TUCoPS :: Phreaking Voice Mail :: voda.txt

Vodacom VMB Hacking

.:--==--==--==--==--==-->> Vodacom VMB Hacking by Wyzewun <<--==--==--==--==:.
::                                                                          ::
:: Chapter One: Sending Free Voice mail                                     ::
::                                                                          ::
:: A while ago, some-one discovered a bug which would allow you to send     ::
:: free voice mail from any vodacom phone. Let's say you wanted to send     ::
:: mail to (082) 123-4567, you would dial "0821211234" and when connected,  ::
:: press "0821234567" and you would be put through to their mailbox for     ::
:: free! You could also press "#" and their number to remotely access their ::
:: VMB for free (If you knew the password)                                  ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Vodacom, unfortunately fixed this bug, so we can't send free voice mail  ::
:: anymore, right? Wrong. Wyzewun discovered a workaround for this... Stop  ::
:: using your Voice Mail for 28 days - it will expire. Now, dial 121,       ::
:: press # to access anybodys VMB for phree - and then hack yourself a VMB  ::
:: that can *send* VoiceMail. Yes, it is easy, and VMB's with these         ::
:: privaleges are common. You will see as soon as you get in2 VMB hacking   ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Chapter Two: Hacking any VoiceMailBox                                    ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Right, so how do I hack a Voice Mail Box? There are lots of ways that    ::
:: you can, a brief list follows...                                         ::
::                                                                          ::
:: 1) The best way is to enable the VMB of someone who isn't using their    ::
::    voicemail and has caused their box to expire                          ::
::                                                                          ::
:: 2) The default password is "1111" - most idiots will not change this.    ::
::    Also, try stupid things like "1234" and stuff ;-)                     ::
::                                                                          ::
:: 3) Phone up Vodacom and ask them to reset that VMB because you forgot    ::
::    your password. Then get in, and make everything back to normal before ::
::    the user notices. This is easier than it sounds, and it's the         ::
::    method I used to get in2 a VMB with administrative privileges over    ::
::    the Vodacom VMB system!                                               ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Chapter Three: Fare Ye Well                                              ::
::                                                                          ::
:: Thats all for this installation of the VodaPhreak Philez, but as soon as ::
:: Vodacom fix all these bugs and I find new ones I'll create a second      ::
:: edition. ;-) I might also include a crack for the Vodago Algorythym.     ::
::                                                                          ::
:: All comments, phreaks or just mail to say hi should be addressed to me   ::
:: at wyze1@syrex.co.za - Have Phun Kidzz                                   ::
::                                                                          ::

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