FROM THE DESK OF CAN~MAN$$FROM THE DESK OF CAN~MAN$$FROM THE DESK OF CAN olive drab box*olive drab box*olive drab box*olive drab box*olive drab b ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! Here is a little box that I like to call the olive drab box because it seems to be the color of 1997. Hey all the snowboarders wear it. This is meant to be used with your beige box for maximum use but you can just use it to tie up someone's phone line. Parts: (1)Resistor between 470-600w (1)Beige box (optional) WHAT IT WILL DO: With Beige Box; hook up to a phone box (most likely someone from school who called you a phagit, but you avoid him to do this) with your beige box. Call up one of those porno #s or something with a recording. Cuba's toll #s are 0891 those work good. wait till they ask for your name and state and say the victim's name and state. When they say that you will be charged at the tone (moan on porn #s) hook the resistor up to the 2 screws your box is on. Disconect your phone and the call will be held. This will continue to charge the # to the house and will still be on when someone picks up the phone. They will have to think of checking their box and have to take of the resistor which for dumb people could take days. If you want, take it off in a couple of hours, so that the victim from school is blamed for being disgusting and have to pay from his own shitty job. Without Beige Box; Simply hook the resistor up to the green and red wired screws inside someones phone box. This will act like a second phone is off the hook. No one will be able to call in. If they have call waiting the caller will only get rings or the answering machine. THERE IS NOT MUCH USE FOR THIS, BUT PRANKING PEOPLE WHO UNDERESTIMATE YOU DISCLAIMER- It is not ileagal to have a resistor but to use it in such a way is. I am not reliable for your actions. Neither is your mother. Neither are phrackers: you are and you should be proud that you choose your actions and soCIETY didn't. CAN~MAN