(----------------------------------) { The Raven box ) ( Idea By Wh|t# Rav#n ) ( Text file Writen By Both ) ( Swordkeeper and Wh|t3 Rav3n ) ( All rights reserved ) ( Writen For ) ( ) ( DDC.Swordkeeper.com ) ( Pla440.swordkeeper.com ) (__________________________________) We take no responsability for what you learn from this..... All rights reserved. So your out on one of your many adventure's, the night air is crisp and clean, and a cool wind tug's at your brand new MP3 player.... Your song ends, you look up from your lap top and see a pay phone.. A smile comes to your lips, and you walk on over to it in the stillnes of the night. You reach for your back pocket to get your red box, and find you didnt bring it... So what are you going to do? Whip your Raven box out! A raven box is simply made, and even more simple to use. To make a raven Box you need : (1) MP3 player -should have at least 8 megs of memory, Also, its should be able to read specialized playlists you make on your own-its alot easyer if you can make your own playlists for use as a Raven Box. (2) Better EarPhones then the "earbud" type that usualy come with the mp3 player-The best is the type that go over your ears on there own-and dont use the type that are on a head band-for this they are more trouble them they are worth-you want one that can be held to the Mic on a payphone easly, yet fits on your ear too--I will leave that up to you to find the "perfict fit". (3)Set of Phreak Tones-Here is a simple list of some you may wish to have for your Raven box: A) Redbox- 5 cent, 10 cent 25 cent-you can make playlists for bigger amounts. B) Bluebox this includes the 2600 hrtz Master tome we all love.... C) Plain old "White Box" or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,*,# tones.. Great for that phone that has a lock on the dialing pad.... D) Silver box, or A,B,C,D tones -may not work on newer sytems. thats not all-remember, if you got the tones for it, you can box with it with a Raven box! Just put your tones on your mp3 player and use them on the pay phone via the MP3 player.. With a Raven Box you can box how you wish, when you wish-even blue box, and its alot easyer to make then the Jolly box of old... ...With your new found wisdom, you hook your MP3 player to your labtop, and quickly Transform it into the all mightly Raven box, filling it with the phreaky tones needed. ....You now walk cooly over to the phone, for you know now that you have the upper hand,and with your Raven box send your tones of master control into the vaines of the phone network, taking control of your local pots, and bringing the telco to its knee's..... SUCK THIS!!!! ..ding ding ding ding ding.... This has been a DigitalDragonCrew.txt file We are not responsable for anything you do with/becouse of,this file, and take no responability what so ever for any damage you might do, or for any iligle activities you may do becouse of it. This was a act of free speech as via the consitution of the United States -if you dont like it, tough.