- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T h e G R A B B o x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - By: Shadowspawn (502) This box is dedicated to all the people that can't solder two wires together, nevermind a complete circuit... The GRAB Box is probably the easiest box that can be made. It's also one of the most useful! This box uses inductive coupling to join with any radio that uses a coil for an antenna (such as an AM, longwave, or shortwave radio) and allows you to lengthen it considerably. I've seen these in DAK and other catalogues for 20+ dollars! Now DAK is a great company, but you can make one or two of these yourself for under seven dollars! Here's the schematic, get ready to be surprised: O <---- Fahnstock clip | | _____ Variable +--------------+------------+ \/ Capacitor | | ~ +--)|-+ ~ <--- Coil | ~ | | | +---------------------------------+ Things you'll need/specs: It'll look something like this: +----antenna-----------o - 365pF Variable Capacitor | - Hand-wound coil: 1 inch dia. <C>F--/\--|COIL||--\ 11 inches long with holes | \/--|||||||--/-+ 2 inches from each end +-------------------+ and #22 enameled wire wrapped between them. - Three corner braces (brass) - Four wood screws | Sand the enamel off | - 1 x 3 x 13 or so baseboard | the ends of the coil | - 30+ foot wire w/ alligator | the nearest end goes | clip to attach to | to the F. clip, the | Fahnstock Clip | farthest end to the | - Fahnstock Clip | plate contact. The | | antenna clip goes to | | the F. Clip. | Put this device next to the coil that's inside your radio. (The Grab box doesn't need to be inside it though, just close by) The closer you place it to your radio's coil, the stronger it is, the farther away, the more selectivity it has. And don't forget to peak the capacitor each time you change frequency... You can usually pick up a few states around you during the day and stations all over the US and elsewhere at night! Have fun!! Shadowspawn (502) @5211