----------====================((((((#######))))))====================---------- *********** **** **** ********** *** *** *** *********** *** ********** *** *** *** *** *** *** **** **** *** *** The Phollowing is another Phine Phile oph Phacts Phrom the Phixer. --- A presentation of the Free Press --- ----------====================((((((#######))))))====================---------- The Fixer presents... Miscellaneous Boxes (Maybe part 1 of a series) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within the pages of this tome we discuss several interesting electronic devices that can be used for phreaking, hacking, tapping, etcetera. Before we begin, though, credit goes to The Griffin and M. Harry for supplying me with a few of these designs. Additional credit goes to Touch Tone for his assistance in my research in tapping and bud-boxing, and Dr. Boom for being a true pyro. DEATH to The Legend for slashing a certain sysop's motorbike tires, and to Isepic Sam and The Music Man for the Braniac job they did on Fast Hackem 4.0. [Update from the Fixer/2000: Since I wrote these greets 13 years ago, the sysop whose tires were slashed was convicted of being a pedophile, and The Legend turned out to be a decent phone hacker... who eventually got his too. Dr. Boom hasn't lit anything but a doobie since 1988, Touch Tone is still doing what he was doing best half a lifetime ago: making a living as a master bullshitter (which is a quality I respect, he's one of the best wetware hackers I've met). The Griffin now smokes pot and plays chess, proving more and more every day that marijuana doesn't cause brain damage, and the Fast Hackem guys thankfully disappeared with the whole Commodore scene at the end of the 80's. Funny how things turn out!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOUR COMMODORE 64 AS AN APPLE CAT! If you have a 64, but only have a pulse-dialing modem, don't phret! Since your SID chip can make 3 voices you can produce touch tones plus all the tone-type boxes as well, entirely through software. Get a copy of Phone Man and see what I mean. Now, with the exception of Baudot, your 64 can perform ALL of the famed Apple-Cat functions. But how, you ask? The modem is not hooked up to the audio output, so how do I get those tones onto the phone line? Well, here is what to do: Get a 5-pin DIN connector (the kind that plugs into your monitor port), a modular-plug Y-adapter, some 2-conductor wire, and an SPST switch. You will also need a .05 mfd cacacitor if you don't feel like buying a new SID chip. Phone line voltages are HIGH! Cut one of the modular JACKS off the Y-adaptor, and strip the green and red wires on it (black and yellow if your number is on a 2nd household line). Now, wire up all these parts according to this diagram: Pin 3 (monitor port plug) I I ch I / +---/ @--------green wire I I +----I I-------red wire I I mf I Pin 2 (monitor port plug) Simple, isn't it? Now, you can write a hacker program that tone-dials, even if, like me, you have only an El Cheapeau Thaihaho 300 bod modem. Just select 1600 for modem-type when using VIP-Term XL and you will get tone auto-dialing! Later, I will upload programs to support this device and will also publish plans for tone detectors for the '64: Hack extendors!!! The switch is to (A) prevent UNWANTED tones from getting onto the line when you don't want them, and (B) to hang up the line: the SID chip's resistance is such that the phone may remain off hook. Anyways, properly used, this device will speed up the hacker-on-a-budget's work vastly. Total cost? Not a dime over $5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A SIMPLE PARALLEL TAP (From "The Computer Underground", by M. Harry) I I I I I I O------+ @------------+ output @ @ I I to tape rec. @ @ I I I I O------+ @---I I---+ I I I I I xfmr I I .005 I I mfd I I I I I I Target line The transformer has a 10k primary, 200 ohm secondary. With this device you can tap with little chance of detection, and record voice or data trasmissions. When used with a tape recorder, you can hook up the following to get data back from the tape: CONVERTING TAPED DATA TO PRINTOUTS (Also from "The Computer Underground") 100 ohm O-----/\/\/\/-----O input from out to tape modem O-----------------O Now, you just read the taped data into your capture buffer thru your modem! Since the tape captured both SENT and RECEIVED data, you have all un-echoed user input, i.e. PASSWORDS at your disposal. This is where the hacker starts drooling! Could you imagine such a tap placed upon the local Telenet or Compuserve dialup??? The possibilities of this device being used to literally go fishing for passwords are endless! A later article will include using coils placed around terminal cables to pick up electromagnetic emissions from terminal data lines, this will get passwords in the same manner but will work better in places where a rip-the-lines-up tap is impractical. HAH! And you thought you had no use for your datasette............ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BUD BOX: (I know this is old news but I have some new angles, OK?) For those of you who didn't know, a bud-box is very similar to the tap I described above. All you do is get a phone, take off the modular plug, strip the red and green wires, attach them to alligator clips, and you are ready to rock! What you do is go to a house with one of those little grey boxes on the side, the ones for residential phone termination. Open it up (By flipping it open from the bottom) and you will see 5 screws arranged in a square with one in the middle. Attach the alligator clips to the tw o screws that have wires attached. If the wires are color coded, attach green to green, red to red. Now, your phunny phone is an extension of that line and you can listen in on calls, make calls that will be billed to your neighbors, and box thru their lines. WHERE TO BUD-BOX: If you are using the residential/commercial boxes on the sides of houses/buildings: bud-box (a) enemies, (b) wealthy businesses, (c) government agencies. You also have the following options: - Bridging Heads (The tallish grey-green boxes you see at street corners every other block, but you will need to crow-bar a STRONG lock open first!) - Distribution boxes or "cans" (The rectangular silver boxes atop phone poles every block or so) - Phone Company Manholes (Where I live the covers are manufactured at VMD and are cast with the initials BCTC. In your locale they likely have (a) the Bell logo or (b) your local phone company's initials. Open with the hook side of a crowbar and be ready: they are HEAVY. When you go into a phone company manhole, though, you will not be disappointed!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proving Grounds (604) 478-1363...Heart of Gold (604) 658-1581 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------