==Diet Phrack== Volume Three, Issue Thirty-Six, File 6 of 11 -----*****)))))21(((((*****----- D S + + E The Legion of Doom E + + M and E + + O The Occult D + + N ! -----*****)))))21(((((*****----- From its explosive beginnings in the summer of 1984 to the present day, the group known as "The Legion of Doom" has been enshrouded in secrecy. Now that our numbers have been corrupted, and the hope of once regaining the immense power we wielded over the years has faded, we offer to the last remaining fragments of the underground from which we arose the secret knowledge that kept our members at the apex of knowledge and beyond the grasp of security officials. It is our hope that through wide circulation of this material that perhaps some future enthusiasts will seek the truth from within, and gain the knowledge and wisdom necessary to endure the trauma of illumination. HISTORY Initially, the idea of combining modern technology with ancient wisdom was formulated as a type of joke. One particular system was proving extremely difficult to penetrate. One member remarked rather off-handedly, "Why not ask the Ouija board for passwords?" This was laughed about for several minutes but ultimately it was decided that it should be tried. Two members set up the board and began concentrating on the computer system in question. After several minutes an entity was contacted. When asked what the root password was on the UNIX system we had discovered, it answered "rambo". "Rambo" was the password. Several more trials were done, and more than two thirds of them ended with positive results. It was decided at this time that there should be an inner order to the Legion of Doom for those members who shared an interest in learning more about the occult and its uses in a hacking forum. At that time it was decided that there would be seven members admitted. From that time forth, there have always been seven members. The circle will be broken upon the incarceration of our initiates in the coming new year, and our control over the planes will be lost. What follows are several steps to increasing one's knowledge of the occult and use of this information in a computer setting. OUIJA In our experience we have found that it is best to attempt this type of communication with two persons. It is extremely important that one not attempt to contact an entity using the Ouija alone. When there is only one psyche involved, the spirit can fixate on it with great ease and the chances for possession or extreme mental duress is quite high. Sit facing a partner with the Ouija touching each lap. Each person should keep one hand on the planchet and the other on the computer keyboard. While concentrating on contact, make the necessary steps to connect to the system desired to ask about. Once connection has been established with the host system, begin asking the surroundings, "Is there anything that wishes to talk with us?" One may have to concentrate and repeat the question for several minutes. When an entity moves onto the board one may feel a slight tingling in one's fingertips as the planchet moves around the board. Once is has been asserted that there is a strong presence on the board, ask of it any question desired. *** The above is a simple enough method and can (and should) be tried by all. What follows is more complex and should not be attempted with any degree of levity. STEPS TO ENSURE SUCCESS WHILE HACKING To enjoy a great deal of success while hacking the following steps must be taken. 1.. Always hack in the same room, at the same time of day. 2. Always purify mind and body before hacking. This would include a ritual bath and sexual abstinence and fasting for at least 12 hours prior to any attempt. One may wish to design a Tau robe to wear during attempts, or in any case a set of clothing specifically for hacking attempts that would symbolize such a garment. 3. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (See below). 4. Perform the Rose Cross Ritual (See below). 5. Perform a candle burning to attract good luck. By following these steps one will experience success and fulfillment greater than imagined possible. LBRP 1. Touch forehead, and say deeply "Ah-Tah". 2. Point down, hand over abdomen, say deeply "Mahl-Koot". 3. Touch right shoulder, say deeply "Vih-G'boo-Rah". 4. Touch left shoulder, say deeply "Vih-G'doo-Lah". 5. Fold hands at chest, say deeply "Lih-Oh-Lahm, Ah-Men". 6. Face East, Draw a pentagram in the air, point to its center, say deeply "Yud-Heh-Vavh-Heh". 7. Turn South, keeping line from first pentagram, draw new pentagram, point to its center, say deeply "Ah-Doh-Nye". 8. Turn West, repeat as above, but say deeply "Eh-Heh-Yeh". 9. Turn North, repeat as above, but say deeply "Ah-Glah". 10. Turn East, carrying line to complete circle. 11. Hands out, say "Before me Rah-Fay-El, Behind me Gabh-Ray-El, On my right hand Mih-Chai-El, And on my left hand Ohr-Ree-El. For about me flames the pentagram, and within me shines the six rayed star. 12. Repeat steps 1-5. For those concerned, the translations of the above are as follows: Ah-Tah: Thine Mahl-Koot: Kingdom Vih-G'Boo-Rah: and the power Vih-G'Doo-Lah: and the glory Lih-Oh-Lahm: forever Ah-Men: Lord, Faithful King (AMEN=acronym) Yud-Heh-Vavh-Heh: The Holy Tetragrammaton Ah-Doh-Nye: My Lord Eh-Heh-Yeh: I shall be Ah-Glah: Thou art great forever, my Lord (AGLA=acronym) Rah-Fay-El ( Gahb-Ray-El Names of Arch-angles Mih-Chai-El ( Ohr-Ree-El ( When the steps read "say deeply" one should try to resonate the words, from the diaphragm, so that the body actually feels the words. ROSE CROSS RITUAL 1. Light a stick of incense. 2. In the SE corner of the room, looking away from the center, draw a large cross in the air with incense, and intersect its sides with a circle (like a Celtic cross, or crosshairs in a gun sight), point the tip of the incense to the center of the cross and say deeply "Yeh-Hah-Shu-Ah". 3. Move to the SW corner of the room, keeping the line from the first cross, repeat as above. 4. Move to the NW, repeat as above. 5. Move to the NE, repeat as above. 6. Move to the SE to complete the circle. 7. Face NW, incense pointed up, walk to the center of the room, continuing the line, make the rose cross above the center of the room, speak the name, then continue moving NW, connect the line to the center of the cross in the NW. 8. Move back to the SE, incense pointed down, stop in the center and draw the rose cross in the center of the room on the ground, speak the name, then continue on SE, connecting the line to the center of the cross in the SE. 9. Point to the center of the SE cross and speak the name. 10. Walk to the SW corner. 11. With the incense pointed upwards, walk to the NE, at the center of the room stop and speak the name, then continue on to the NE, once at the NE, face the SW and walk back to the SW, incense pointed down, at the center of the room speak the name, and continue on to the SW. 12. Point to the center of the SW cross and move clockwise to each corner, again connecting the centers of each cross. 13. Once back at the SW corner, remake the cross as large as possible and speak the name "Yeh-Hah-Shu-Ah" while forming the bottom of the circle, and speak the name "Yeh-Hoh-Vah-Shuh" when forming the top half of the circle. 14. Go to the center of the area, face east, and think of the six rose crosses surrounding the room. Think of them as gold, with red circles, and the lines connecting them as gleaming white. CANDLE BURNING RITUAL 1. Obtain a green candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "JIHEJE" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the fourth Psalm. 7. Pray for the desired outcome. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. 9. Repeat 6 through 8 two more times. THE GEMATRIA OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS Some in our order have found insight by reflecting on the various meanings that can be derived from the numerical values of telephone numbers using the Cabalistic method of numerology. Those that use this method have focused on one particular method of number determination: Example: 800-555-1212 800 = 400 + 300 + 100 555 = 400 + 100 + 50 + 5 121 = 100 + 20 + 1 2 = 2 One can also obtain other numbers for contemplation by the following method: 800-555-1212 = 8 + 0 + 0 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2 All of the above values are related. A total contemplation of the meanings of all values will lead to a more complete understanding of the true meanings. These numbers each correspond to a particular Hebrew letter and word, as well as a card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. The following is a table to be used for the above. 1 Aleph Ox 0-The Fool 2 Beth House I-The Magician 3 Gimel Camel II-The High Priestess 4 Daleth Door III-The Empress 5 Heh Window IV-The Emperor 6 Vav Nail V-The Hierophant 7 Zayin Sword VI-The Lovers 8 Cheth Fence VII-The Chariot 9 Teth Serpent VIII-Strength 10 Yod Finger IX-The Hermit 20 Caph Palm of hand X-The Wheel of Fortune 30 Lamed Whip XI-Justice 40 Mem Water XII-The Hanged Man 50 Nun Fish XIII-Death 60 Samech Arrow XIV-Temperance 70 Ayun Eye XV-The Devil 80 Peh Mouth XVI-The Tower 90 Tzaddi Hook XVII-The Star 100 Qoph Back of head XVIII-The Moon 200 Resh Head XIX-The Sun 300 Shin Tooth XX-Judgement 400 Tau Cross XXI-The World One may wish to further research numbers by taking particular groupings and cross referencing them in the "Sepher Sephiroth" which can be found in "The Qabalah of Alister Crowley." OTHER CANDLE BURNING RITUALS Should one come into conflict with authorities for any reason, any or all of the following will prove useful. To gain favor with authorities 1. Obtain a purple candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "JASCHAJAH" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the fifth Psalm. 7. Pray for the desired outcome. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. To obtain favors from important people 1. Obtain a green candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "PELE" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the thirty-fourth Psalm. 7. Pray for the desired outcome. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. For favor in court cases 1. Obtain a purple candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "JAH" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the 35th and 36th Psalms.. 7. Pray for the desired outcome. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. To regain credibility after being defamed by enemies 1. Obtain a purple candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "ZAWA" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the 41st, 42nd, and 43rd Psalms. 7. Pray for the desired outcome after reading each Psalm. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. 9. Repeat 6 through 8 two more times. 10. Repeat for three days To help release one from imprisonment 1. Obtain a purple candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "IHVH" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the 71st Psalm. 7. Pray for the desired outcome. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. For help in court cases 1. Obtain a purple candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "IHVH" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the 93rd Psalm. 7. Pray for the desired outcome. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. To gain favor in court cases 1. Obtain a purple candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "LAMED" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the 119th Psalm, verses 89-96. 7. Pray for the desired outcome. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. To gain favor in court 1. Obtain a purple candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "IHVH" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the 120th Psalm. 7. Pray for the desired outcome. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. To gain favor when approaching a person of authority 1. Obtain a purple candle 2. Anoint the top of the candle with olive oil and rub it downward to the middle of the candle. 3. Anoint the bottom of the candle with the oil and rub it upwards to the center. 4. Carve the letters "IHVH" on the candle. 5. Light the candle. 6. Read aloud the 122nd Psalm. 7. Pray for the desired outcome. 8. Concentrate on the desired outcome. *** Each candle can only be used for one particular purpose. One must prepare a new candle for each ritual. ASTRAL CONFERENCING Some of our number after having found it quite difficult to contact other members took a new approach to astral projection. Astral conferencing became the spiritual counterpart to AT&T's Alliance Teleconference. Members would arrange to meet at a given time and would relay any necessary information during these sessions. This type of communication was made the standard due to its legality, its speed, and the impossibility of interception by federal authorities. To attempt this type of psychic travel, it is advised that the seeker look elsewhere for instruction on building his or her own psychic powers, and slowly moving upwards to the complexities of travel on the Astral Plane. One must learn to stand before learning how to run. WARNINGS ABOUT ABUSES OF POWER Some members have taken their interests to the extreme. There was talk some years ago about blood offerings to obtain knowledge in dealing with the TRW credit system. This was a complete failure which was done with out knowledge by others in the order. It is written in Isaiah: 1:11 "I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats." 66:3 "He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man" Those who committed the above offering suffered greatly for their deed, for such is an abomination before the Lord. It is wise to learn from their mistakes. Other members have attempted such obscure measures as psychic data corruption, ala Uri Geller. These attempts saw little success, and left those attempting the feats psychically exhausted and drained for nearly a week. Other members have attempted to thwart enemies such as the Secret Service, the FBI, journalists such as Richard Sandza, and individuals such as John Maxfield though magical means. When the outcome desired was weak, the results were high, but when a member actually tried to bring about the demise of a Southern Bell Security official, the power of the spell reversed and the member was soon placed under surveillance by the Secret Service, nearly causing disaster for the entire group, and completely dissolving the power of the order. One may find that once such power is somewhat mastered, it is easy to take shortcuts and thereby miss safety precautions. One must never forget to take these precautions, for disaster looms at every junction. The three members linked to the above incident had become well versed in the magical system of Abra-Melin the Mage. The spell which turned should never have been used in the first place. The spell was designed to stop a person's heart and could only be carried out with the help of the evil spirit Belzebub. The Symbol L E B H A H E M A U S A B H A H was used, yet the full precautions to protect the invoker from the spirit were ignored, and Belzebud ran free to affect whatever he saw fit to affect. They had seen prior success in this system using a symbol to obtain knowledge of things past and future and were able to obtain a great deal of information from various computer systems. However, that particular spell is invoked by the Angels, and little precaution need be taken in that instance. That Symbol: M I L O N I R A G O L A M A L O G A R I N O L I M AN INTERESTING EXAMPLE OF OCCULT INFLUENCED HACKING One particular evening of Ouija ended with a DNIC and a plea to halt the operation of the system. When members connected to this system they were shocked to find that it was a UNIX belonging to the Ministry of Treasury in the Republic of South Africa. The system was networked to a number of other government systems. Several standard defaults were still unprotected, and root was gained in a matter of minutes. A debate ensued over whether or not to disrupt the system in protest of Apartheid, but the system was left unscathed on the premise that to cause malicious damage would only make things worse. CLOSING Once the doors to ancient knowledge have been opened, the knowledge found within is immense and incredibly powerful. Do not fear experimentation and exploration, but be mindful of the existence of God and the spirits, and respect their power. Use whatever means necessary to achieve desired goals, but at no times cause harm to any other person, and do nothing out of aggression. Whatever degree of energy is sent forth will come back, if one sends out positive energy, positive energy will flow back; the converse of this is equally valid. Diversify one's interests, develop the mind, seek out hidden and suppressed knowledge, and experience the beauty of the true nature of magic. Frater Perdurabo Deo Duce Comite Ferro Inner Order of LOD _______________________________________________________________________________