TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Miscellaneous :: mcloud.txt

McLoud Box - Cause havoc with a hidden walkie talkie

The McLoud Box Part 1 + 2

Created and Written by: The Pay Phoney

Edited by: Cyber Thief

**Legal Crap**
This is for entertainment use only
dont bitch to me if you get caught
its not my fault and youve been warned
okay well friend heres what youll need:
small screwdrivers
a walkie talkie
duct tape 
and a victim

first remove the back to the walkie talkie
if this is a childrens one this should be
very simple
 next youll need to seperate the inside from the casing
(keep all pieces intact or youll screw this up)
next make sure there is a 9volt in there
after your done taking it apart you need
to remove all buttons except the volume button
next comes the fun part
there should be a metal piece where the beep button was
test to make sure it works with the battery
now remove the battery
and then tape or glue down the beep button (Make sure it is off)
now youll need to take the whole thing to the 
victims residence
mine was a mcdonalds (Hence the name)
i tore through the order box (when the Mickey d's was closed)
and placed the sucker in there
okay now where to put the box
i ve seen it piggybacked to beige boxes to
cause some fun on their line
but preferred use is to hide it in the bathroom of a
Mickey D's
i disguise it as a smoke detcetor or you 
could hide it on the under side of the sink
to install in a order box do this
access the order box via a screwdriver or crowbar
 look for the speaker or mike and just it in there
now you can set it to transmit the beep or get the 
other Walkie Talkie and use it to transmit into the order

 i give my permission to anyone who wishes to use this as part of a
publication or website, bbs, or etc.
as long as proper credit is given to my name the "PayPhoney"
thanx for reading 
comments? questions? -MMassM@aol.com

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