hope you've enjoyed my file. If you have any questions, comments, or if you would like information about other files I've written, please feel free to contact me. You can do so by sending email to ic0n@pla440.zzn.com