TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Miscellaneous :: box_def.txt

Several obscure boxes defined

$								     $
$		 Types of Boxes -=- by Cyber Punk		     $
$								     $

MIRROR BOX- connects to your yellow & black wires and gives the number
of the calling party on your digtal display.  (this is a form of ani)
you have to pay telco for this

ORANGE BOX- this gives a voltage to ring a fone. advanced versons can
give a onhook and offhook voltage and can handle several fones.
companys who own there own switching equipment have advanced orange

PURPLE BOX- this box consists of a blue and a red box

WHITE BOX- a device that produces the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,*, and #
tones. a touch tone fone and a tone modem has a built in white box.

SILVER BOX- a device (or rewired white box) to produce an A,B,C,D tone
fourth row buttons on a DTMF pad.

GREY BOX- same as silver box

CHEESE BOX- the first one makes a pay fone out of your home fone. co's
don't bother to find the locations of fortress fones. the second one
links up two fones so you can call up one end and receve calls. if you
are traced they raid the two fones / not you.

STEREO BOX- don't laugh, they are usefull, you can amplfy a loop and
record it. you can play punk music over the loop to frends (only loop
scum play it just to jamm the loop) if you tap a line you can put a
short range am transmitter and receve it on you box. (don't worry,
no one listens to AM radio.)

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