900 SAC Prefixes and their owners - October 2002 Compiled by El Oscuro Unlike local and toll-free service, 900 numbers are not portable so it is still possible to indentify the long distance company providing service to a given number by its prefix. Prefix Company ------ ------- 200 AT&T 220 AT&T 222 Cable & Wireless (West Indies) Ltd. 225 AT&T 226 MCI 230 Sprint 234 OCI Audiotext Services 244 PrimeTel 246 Sprint 255 MCI 258 OCI Audiotext Services 260 AT&T 263 MCI 264 Advantage Network 267 MCI 268 AT&T 273 Stentor 285 MCI 286 PrimeTel 287 MCI 288 AT&T 289 MCI 321 OCI Audiotext Services 328 AT&T 329 MCI 332 Pilgrim Telephone 336 MCI 339 AT&T 342 AT&T 344 AT&T 346 Sprint 349 Network Long Distance 360 PrimeTel 369 OCI Audiotext Services 370 AT&T 378 MCI 382 PrimeTel 386 Sprint 388 MCI 407 AT&T 410 AT&T 414 PrimeTel 420 AT&T 421 Bittel Telecommunications Corporation 426 Pilgrim Telephone 429 North County Communications 435 MCI 438 MCI 443 MCI 444 Federal TransTel 446 MCI 448 MCI 451 Stentor 454 AT&T 456 OCI Audiotext Services 463 Sprint 468 Sprint 476 MCI 484 MCI 486 MCI 490 AT&T 505 Pacific Telesis 519 International Telecommunications Corp. 526 MCI 535 Sprint 537 Federal TransTel 544 Bittel Telecommunications Corporation 555 AT&T 561 Stentor 562 MCI 565 Stentor 568 Sprint 595 Stentor 622 MCI 630 Stentor 639 Pilgrim Telephone 643 Stentor 646 Sprint 653 Bittel Telecommunications Corporation 654 OCI Audiotext Services 656 MCI 659 MCI 666 Federal TransTel 670 Stentor 674 Federal TransTel 677 Stentor 678 MCI 680 AT&T 686 Qwest Communication 690 Stentor 699 Pilgrim Telephone 722 MCI 725 MCI 726 MCI 727 Verizon 733 MCI 737 AT&T 739 MCI/PrimeTel 740 AT&T 741 OCI Audiotext Services 742 Phone America 745 MCI 752 North County Communications 755 Southwest Long Distance Network 763 Bittel Telecommunications Corporation 772 MCI 773 AT&T 776 MCI 777 Federal TransTel 786 AT&T 787 MCI 820 AT&T 825 MCI 830 Stentor 835 MCI 843 Federal TransTel 844 Pacific Telesis 847 Sprint 850 AT&T 860 AT&T 868 MCI 869 Federal TransTel 870 Stentor 872 OCI Audiotext Services 873 Federal TransTel 877 Bittel Telecommunications Corporation 879 PrimeTel 880 Verizon 884 AT&T 896 AT&T 903 AT&T 932 AT&T 933 AT&T 937 PrimeTel 938 Allstate Communications 945 MCI 950 MCI 963 OCI Audiotext Services 976 AT&T 988 MCI 990 MCI 993 MCI 997 MCI/OCI Audiotext Svcs. 999 OCI Audiotext Services