TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Miscellaneous :: blazebox.txt

Blaze Box - Sets off fire alarms by remote

Do you hate school?  Have you ever wanted to get out of class, or just plain 
cause some major chaos? Then it looks like you need THE BLAZE BOX! 
straight from the mind of a bored loser with nothing betterto do,
this vile little creation can bring you an unnexcused abscence from school or
work just
at the touch  of a button with ALMOST no chance of getting caught! Sound too
good to be true? Read on.


something to do with school, that makes it educational!)Use of this device 
could get you expelled, arrested, or divert attention from a real emergency.
So use at your own risk. I am not liable for your stupidity.

ok if you actually bothered to read the disclaimer you probably have
some idea what this does. Basically the blaze box activates the fire
alarm switches in your school by remote control. Those of you who are asking
"why not just pull the fuckin thing" are just stupid. Reasons why the
box is better.

1. Some alarms have a hidden ink sac that squirts unwashable ink onto
whoever pulls it. you can tell if your school has these by if there
is a small hole right above the dentation where the switch is.
If the alarm was pulled recently there might still be traces of purple ink.

2. You actually gotta go out and pull the damn thing so you can't do it
in class (if you even go to class) and so you get caught.

 Toy car remote control. (steal it from your brother)

 Servo from the car.

 thick wire or piece of conductive metal.

 batteries (whatever size the servo needs)

 flathead screw driver.

Herez how you make it

Break into  your school or work at sometime when NOONE is going to be 
there. Snow days and summer LATE nights are the best. That way if youre
dumb and accidentaly set off the alarm you wont get caught. 

Find one of those alarm switches set into the wall. Theyre about 8X8"
and are red with a white switch. Unscrew the 4 flathead screws on the panel
and take it off.

        screws-------|--> (*)                       (*) |
                     |      ---------------------       |
                     |     |        FIRE        |       |
                     |     |                    |       |
                     |     |                    |       |
                     |     |____________________|       |
                     |     |                    |       |     The Wall
                     |     |  pull-down switch  |       |
                     |     |                    |       |
                     |     |                    |       |
                     |     |----------------------      |
                     |                                  |
                     |  (*)     Back Panel        (*)   |

Now pull away the whole set to reveal the switch set into the wall. 
Look for where the switch makes contact with the wire passing thru
the wall. The way alarms work is there is always juice flowing thru
the alarm wires, when you pull the switch it just completes the 
circuit, turning on the bells and lights and shit. You can smash
the switch now for all you care cuz you won't be needing it any more.
Now take the servo and attach the conductive metal or whatever ya got, so
when the servo turns it touches the metal to the place where the
switch used to complete the circuit. Now tape or glue the servo securely
to the wall, attach the battery, and screw the panel back into place.
It should be a fun day at school monday (heh heh) >->
piece of conductive      )
metal          --------> (       /===\ 
                         (------|--*  | <----Servo (glue it to the wall
                         )      |     |             of the indentation
                         (<|     \===/ \            behing the panel.)
                           |            \
                           |  servo turns\               
                           |- to touch    \
                           |  this to this \
spot where switch used     |                \
 to make contact\          |                 \__________
                 \----\    |                 |battery  |
                       -> <||                |_________|
        wire passing thru the wall      

ok now that was one of the most useless schematics ever      

Now you want take the remote control and cut off all the excess crap all
you need is the gutz of the thing and you want it small it can be
concealed. Now next time you're in a boring class within
range of about 400 ft (200 thru walls)  sneak it out of your back pack
turn the dial the *slightest* amount. Sirens! Lights! Major Chaos!
fire drill time. Then after you have to go back in flip it again! Unless 
you're stupid and go showing off to all you're friendz you won't get caught.

 When the firemen
and school administration track down the switch they won't even see it 
pulled, and most of 'em are too dumb to even think a kid could be smart
enough to put something INSIDE it ha ha ha. You can have more fun with
this than just getting out of class. Does your enemy have swimming class
on some day when its 20 below? He'll have to go out of the school 
half-naked and wet. If yer the perverted type set off the alarm
when the opposite sex is getting changed some panicky teachers will
send them out of the locker room "as is". You can synchronize it to
stuff too. Pick a 'word of the day" ("fuck" is a favorite) and wheneveher
someone says it all hell breaks loose. Kind of like Peewee's playhouse.
If you really want to go  BlazeBox crazy, set up ones at various alarms
scattered throughout your school, so you can set off different sections of
the school at different times! Or if you're really nuts,  set one up
in the fire system central control box, and bring the sprinklers into
the action. Ive personalyy had tonz of fun with this box and the school stil
hasn't figured it out! Just have phun and don't get caught!


Have fun with this box but use it with some small amount of responsibity.
You might end up diverting the fire department from a real emergency,
and you dont want some poor guys house burning down just cuz you don't
want to go to class. Use it on rare occasions just to have some phun.
Of course, if youre an unprincipled loser like %99.99999 percent of
people who read these filez, you don't have anything to worry about, do
you. Youll go to hell anyway. 

This phile has been brougt to you from my bored mind. If you know who I am I
dont fucken care. Its crap but you should be able to have some phun with it.


everything in this phile is for humorous purposes this can be a phun thing to
dream about but i DO NOT encourage actually doing it. Thanx for circulating
the phile and please do not inculde my e=mail address thank you

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