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Miscellaneous Boxes
Devices which defy categorization or which perform unique functions
9vbusy~1.txt 4078 bytes. by Captain B
9V Busy Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
acrylic.txt 3340 bytes. by The Pimp
Acrylic Box - Multi function bridge
Phreak Coloured Boxes
adclick.txt 3552 bytes. by Evilbaby
Advanced Click Box - Frees Busy Lines
Phreak Coloured Boxes
aio.txt 2482 bytes. |
All in One Box by Disk Doctor
Phreak Coloured Boxes
aqua002.txt 8432 bytes. by Game Warlord et al
Aqua Box - Allegedly defeat FBI traces
aqua2.txt 7564 bytes. by The Traveler
Aqua Box - Supposedly beat the dreaded "Lock In Trace"
Phreak Coloured Boxes
aquabox.gif 33869 bytes. by Stripped Ink
Aqua Box schematic diagram
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 4798 bytes. |
Aquamarine Box - Disk Doctor's "Ways To Fuck The Phone Company"
berylium.bmp 11106 bytes. (2003)
Beryllium Box Schematics
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 2010 bytes. |
Black Box: How to detect and remove black boxes
| 2494 bytes. |
Black Box: Older Black Box Plans
black1.txt 3353 bytes. (1992)
Black Box for the Greek telephone network
Local: Greece
Phreak Coloured Boxes
black002.txt 4954 bytes. |
Black Box - Receive calls that are free for the caller (obsolete)
Old-School Phreak Info
Phreak Coloured Boxes
blastbox.txt 1926 bytes. |
Blast Box - Make the phone on the other end REALLY loud!
Phreak Coloured Boxes
blazebox.txt 7203 bytes. |
Blaze Box - Sets off fire alarms by remote
Phreak Coloured Boxes
bungee.txt 3186 bytes. by Capt B
Bungee Box, as seen in 2600 Summer 2002
Phreak Coloured Boxes
busybox.txt 1691 bytes. (1996)
Busy Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
newbusy.txt 3601 bytes. |
Busy Box (new) - Disable a phone line
Phreak Coloured Boxes
busy.txt 3018 bytes. |
Busy Box by Black Death
Phreak Coloured Boxes
upl008.txt 5254 bytes. by jc
Busy Box - stop the phone from ringing
Phreak Coloured Boxes
cerulean.txt 2306 bytes. by Compudroid
Cerulean Box - Make hydrogen from your phone line
Phreak Coloured Boxes
2lclick.txt 1771 bytes. by backdoor34
Click Box - Frees busy lines
Phreak Coloured Boxes
2lclick.gif 3401 bytes. by backdoor34
Click Box Diagram
Phreak Coloured Boxes
Schematic Diagram
click.txt 3400 bytes. by Happykill
Click Box - Frees busy lines
Phreak Coloured Boxes
click.jpg 34555 bytes. by Happykill
Click Box Diagram
Phreak Coloured Boxes
Schematic Diagram
| 1952 bytes. |
Charge Box - Shows When LD Call is Charged
chartbox.phk 5082 bytes. |
Chartreuse Box - Extract free electricity from your phone line
chrombox.txt 5783 bytes. (1988)
Chrome Box - Change Traffic Signals
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 8067 bytes. |
Color$ Box - Line Recorder
Phreak Coloured Boxes
conbox.txt 1082 bytes. by The Revolter
Con Box - Prevents use of extensions on your line
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 2596 bytes. by The Cypher
Copper Box - Overload the toll free network
Phreak Coloured Boxes
stuff3.txt 2668 bytes. by telephreak
Crimson Box Explained
Phreak Coloured Boxes
crimsbox.txt 2020 bytes. (1985)
Crimson Box - put someone on hold or create a busy signal
Phreak Coloured Boxes
crypbox.txt 5468 bytes. (2003)
Cryptobox - An analog voice scrambler
Phreak Coloured Boxes
diftbox.txt 6467 bytes. (1988)
DIFT Box - Defeat tracing
Phreak Coloured Boxes
dlocbox.txt 3281 bytes. (1988)
Phreak Coloured Boxes
dayglo.txt 7816 bytes. (1990)
Dayglo Box - Just another beige box - what the hell does Dayglo Beige look like anyway?
Phreak Coloured Boxes
ditto.txt 7167 bytes. |
Ditto Box - a special device for eavesdropping and recording phone conversations
Phreak Coloured Boxes
fishbox.txt 2337 bytes. by Fixer
The Fish Box (Excerpted from Pranks 12 and de-Commodore'd)
Phreak Coloured Boxes
fuchsia.txt 7405 bytes. (1987)
Fuschia Box - Get 3 Way Calling free
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 3072 bytes. by Shadowspawn
Grab Box - improve radio range (really lame!)
imfinity.txt 16657 bytes. by Ghost Wind
Infinity Transmitter: Make an infinty transmitter (bug)
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 1541 bytes. by Iron Man
Infinity Transmitter: Manny Mittleman's Infinity Transmitters
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 4204 bytes. (1987)
Infinity Transmitters - email discussion
Phreak Coloured Boxes
infinity.phk 861 bytes. |
Infinity Transmitters
hir3-6.txt 4805 bytes. by Asmodian X
Infrared Box - an IR jammer to prevent use of remote controls, IRDA devices etc
Phreak Coloured Boxes
invisbox.txt 4256 bytes. by Lucky225
Invisible Box - Disable in-use lights on extensions
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 3695 bytes. by Mr. Bill
Loud Box Construction - jack up the volume!
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 7015 bytes. by Dr. D-Code
Lunch Box - radio transmitter
Phreak Coloured Boxes
magenta.gif 2855 bytes. by Fone Ranger
Magenta box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 3584 bytes. |
Magenta Box - a portable ringing generator
Phreak Coloured Boxes
ring1.gif 17364 bytes. |
Magenta Box Interest: Telephone Ring Generator Using Small Power Transformer
Phreak Coloured Boxes
ring2.gif 76689 bytes. |
Magenta Box Interest: Telephone Ring Generator Using Switching Supply
Phreak Coloured Boxes
mcloud.txt 1865 bytes. |
McLoud Box - Cause havoc with a hidden walkie talkie
Phreak Coloured Boxes
morgue.txt 8350 bytes. by Acidic Nature
Morgue Box - A dangerous line-to-soundcard interface
Phreak Coloured Boxes
mute.txt 4717 bytes. |
Mute Box - A button to nuke anyone who butts in on your conversation
Phreak Coloured Boxes
graybox.txt 16377 bytes. by Ninja Squirrel
Ninja Grey Box - Bridge two lines
Phreak Coloured Boxes
noisebox.txt 3453 bytes. |
Noise Box - Supposed to add line noise to a line
Phreak Coloured Boxes
olivebox.txt 4524 bytes. |
Olive Box Plans - External Phone Ringer
Phreak Coloured Boxes
olivedr.txt 2229 bytes. (1997)
Olive Drab Box - Disable a phone line
Phreak Coloured Boxes
paisley.txt 4399 bytes. (1985)
Paisley box plans - control TOPS & TSPS Neon Knights
Phreak Coloured Boxes
pandoras.gif 23945 bytes. by Syntax Crash
Pandora's Box - the so called "Phasor Pain Field Generator" you saw advertised in Popular Mechanics
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 3197 bytes. |
Pearl Box - Universal SF Generator
Phreak Coloured Boxes
pearlbox.txt 4779 bytes. by Dr. D-Code
Pearl Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
advpearl.txt 3603 bytes. by Dispater
Pearl Box - The Advanced Pearl Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
pewter.txt 2861 bytes. |
Pewter Box ex 2600 - Make a speaker out of a hard drive
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 2127 bytes. by Einstein, AE Angel
Pink Box - get 3 way calling
Phreak Coloured Boxes
plaidbox.txt 1825 bytes. |
Plaid Box - Get touch tone service without paying for it
Phreak Coloured Boxes
pmebb.txt 2686 bytes. (1999)
Poor Man's Electro-Bastard Box - Prank someone by having their line flash on and off like a christmas light
Phreak Coloured Boxes
powerbox.txt 4057 bytes. (1990)
Power Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
privac~1.txt 1923 bytes. by Lucky225
Privacy Box - disable extensions
Phreak Coloured Boxes
4.gif 68685 bytes. |
Privacy Box - Make it impossible for more than one extension phone to work at a time
Phreak Coloured Boxes
private.txt 2135 bytes. by Compudroid
Privacy Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
purple.txt 1815 bytes. (1986)
Purple Box - Hold button
Phreak Coloured Boxes
radbox.htm 4774 bytes. |
Rad Box - Combination Red and Green boxes from one radio shack dialer!
Phreak Coloured Boxes
rainbowb.txt 2975 bytes. by Dolphin from Belmont
Rainbow Box: It Really Works!
Phreak Coloured Boxes
raven_~1.txt 3508 bytes. by Swordkeeper, White Raven
Raven Box - an MP3 Player used as a Red Box PBX:
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 1464 bytes. by Maniac
Ringback "Box"
Phreak Coloured Boxes
rust_box.gif 1727 bytes. |
Rust Box Schematic
Phreak Coloured Boxes
satan.txt 8902 bytes. (1998)
Satan Box - Introduce Radio Interference to a Phone Line
Phreak Coloured Boxes
box_scar.txt 2387 bytes. |
Scarlet box plans - create bad connections
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 2269 bytes. by The Pimp
Scarlet Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 4286 bytes. by Dispater
Slush Box - Similar to Fixer's 1998 Fish Box but deployed on business lines instead of payphones
Phreak Coloured Boxes
vas040.txt 4188 bytes. (1992)
Smurf Box - Use PC as SF generator
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 6145 bytes. by Outlaw Telecommandos
Snow Box - Underground TV Transmitter
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 4825 bytes. by Shadowhawk
Sound Blaster Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 3539 bytes. by The Usurper, The Raver
Static Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
stealthb.txt 6769 bytes. by Hevnscent
Stealth Box - When beige boxing, this yields the line to its rightful owner
Phreak Coloured Boxes
stopbox.txt 3425 bytes. by Cyber Thief
Stop Box - Defeats terminal alarms
Phreak Coloured Boxes
stopper.txt 2333 bytes. by Jon Sreekanth
Stopper Box - Stops answering machines on phone pickup
Phreak Coloured Boxes
talkie.txt 4752 bytes. by Cyber Thief
Talkie Box
Phreak Coloured Boxes
tanbox.txt 4182 bytes. by Samurai Cat, Tarkin Darklighter
Tan Box Plans
Phreak Coloured Boxes
tzapper.txt 4094 bytes. by Jenn
Telezapper Box - Disable telemarketing predictive dialers
Phreak Coloured Boxes
timebox.txt 754 bytes. by Dr. Demand
Time Box - Disconnect a line at a predetermined time
Phreak Coloured Boxes
tonebox.htm 3602 bytes. by Tone
Tone Box - Create static on target line
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 1941 bytes. by Capn Crunch
Tron Box - Steal Electricity
Phreak Coloured Boxes
linetest.jpg 227659 bytes. |
Vermilion Box Interest - Build an offline telephone tester - spoof an entire phone call!
Phreak Coloured Boxes
bxyellow.txt 1466 bytes. (1986)
Yellow Box - Steal Phone Service
Phreak Coloured Boxes
Compilations and Misc. Boxing Files
bbb001.txt 85274 bytes. (1994)
The Big Book of Boxes
Phreak Coloured Boxes
box.htm 67239 bytes. by Ero
The Boxes (in Italian)
Phreak Coloured Boxes
box1.txt 4577 bytes. |
Tap your own phone line
boxes01.txt 8369 bytes. (1986)
Collection of boxes - Part 1
Phreak Coloured Boxes
boxes02.txt 6920 bytes. (1986)
How to build many different phreaker boxes
Phreak Coloured Boxes
boxesfxr.txt 8401 bytes. (1987)
Fixer's Boxes
Phreak Coloured Boxes
boxesv1.txt 8365 bytes. by The Locksmith
A Guide to Making Various Boxes 1
Phreak Coloured Boxes
boxesv2.txt 6913 bytes. by The Locksmith
A Guide to Making Various Boxes 2
Phreak Coloured Boxes
boxfreqs.txt 1988 bytes. |
Assorted box frequencies (1980s)
Phreak Coloured Boxes
boxgen.txt 5928 bytes. by Bill Doger
Boxes - General Information
Phreak Coloured Boxes
boxview.txt 9123 bytes. by The Marauder
The Marauder rants on a number of boxes
Phreak Coloured Boxes
box_def.txt 1531 bytes. |
Several obscure boxes defined
Phreak Coloured Boxes
box_tone.txt 4145 bytes. |
Red and Blue box tones
Phreak Coloured Boxes
bug.txt 7873 bytes. |
Bug Detector Box and Car Tracker Plans
Phreak Coloured Boxes
eftdev.txt 10272 bytes. by Lex Luthor
Electronic Toll Fraud Devices
Phreak Coloured Boxes
foneschm.txt 37081 bytes. |
Telephone Related ASCII Schematics 1.01
Phreak Coloured Boxes
Schematic Diagram
gadgets.txt 9860 bytes. |
Gadgets for a couple of boxes
howtobui.txt 9845 bytes. |
Various phone gadgets and boxes
Phreak Coloured Boxes
intdata.txt 4180 bytes. (2002)
Intercepting and retransmitting data over phone lines
Phreak Coloured Boxes
jibblit.txt 24087 bytes. by Jibblitt
Jibblitt's Complete Box List
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 9820 bytes. |
Many kinds of boxes briefly explained
kindsofb.txt 9820 bytes. |
Kinds of Boxes
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 5369 bytes. |
A Layman's definition of Boxes
pcbae.txt 93847 bytes. by Cyber Thief
Phone Color Box Addendum 2.0
Phreak Coloured Boxes
phonepat.txt 28182 bytes. by Julian Macassey
Building and Using Phone Patches
Phreak Coloured Boxes
phoneybx.txt 2730 bytes. by Static
Telephoney Guide to Boxes
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 2975 bytes. |
Destructive Boxing
sboard.txt 2667 bytes. by Fu5ion
Poor Man's Switchboard
Phreak Coloured Boxes
| 628 bytes. |
How to build a 3-Way Phone
| 2355 bytes. |
The Total Phreak part 1
trix_v_2.pdf 452112 bytes. |
Black Magic! Telecom Design Tricks
Phreak Coloured Boxes
vas013.txt 9286 bytes. (1992)
Your Complete Guide to Boxes
Phreak Coloured Boxes