TUCoPS :: Password Security :: unixpass.txt

Unix default passwords


  The following was a list of UNIX default passwords compilied by: God 
 For all the lamers who don't know UNIX passwords are all in LOWER CASE.  
 Except for the GUEST account which can be in either case.
³guest³root³usr³operator³listen³checkssys³trouble³postmaster³  ³asg³sccs³
³notes³ssck³din³sysadmin³finger³powerdown³sysdiag³          ³  ³tty³date³
³getty³user³sys³helpdesk³daemon³netserver³startup³          ³  ³bbx³demo³
³setup³sys5³man³sysmaint³system³report(s)³sysmait³          ³  ³dcl³veal³
³admin³news³adm³teledemo³backup³         ³systest³          ³  ³sas³geac³
³games³iris³sys³        ³remote³         ³visitor³          ³  ³vax³help³
³userp³mait³log³        ³decnet³         ³decmail³          ³  ³vms³link³
³field³oper³clu³        ³ingres³         ³default³          ³  ³   ³mail³
³fault³usrc³ftp³        ³mailer³         ³digital³          ³  ³   ³priv³
³games³host³net³        ³netcon³         ³library³          ³  ³   ³test³
³     ³vlsi³   ³        ³netmgr³         ³netpriv³          ³  ³   ³    ³
³     ³unix³   ³        ³oracle³         ³network³          ³  ³   ³    ³
³     ³    ³   ³        ³      ³         ³opervax³          ³  ³   ³    ³
³     ³    ³   ³        ³      ³         ³student³          ³  ³   ³    ³
³     ³    ³   ³        ³      ³         ³manager³          ³  ³   ³    ³

         Defaults with passwords other than the id's themselves
           ³ Default    ³ Password ³³ Default    ³ Password ³
           ³decnet      ³ddennet   ³³guest       ³friend    ³
           ³field       ³service   ³³guest       ³welcome   ³
           ³system      ³manager   ³³default     ³user      ³
           ³decnet      ³nonpriv   ³³field       ³digital   ³
           ³field       ³test      ³³netnonpriv  ³nonpriv   ³
           ³postmaster  ³mail      ³³sysmaint    ³service   ³
           ³sysmaint    ³digital   ³³system      ³operator  ³
           ³system      ³manager   ³³system      ³syslib    ³
           ³system      ³uetp      ³³systest_clig³systest   ³
           ³userp       ³user      ³³            ³          ³

 This file was brought to you by the Alliance group Fuckage, if you have
 any default passwords to use that are not listed above, feel free to add 
 them to this file, if you do please upload this file to the BBS that you 
 downloaded it from.  With the updated default passwords... Thanks a lot 
 from the guys at Fuckage.

          ³   God ú Toxic Anarchist ú The Lord of Darkness    ³
          ³        Harleyman ][ ú  X-Tactix ú  Mcbeth         ³
          ³       Megadeth ú The Fiend ú  Amiga Factor        ³
          ³          Diplomat ú Turbo  C ú Syadasci           ³

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