TUCoPS :: Phreaking Boxes - Miscellaneous :: talkie.txt

Talkie Box


*               The Talkie Box!                          *
*                                                        *
* Invented by Da Almighty Billman                        *
*                 (multiradio@hotmail.com)               *
* Plans by Cyber Thief                                   *
*                 (cyberthief@deathsdoor.com)            *

The Talkie Box is a new box that still works, and was originally
invented by Da Almighty Billman. This file will discuss the basic
construction, and use of the Talkie Box. As a bonus I will also include
a chart indicating frequencies covered by modern Talkie Boxes.

 The Talkie Box was invented this past summer when Da Almighty Billman and
myself were trying to listen to a neighbor's phone conversations with one
of those ohh so expensive radio scanners. It occurred to us that there had
to be an easier less expensive way to hear phone calls. And thus the Talkie
Box was conceived.

 You will need the following materials to construct the Talkie Box:

(1) Kiddie Walkie Talkie (The Tyco set you had as a kid will work).
(1) Screwdriver
(1) Tuning Tool 
(1) Drill

 First, remove all of the screws from the walkie talkie, and separate the
two halves. Look around inside until you find the tuning dials. They
are cylindrical in appearance, and have a screw inside of them. Turn
on the walkie talkie, and use a plastic tuning tool to turn the tuning screw.
Turn it clockwise to hear 49Mhz and above. Turn the screw counter clockwise
to hear frequencies below 49Mhz. At this point you may want to put the
walkie talkie back together, and drill holes in the back over the location
of the tuning screws. You have now turned your kiddie walkie talkie into an
official Talkie Box!

Construction Notes
- Some walkie talkies have glue over the tuning screws thus making it
difficult to access them. However, the glue is real simple to chip off
either with the tuning tool, or a nail file.

- In some models there maybe two tuning screws while others only have one.
In either case you should be able to adjust them to the frequencies 
that interest you.

- Unless you paid good money, the built in antenna is probably a piece of
shit. We recommend you remove it and replace it with something better
such as a car radio or scanner antenna.  

 The Talkie Box has two major purposes in life. Listening to stuff, and 
interfering with stuff. We believe the Talkie Box coverage to be continuous
between 40 and 50Mhz. You can now listen to anything on that band.
What is between 40 and 50Mhz? CORDLESS AND PORTABLE PHONES!
With the Talkie Box you can now hear your neighbor's phone calls loud, and
clear! You can even push the "talk" button and get involved with the
conversation yourself!! You could also use the stupid Morse code button
to fuck with their conversations. Here is an example....

Joe: So I said to my boss that I....
Mary: What the hell is that?
Joe: Mary? Mary? Are you there???? HELLO??????
Mary: -Click-
Joe: -Click-

Well, you get the picture...

 As you can clearly see the Talkie Box does have some useful attributes.
Also, you might want to try using the Talkie Box at night because radio
signals travel farther or something. Anyway, that about raps up this
file. Here is the frequency/channel data I promised you.....


Portable Phone Frequencies

Base            Handset         Base            Handset
43.72           48.76           46.61           49.67
43.74           48.84           46.63           49.845
43.82           48.86           46.67           49.86
43.84           48.92           46.71           49.77
43.92           49.02           46.73           49.875
43.96           49.08           46.77           49.83
44.12           49.10           46.83           49.89  
44.16           49.16           46.87           49.93     
44.18           49.20           46.93           49.99   
44.20           49.24           46.97           49.97
44.32           49.28
44.36           49.36
44.40           49.40
44.46           49.46
44.48           49.50

* NOTE: Some newer AT+T phones operate on frequencies around 45Mhz.
You may also be able to hear baby monitors and kiddie walkie talkies
around 49Mhz. 

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