TUCoPS :: Password Security :: sinner1.txt

Hacking /etc/passwd in FTP sites is lame, but SIN doesn't think so.

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OK, this is my mini guide to the easiest 'hacking' there is ( I think ) if any
one knows different then mail me and tell me :) .
Most FTP servers have the directory /pub  which stores all the 'public' information 
for you to download. But along side /pub you will probably find other directorys 
such as /bin and /etc    its the /etc  directory which is important. In this directory 
there is normally a file called passwd.  .   This looks something like this :- 
jgibson:7fOsTXF2pA1W2:1128:20:Jim Gibson,,,,,,,:/usr/people/jgibson:/bin/csh
mouse:EUyd5XAAtv2dA:1131:20:Melissa P.:/usr/people/mouse:/bin/csh
This is where all the user names and passwords are kept. For example, root is 
the superuser and the rest are normal users on the site. The bit after the word 
root or mcn such as in this example (EUyd5XAAtv2dA) is the password BUT it is 
encrypted. So you use a password cracker....which you can d/l from numerous sites 
which I will give some URL's to at the end of this document. With these password 
crackers you will be asked to supply a passwd. file which you download from the 
\etc directory of the FTP server and a dictionary file which the crackers progam 
will go through and try to see if it can make any match. And as many people use 
simple passwords you can use a 'normal' dictionary file. But when ppl REALLY don't 
want you to break their machines they set their passwords to things such as GHTiCk45 
which Random Word Generator will create (eventually ). Which is where programs such 
as Random Word Generator come in. ( Sorry just pluging my software ) 
BTW the bad news is that new sites NORMALLY have password files which look like this :-
The x signifies shadowed - you can't use a cracker to crack it because there's nothing 
there to crack, its hidden somewhere else that you can't get to. x is also represented 
as a * or sometimes a .  Ones like the top example are known as un-shadowed password 
files normally found at places with .org domain or .net and prehaps even .edu sites. 
(Also cough .nasa.gov cough sites).
If you want a normal dictionary file i recommend you go to 
http://www.globalkos.org and download kOS Krack which 
has a 3 MEG dictionary file. Then run a .passwd cracking program 
such as jack the ripper or hades or killer crack ( I recommend ) against the 
.passwd file and dictionary file. Depending upon the amount of passwords in 
the .passwd file, the size of the dictionary file and the speed of the processor 
it could be a lengthy process. 
Eventually once you have cracked a password you need a basic knowledge of unix. 
I have included the necassary commands to upload a different index.html file to 
a server :-
Connect to a server through ftp prefably going through a few shells to hide your 
host and login using the hacked account at the Login: Password: part.
Then once connected type 
dir or list 
If there's a directory called public_html@ or something similar change directory 
using the Simple dos cd command ( cd public_html )
Then type binary to set the mode to binary transfer ( so you can send images if 
necassary )
Then type put index.html  or whatever the index file is called.
It will then ask which transfer you wish to use, Z-Modem is the best. 
Select the file at your end you wish to upload and send it.
Thats it !
If you have root delete any log files too.
Please note that this process varys machine to machine.
To change the password file for the account ( very mean ) login in through telnet 
and simply type passwd at the prompt and set the password for the account to anything 
you wish.
Thats it....if ya don't understand it read it about 10x if ya still don't ask someone 
else i am too busy with errrr stuff..
Links :-
http://www.sinnerz.com  Where you got this I hope.
Stay cool and be somebodys fool everyone

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